The Cameyo Virtual Channel backend uses Remote Desktop Services Virtual Channels as transport.
Cameyo Virtual Channel Server SDK provides a .NET Standard 2.0 class library for convenient work with virtual channels. It performs two main functions:
getting a list of available virtual channel names;
provides a client to communicate over a channel.
Sample usage is in the Sample.cs file.
Use MSBuild
command to build SDK:
MSBuild src/VirtualChannelSDK/VirtualChannelSDK.csproj -t:restore,build -p:RestorePackagesConfig=true -p:Configuration=Release -p:OutDir=../../dist
Use dotnet
command to build SDK:
dotnet build src/VirtualChannelSDK/VirtualChannelSDK.csproj -c Release -o ./dist
Feel free to send pull-requests! All code changes must be:
- approved by a project maintainer;
- pass code analysis (build without warnings and errors).