Observable - User that provides availability information for Obervers users to subscribe to.
Observer - User that subscribes to the availability information provided by Observables users.
The Personal Availability Management System API service originated from the need for college students to easily know of a professor's availability. Nowadays, obtaining this information would require for a student to email/message the professor asking if she/he is available.
This interaction used to obtain a professor's availability, although being simple, it's repetitive and may require for the professor to have to share the same information multiple times in a single availability window.
The purpose of this service is to take advantage of today's client devices (computer or mobile devices) notification capabilities to automate the propagation of the availability information to subscribed Observers.
This Personal Availability Management System API service allows for an Observable user to configure multiple time windows of availability during a week.
Users interested in the Observable's availability can subscribe to her/him.
By using the service, the process to automate the provision of availability information is:
The Observable configures time windows of availability for a week, at a given location (for example, the college institution where the professor teaches);
A companion mobile client application, making use of mobile devices geolocation services, detects when the Observable enters the configured location, and if in an availability window, updates the Observable Available state in the service;
When receiving a request to make the Observable available, the service notifies all Observers subscribed to the Observable.
This project was implemented in the context of my bachelor's final project at ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.