- App with two source files, no bundling, no TS.
- Make it run.
- Test how you debug it with VSCode (and we know it works in Chrome devtools).
- Add bundling. See that it still works, loads only one bundle.
- add babel parser here, probably, for traversal
- probably adds "wait for service worker" stuff.
- create filesystem abstraction, and then do less on-demand fetches from SW to files-daemon
- NEXT: write the fs calling code in file-daemon-client. Write the FileSystem interface. Then implement newer protocol in deno.
- add in-browser testing infrastructure and use filesystem abstraction to begin testing bundling
- Test how you debug it with VSCode and Chrome devtools.
- Convert app to TS. Make types work.
- adds type creation code
- this will need traversal that hopefully builds on the same code as step 4
- Aliasing / locking comes somewhere here in the priorities.