You need a GPG key. On mac, you can use
You need a Sona Type account
Set up your key
Once created, you may need to add it manually: ssh-add ~/.ssh/your_ssh_key
Make sure your project was cloned using: git clone [email protected]:jaxio/celerio.git
Make sure BootstrapMojo uses the right packs
Make sure JavaDoc is OK
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Make sure integration tests pass
mvn integration-test -Pit
Make sure all is committed
Then execute:
mvn -Dgpg.passphrase=* release:prepare release:perform
Go to and select staging repositories
Find the Jaxio's one (most likely at the end), select it and press the close button
Then press the release button.
Then check that it is present under:
Increment the version manually in
(would be nice if it was updated during release...)
That's all, your are done.