Viro3D is a comprehensive, searchable and browsable database of viral protein structure predictions, containing over 85,000 structural models from more than 4,400 human and animal viruses. This is the API for interfacing with the data.
ncbi blast+
You'll need [email protected] or later, [email protected] or later and ncbi blast+ 2.12.0.
Create a python virtual environment in the project with the following command (optional)
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Run the following command to install all the project dependencies
pip install
Ensure you have a local mongodb install running with the following command (MacOS & Linux):
systemctl start mongod
Create the Viro3D database and its collections:
mongoimport --db viro3d --collection proteinstructures --file <PATH_TO>/protein_structures.json --jsonArray && mongoimport --db viro3d --collection genome_coordinates --file <PATH_TO>/genome_coordinates.json --jsonArray && mongoimport --db viro3d --collection clusters --file <PATH_TO>/clusters.json --jsonArray
Create the blastp database:
makeblastdb -in <PATH_TO_YOUR_FASTA_FILE>/viro3d_seq_db.fas -dbtype prot -out viro3d_blast_db
Enter to run the app in development mode:
fastapi dev app/
Enter to run the tests:
cd tests && pytest
You'll need [email protected]. (if you use an earlier version, ensure docker-compose is also installed seperately).
Ensure that the structural models (pdbs and mmCIF) and graph data are one step outside the project directory, e.g:
├── static
│ ├── graph_data
│ └── structural_models
├── viro3d-backend
│ ├── app
│ ├── database
│ ├── tests
│ └── venv
Run the command:
docker compose up
To stop the container, run:
docker compose down