You can go to Elasticsearch's website and download the appropriate elastic search.
Specific instructions for your operating system
- Install Elasticsearch on Linux with Debian Package
- Installing Elasticsearch on Windows with
- Installing Elasticsearch on macOS with MacPorts
sudo port install elasticsearch
Elasticsearch can be run locally. By default it runs port 9200 of localhost (e.g. http://localhost:9200/).
Elasticsearch is setup up for systemd
. Beloew are common
commands for working with the elasticsearch service.
If you want manual restart just do daemon-reload
, then use the
usual systemctl
start and stop verbs with elasticsearch.service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
Checking to see if Elasticsearch is running.
sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
Starting Elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
Stopping Elasticsearch
sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch.service
To remove elasticsearch from auto start use the usually systemd disable.
sudo systemctl disable elasticsearch.service
MacPorts includes a version of Elasticsearch that will work with Observatory.
Installing Elasticsearch server and client.
sudo port install elasticsearch
You can manage your Elasticsearch service with the ports command.
If you are using MacPorts you can start elasticsearch with
sudo port load elasticsearch
and stop it with
sudo port unload elasticsearch
If you need to restart Elasticsearch you can use the reload option.
sudo port reload elasticsearch