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Latest commit

Christian Martinez
Jul 28, 2023
b7365fe · Jul 28, 2023


118 lines (87 loc) · 4.2 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (87 loc) · 4.2 KB

License: MIT alt text

Tech Blog

A full stack tech blog built with MVC architecture using node, tailwindcss, mysql2, sequelize, express-handlebars, express-session, connect-session-sequelize, and bcrypt

Table of Contents

User Story
Acceptance Criteria
Installation Instructions
Usage Instructions

User Story

  • AS A developer who writes about tech
  • I WANT a CMS-style blog site
  • SO THAT I can publish articles, blog posts, and my thoughts and opinions

Acceptance Criteria

  • GIVEN a CMS-style blog site
  • WHEN I visit the site for the first time
  • THEN I am presented with the homepage, which includes existing blog posts if any have been posted; navigation links for the homepage and the dashboard; and the option to log in
  • WHEN I click on the homepage option
  • THEN I am taken to the homepage
  • WHEN I click on any other links in the navigation
  • THEN I am prompted to either sign up or sign in
  • WHEN I choose to sign up
  • THEN I am prompted to create a username and password
  • WHEN I click on the sign-up button
  • THEN my user credentials are saved and I am logged into the site
  • WHEN I revisit the site at a later time and choose to sign in
  • THEN I am prompted to enter my username and password
  • WHEN I am signed in to the site
  • THEN I see navigation links for the homepage, the dashboard, and the option to log out
  • WHEN I click on the homepage option in the navigation
  • THEN I am taken to the homepage and presented with existing blog posts that include the post title and the date created
  • WHEN I click on an existing blog post
  • THEN I am presented with the post title, contents, post creator’s username, and date created for that post and have the option to leave a comment
  • WHEN I enter a comment and click on the submit button while signed in
  • THEN the comment is saved and the post is updated to display the comment, the comment creator’s username, and the date created
  • WHEN I click on the dashboard option in the navigation
  • THEN I am taken to the dashboard and presented with any blog posts I have already created and the option to add a new blog post
  • WHEN I click on the button to add a new blog post
  • THEN I am prompted to enter both a title and contents for my blog post
  • WHEN I click on the button to create a new blog post
  • THEN the title and contents of my post are saved and I am taken back to an updated dashboard with my new blog post
  • WHEN I click on one of my existing posts in the dashboard
  • THEN I am able to delete or update my post and taken back to an updated dashboard
  • WHEN I click on the logout option in the navigation
  • THEN I am signed out of the site
  • WHEN I am idle on the site for more than a set time
  • THEN I am able to view posts and comments but I am prompted to log in again before I can add, update, or delete posts


git clone


First, install all dependencies:

npm install

Next, create a .env file in the root directory and insert your db config:

DB_PASSWORD='Your Password'

Assuming you have mysql setup, run this command and enter your password:

mysql -u root -p

Then you need to initiate the db/schema:

source db/schema.sql

Exit the mysql cli and run the seed script:

npm run seed

Finally, you can run the application:

npm start

You can view the app locally at http://localhost:3001/

Or view the app live


This project is covered under the MIT license.


Contributing is welcomed! Please submit a pull request.


Feel free to email me with any questions or view my github profile to check out my other repos!