(an important file in this early project stage - growing more and more everyday - trying to keep it updated.)
Listed from more important to less important - kind of:
remove @?link and see if is faster.
Validate JavaScript interface implementations: declare interfaces and implementations with jsdoc validate implementation signatures to implement the interfaces.
file framework/datastore.js: @class DataStore @interface @method get @param {String} id @returns {Model} file framework/datastore.js: @class DataStore @interface @method get @param {String} id @returns {Model} File client1.js: @class MySQLDataStore @implements DataStore @implements EventEmitter @method get @param {String} id @returns {SubModel}
@metadata Feature i want to represent a book with chapters containing sections using @alias - but also i want to configure the html app to say 'Chapter' instead 'Module' and 'Section' instead 'Class'. Solution: store this info in the ast, in a 'metadata' object the app will read from here. @metadata class.label Section @metadata module.label Chapter can be multi word cause is the annotation's text
be able to psas a literal jsdoc prefix at compilation time: jsdocmaker.make({prefix: '@metadata class.name Section @metadata module Book @alias annotation book module '})
support globs in nodejs API
inner classes (classes inside classes) motivation: allow richer languages definitions -like composite sections of an article
(performance) include the source only of files that contain annotations
issue : this wont work /* ... @method m @return rt@throws {A}*/ - ntp a big deal but nice to have
implement js syntax check per file instead of the whole file. if a file doesn't compile then don't include it and warn the user
support object literal without types, like this @param {el,name}
configurables primary annotations :
_(tool.primaryAnnotations).extend({ 'object': {doesntContain: ['property','event','method']} })
(we use doesntContain because by default, we want that any 'strange' annotation to be children of the previous primary annotation.)
all primary annotation rules (class, module,method, property) should be defined using this hooking api. so the jsdoc rules for this are defined in a readable json.
plugin that allow to declare generic new primary annotations support new custom primary annotations
IDEA: plugin for amd-commonjs dependency information - implementation 1) define a primary tag @dependency Class1 Class2,Class3 - meaning that Class 1 depends on Class21,Class3. 2) a esprima/
@return {{a:1,b:2}} - yes with 2 '{' like closure-compiler.
@property @type plugin - to support closure compiler syntax.
(performance - small) file by file change in shortjsdoc.js really make things slow, let pass a --single-file argument to do things in a single file (much more quick)
(feature - big) print java code, w links. define the Perspective concept - the current impl is a textual perspective and it is default. java shouold be another perspective. and also the treeview. Example url: /
app/UI : sources should be collapsed by defuault because it contaiminates visuals.
in some plugins like comment indentator we are ssumming files have unix end to line. we should pre process all commments first.
annotation names dont support mayus, i.e. @memberOf Apple wont work
issue app - @module @module.foo @module.bar - then , in the app module contains all the classes of @moule.foo and @module.bar - fix this in the ModuleView class
when navigating do scroll to top automatically
I as a user want to support custom name regex, for example I want to be able to write annotation names with characters like []
@param {Array|Array} is printing wrong - first is array of array of string
make a refactor tool - it will read source code folders and perform type refactor like renaming a type.
ISSUE: Literal objects can contain other types like generics, but not viceversa, for example generics cannot contain literal types because they will break the syntax: this is ok: @param {cars:Array} - but this is wrong: @param {Array<{name:String}>} - syntax is broken - this should work @param {#obj(name:String)>}
html app : show known subclases in the clasview
list properties in html app alphabetically or at least have that option.
detect overriden methods and add a link to the overriden in the text
IMPORTANT by default, delete the property theRestOfTheString that is dumping in the data.json to minimize its size
alias not working in generic types. i.e. this works: {a}, this works: {a|n} this also seems to work: {a} but this doesn't : {a<o<s,n>>}
remove parseyourowncode,spec runner,etc from html application since this is particular of shortjsdoc. put it on readme.md or other app
include events @properties in the typeahead search
browserify the html application js
support the node application to define module automatically using input folder structure.
define a syntax and support varargs - like {num1, ..., numN}
move src/shortjsdoc.js to src/node/shortjsdoc.js and let src/shortjsdoc only contains the main() call.
@extends won't work with repeated class names. allow to pass an absolute name or log a warning.
@reference an entity like class/module/property/method y absolute name using @reference annotatino in another part of the code. can have a child @reference .THen it will have a references property showing locations in the code where that is used. for example //@module m @class c @property p1 .... //@reference m.c.p1
//TODO: test if we can get correct source comment location relative to the @filename. all nodes should have it- we have the file name but we need information about string fragment of the file of the particular comment
IDEA: vendor-jsdoc - define package.json for each so we can do dependency - html requre xml.... ALSO mark those jsdoc from vendor as VENDOR in a AST node property
in the data.json, if empty text or theRestString are empty, don't dump it so file is shorter.
generic types params types are not binded, this is, for @property {Array}, property.params[1].type is undefined.
expand the module view to show the full module documentation - for example: http://lunrjs.com/docs/#lunr
There is no class / module composite support. Classes inside classes and submodules. There is no way of expressing 'module myapp contains module view that contains module home. Only artificially by naming convention, this is @module myapp @module myapp.view @module myapp.view.home
use zepto instead jquery in html app
more gneeral idea: be able to register type-parser plugins, for example @param {#obj(name:String,colors:Array)} a - so this is a custom type parser - the user must also provide a function that returns the type object, like return {name: 'Object', objectProperties: {name: {name:'String'}, colors: {name:Array,params: {...}}}}
generics typeparser doesn't accept type names with . or _ - he typeparser has the fault
support multiple inheritance.
configurable option boolean showSources
Some secondary features of jsdocmaker like installModifiers, NATIVE_TYPES, should be if(full plugins and be optional. i.e. don't do installModifiers){} in core code.
native types declaration: @declareNativeClass QuickSort http://foo.bar.org/external-api/QuickSort.html
if an extension loop occurs a maximun call stack size exceeded exception ocurrs. Detect this more friendly.
Log not found types.
search for class, modules, methods, methods that return or accept a type. subclasses of..., classes overriding a method... be able to find the classes that uses a certain class in a property or parameter or return type...
@alias method get_apples getApples that means that when a method named 'get_apples' is found in the jsdoc, the name will be replaced with 'getApples'.
Support annotation alias, example @alias annotation task class now you can use @task and it will be replaced to @module !
class hierarchy in classview
crazy idea - store native types pages : at build time capture native types html and attach into generated docs and change links that point to those.
if no modules are declared that's OK and the html app whoulld show all the classes instead modules.
in the part of currentView, module etc of parsing put another plugin/hook container so we can take some action to modify the nodes in that current{View,Module,etc} context
support two types of format for returns types, @return and @method {ReturnType} methodName
when navigating to class/ it will show the classes view. same for modules .index.html shoulod print those with links
TODO: let the user mark some comment block somehow to let the parser to ignore it.
From most important to less:
'hide partial text' doesn't work for events in the class view
issue: html app inherited props: only the super class inherited props are shown but not super-super class... also inherited classes should be grouped.
ISSUE: parser fail to parse more than two modifiers like these @final @static @myownmodifier - see issues spec.js
ISSUE: Resource not found page should have the header.
ISSUE: doing the following will fail parsing the param: /@method1 blabla @returns {T} blabla/ //@param {R} param1
ISSUE: names with $
issue seems to be failing wen text contains underscore template code: //@method renderTemplate renders underscore templates using a ShopperState context.
// Example: state.renderTemplate("hello <%= get('item').get('_price')%>")
issue, this text doesnt work: //@class A //Some text for class A
issue the following nodejs doesn't work:
var ShortJsDoc = require('./src/shortjsdoc.js'); ShortJsDoc.make({ input: ['./src/JsDocMaker.js'] , output: 'jsdoc2' }); ShortJsDoc.make({ input: ['./html'] , output: 'jsdochtml' });
things moved here after solving - instead erasing it.
support comments like /** and in those remove ** prefix
project metainformaton from package.json file
support the beauty /* * * * */ multiline block comments like eclipse's. Remove the first aster after a line.
support throw/throws
ISSUE: in the followin gorder doesn't work (return not shown) @throws {EquationError} @returns {Solution} - - tip is I add a text after {EquationError} some text then it worls. tip: in the other order it works - this is right (but not desired) because returns is a second level and throws is first level. try to put return as a first level and see if it works
module can now contain dots
lasses can now defined in different texts, even it text.
IDEA: in src/libs-jsdoc with folders like javascript/mozilla jQuery/ Backbone/. Thes folders contains .js files with short jsdoc OO for each library and they can be optionally imported when processing a project.
inherited fields should have the information from which class is inherited - this can be done easy using the name - done manually in the html app.
literal object syntax with types: @return {name: String, colors: Array}.
divide JsDocMaker in several files core, preprocessing, postprocessing, biding, etc.
@module foo bla bla bla @exports {ParserException:Error,parse:Function} bla bla bla
@link preprocessed comment that is replaced by html or mardown link at preprocessing - this was solved using text marks - like @?ref foo.Bar.method
(very ambitious) - make a nodejs api
issue - injection, the html class view has this bug Class TerranObject Extends Object{prototype: prototype} - types are printing wrong.
IMPORTANTE : @alias not working in ns app
make jsdoc for javascript objects liek with methods, etc and offer the possibility to use that information jsdocs instead links to the nativemozilla document like now. This gives the possibility to really see all js attributes inherited from js api. <---- this is done and going tasks to document some known apis like javascript, html/xml dom, jqueyr, backbone, etc
support types like {String|HTMLElement|jQuery}
inherited events and inherited attributes
escape @ in text
--- Dones will be continued in Changelist.md
#Project configuration
this is a MUST.
1)cmd line should accept porject configuration json object containing project's meta information. 2)user should be be able to put this config in a .shortjsdocrc file in any folder with a config for that folder's files. Try to follow package.json syntax. Example:
"name": "short-jsdoc"
, "version": "0.1.0"
, "description": "short and simple jsdoc Object Oriented syntax format and implementation"
, "author": "Sebastián Gurin"
, "showSources": true
A big question here is : should we use package.json for looking at project dependencies?
##self-documentable crazy idea
idea - new project - a self documentable - the idea is that you only put @annotation without types or text and extract the information from javascript nodes. For example the following code
//@method speak
var f = function(param, index) {...}
will generate the following AST tree:
{name:'ClassX',methods: [{name:speak,params:[{name:param},{name:index}]},..]}
@method,@constructor: function(){} - so we can extract basic param information from there. This may be of help to those who doesn't want to mantain api docs but only want to define a basic API that will link to the sources. the idea is that the parser look in the javascript ast for the next function declaration and extract parameter information from there
- associate javascript nodes with @annotations. for example @method and @constructor are FunctionDefinitions and
#weird ideas
- BIG IDEA: javascript source parsing and custom primary annotations: implementation steps 1) a plugin that let us register (PluginContainer) a visitor function that will be called traversing the ast using estraverse or similar. 2) a plugin that let us safely insert a new primary annotation in a file by appending it 3) concrete plugins that uses these two tools that will search for AMD or commonjs expressions and create @dependency class MyView Backbone.View Chart.Widget meaning that MyView depends on Backbone.View Chart.Widget. this is a primary annotation. it could also be @dependency module Backbone jQuery undrscore. The plugin could be runned only inthe frontend...