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Antony Male edited this page Mar 18, 2014 · 21 revisions

Quick Start

Want to get up and running as quickly as possible? This is the right place!

First, you'll need a root View and a ViewModel. The View has to be a Window, but there are no other restrictions.

<Window x:Class="Stylet.Samples.Hello.RootView"
        Height="300" Width="300">
    <TextBlock>Hello, World</TextBlock>

The ViewModel can be any old class (for now - you might want it to be a Screen or Conductor, discussed elsewhere).

class RootViewModel

Next, you'll need a bootstrapper. For now, you don't need anything special - just something to identify your root ViewModel.

class Bootstrapper : Bootstrapper<RootViewModel>

Finally, this needs to be referenced as a resource in your App.xaml. Add the following. You'll also need to remove the StartupUri attribute, like this:

<Application x:Class="Stylet.Samples.Hello.App"
                    <local:Bootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper"/>

That's it! Run that, and you should get a window with 'Hello World' in it.

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