Releases: caltechlibrary/irdmtools
fix, issue 71
This fixes the mapping of the official url, primary and related objects in rdm2eprint.
Full Changelog: v0.0.65...v0.0.66
fix: issue #69
This is a minor change to solve issue #69.
Full Changelog: v0.0.64...v0.0.65
rdmutil feature addition
This release is includes a new feature included in rdmutil cli. There is now an action called get_record_versions which will return an RDM record's versions as an array (oldest to newest). It is based on querying the rdm_records_metadata_version table and returns the rows json, created, updated and version_id columns.
Full Changelog: v0.0.63...v0.0.64
Merged preprint patch
Added stale id list action to rdmutil
If you've configured rdmutil to access RDM's PostgreSQL database it can produce a list of stale versions of publicly available records using the "get_all_stale_ids" action.
Refinement for rdmutil get_all_ids
Issues #96 from the feeds repository identified a problem where get_all_ids returned not just all published RDM records but all versions of all published rdm_records. I've added a restriction to check if the id included is the latest version of the record. The get_all_ids options in rdmutil is meant to return a list of the latest version of all published records' rdm ids.
Full Changelog: v0.0.60...v0.0.61
rdm2eprint crowswalks primary_object and related_objects
This release addresses issue #66 enabling rdm2eprint to crosswalk RDM's Record.Files.Entries and Record.Files.DefaultPeview elements to primary object and related objects in the EPrint structure.
Full Changelog: v0.0.59...v0.0.60
fixes issue #67
RDM DOI from PIDS are now mapped correctly to EP3 struct.
Full Changelog: v0.0.58...v0.0.59
fix: issue #65 resource mapping
This release is primarily to include an updated resource mapping identified in issue #65. There are some other minor things that have been fixed with the feeds demo development.
improved ep3util harvesting
This release includes some bug fixed but primarily focuses on improvements to ep3util which can now harvest EPrints directly from the MySQL database for the repository if the environment variables of EPRINT_DB_HOST, EPRINT_DB_USER and EPRINT_DB_PASSWORD are set.
The feeds demo folder has been renamed feeds-demo (for clarity). The included Bash script make_dataset.bash
now can run specific updates by dataset collection. Also successfully updates the thesis example collection.
Full Changelog: v0.0.55...v0.0.56