range_solution - using range function in Py2 and Py3 styles.
travel_solution - ask user for input on cites, countries visited and provide report. Interesting part is the formatting and counting of cities visited.
log_solution - log parsing solution using str splits and also looking at regex
log_filtering - log parsing solution using class and with filtering capabilties.
PRNE - coding examples from Cisco PRNE class
csv_solution - working with raw json data, convert into csv files.
nested_comprehensions - working with nested list and set comprehensions.
wedding_planner - using class and namedtuple. Complex project
directory_solution - parse directory and check file length, return success/fail dictionaries
multiziperator - solution to make different sized lists and zip / interate print out
tee_solution - write output to stdout and multiple files at the same time.
hashing - obtain MD5 of file in a directory
get_history - create class to keep values using property
checkpickle - using Pickle using a small address book
all_word_count - experiment using threads* (not complete)
threshold_equal - create a class with a forgiving equality comparison
magic_tuples - create an interator of tuples
formatted_cart - using print format templates
password_checker - take a password and check if it meets criteria. Uses nested functions
head_tail - using argparse to view head/tail of a file
itemgetter - revisit itemgetter, using sort, uses nested functions
once_per_minute - create a decorator when applied to a function would ensure that the function can be called no more than once per minute
str_range - create an iterator to go over a range of strings
percentage - looking into descriptors
serial_mix - use mixin classes for pickle, xml, json and csv
better_repr - create class with better repr output
abstract_payment - working with abstract base class
uniquish - checking to see if dicts/sets are hashable
tamperfind - walk a dir and create sha on all files with time stamp to see if they've been tampered with.
tampersave - continuation from tamperfind using classes. pre26.1.py example is most complete
tamperserve - basic flask part 1
tamperserve3 - client server of tampersave
betterrepr - using decorator to accept arguments in context of functions
mypy_payment - using mypy for type checking
tr - unix util style translation of strings
beautifulsoup - parse html and compare words to local word dictionary
zip_tar - working with tar files converted to zip
immutable_me - create class, define vars with init and make immutable when change attempted.
tcp-client-server : simple tcp socket program
socket-file: tcp socket program. Server reads functions in from disk at client requests
appointments-sql: using sqlite3 with python
appointment-holiday: using sqlite, identify holidays
video-file-state: using various libraries to provide file stats
mypypy - decorator that takes arguements.
meeting-rooms : program to add meeting rooms and check for dates.
loan-interest : loan interest program
enum-cards: using Enum with cards example