These examples show how to use VortexLattice for various geometries, flow conditions, and analyses. Many of these examples also provide a verification for the implementation of the vortex lattice method in this package.
Steady State Analysis of a Wing
This example shows how to calculate aerodynamic coefficients and stability derivatives for a symmetric planar wing.
using VortexLattice
+# geometry (right half of the wing)
+xle = [0.0, 0.4]
+yle = [0.0, 7.5]
+zle = [0.0, 0.0]
+chord = [2.2, 1.8]
+theta = [2.0*pi/180, 2.0*pi/180]
+phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+# discretization parameters
+ns = 12
+nc = 6
+spacing_s = Uniform()
+spacing_c = Uniform()
+# reference parameters
+Sref = 30.0
+cref = 2.0
+bref = 15.0
+rref = [0.50, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+# freestream parameters
+alpha = 1.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+# construct surface
+grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ fc = fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+# create vector containing all surfaces
+surfaces = [surface]
+# we can use symmetry since the geometry and flow conditions are symmetric about the X-Z axis
+symmetric = true
+# perform steady state analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+# retrieve near-field forces
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# perform far-field analysis
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
The aerodynamic coefficients predicted by VortexLattice are nearly identical to those predicted by AVL.
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.24437 | 0.24454 | -1.7e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.00247 | 0.00247 | -3.4e-06 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.00248 | 0.00248 | -3.9e-06 |
$C_M$ | -0.02085 | -0.02091 | 6.3e-05 |
We can also generate files to visualize the results in Paraview using the function write_vtk
properties = get_surface_properties(system)
+write_vtk("symmetric-planar-wing", surfaces, properties; symmetric)
For asymmetric flow conditions and/or to obtain accurate asymmetric stability derivatives we can use the keyword argument mirror
when constructing the geometry to reflect the geometry across the X-Z plane prior to the analysis. We also set the symmetric
flag to false
since we are no longer using symmetry in the analysis.
# construct geometry with mirror image
+grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c, mirror=true)
+# symmetry is not used in the analysis
+symmetric = false
+# create vector containing all surfaces
+surfaces = [surface]
+# perform steady state analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+# retrieve near-field forces
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# perform far-field analysis
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
Once again, the aerodynamic coefficients predicted by VortexLattice are nearly identical to those predicted by AVL.
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.24437 | 0.24454 | -1.7e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.00247 | 0.00247 | -3.4e-06 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.00248 | 0.00248 | -3.9e-06 |
$C_M$ | -0.02085 | -0.02091 | 6.3e-05 |
The stability derivatives are also very close to those predicted by AVL.
dCF, dCM = stability_derivatives(system)
+CDa, CYa, CLa = dCF.alpha
+Cla, Cma, Cna = dCM.alpha
+CDb, CYb, CLb = dCF.beta
+Clb, Cmb, Cnb = dCM.beta
+CDp, CYp, CLp = dCF.p
+Clp, Cmp, Cnp = dCM.p
+CDq, CYq, CLq = dCF.q
+Clq, Cmq, Cnq = dCM.q
+CDr, CYr, CLr = dCF.r
+Clr, Cmr, Cnr = dCM.r
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_{La}$ | 4.65884 | 4.66321 | -4.4e-03 |
$C_{Lb}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 9.5e-18 |
$C_{Ya}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 1.3e-17 |
$C_{Yb}$ | -0.00002 | -0.00000 | -1.4e-05 |
$C_{la}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -2.4e-16 |
$C_{lb}$ | -0.02648 | -0.02543 | -1.0e-03 |
$C_{ma}$ | -0.39567 | -0.39776 | 2.1e-03 |
$C_{mb}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -4.3e-18 |
$C_{na}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -1.2e-17 |
$C_{nb}$ | 0.00125 | 0.00045 | 8.0e-04 |
$C_{Lp}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 2.2e-17 |
$C_{Lq}$ | 5.65083 | 5.64941 | 1.4e-03 |
$C_{Lr}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 2.3e-17 |
$C_{Yp}$ | 0.04569 | 0.04906 | -3.4e-03 |
$C_{Yq}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 6.1e-18 |
$C_{Yr}$ | -0.00219 | -0.00083 | -1.4e-03 |
$C_{lp}$ | -0.52393 | -0.52475 | 8.2e-04 |
$C_{lq}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -6.7e-17 |
$C_{lr}$ | 0.06460 | 0.06446 | 1.5e-04 |
$C_{mp}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -3.7e-17 |
$C_{mq}$ | -1.24779 | -1.27021 | 2.2e-02 |
$C_{mr}$ | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 1.3e-17 |
$C_{np}$ | -0.01918 | -0.01918 | -3.3e-06 |
$C_{nq}$ | -0.00000 | 0.00000 | -7.1e-18 |
$C_{nr}$ | -0.00094 | -0.00093 | -5.2e-06 |
Visualizing the geometry now shows the circulation distribution across the entire wing.
properties = get_surface_properties(system)
+write_vtk("mirrored-planar-wing", surfaces, properties; symmetric)
Steady State Analysis of a Wing with Dihedral
This example shows how to calculate aerodynamic coefficients and stability derivatives for a simple wing with dihedral.
using VortexLattice
+xle = [0.0, 0.4]
+yle = [0.0, 7.5]
+zle = [0.0, 3.0]
+chord = [2.2, 1.8]
+theta = [2.0*pi/180, 2.0*pi/180]
+phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) #camberline function for each section
+ns = 12
+nc = 6
+spacing_s = Uniform()
+spacing_c = Uniform()
+mirror = false
+symmetric = true
+Sref = 30.0
+cref = 2.0
+bref = 15.0
+rref = [0.50, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+alpha = 1.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+# declare symmetry
+symmetric = true
+# construct surface
+grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ fc = fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+# create vector containing all surfaces
+surfaces = [surface]
+# perform steady state analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+# retrieve near-field forces
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# perform far-field analysis
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
The results predicted by VortexLattice are close to those predicted by AVL, with the difference primarily explained by the manner in which the normal vector is defined in VortexLattice and AVL, respectively.
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.23592 | 0.24808 | -1.2e-02 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.00226 | 0.00248 | -2.2e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.00223 | 0.00247 | -2.4e-04 |
$C_M$ | -0.02155 | -0.02250 | 9.5e-04 |
If we set the normal vectors in VortexLattice equal to those used in AVL, the results are even closer, though not necessarily more accurate.
using LinearAlgebra
+# function to construct a normal vector the way AVL does
+# - `ds` is a line representing the leading edge
+# - `theta` is the incidence angle, taken as a rotation (+ by RH rule) about
+# the surface's spanwise axis projected onto the Y-Z plane.
+function avl_normal_vector(ds, theta)
+ st, ct = sincos(theta)
+ # bound vortex vector
+ bhat = ds/norm(ds)
+ # chordwise strip normal vector
+ shat = [0, -ds[3], ds[2]]/sqrt(ds[2]^2+ds[3]^2)
+ # camberline vector
+ chat = [ct, -st*shat[2], -st*shat[3]]
+ # normal vector perpindicular to camberline and bound vortex for entire chordwise strip
+ ncp = cross(chat, ds)
+ return ncp / norm(ncp) # normal vector used by AVL
+# new normal vector
+ncp = avl_normal_vector([xle[2]-xle[1], yle[2]-yle[1], zle[2]-zle[1]], 2.0*pi/180)
+# overwrite normal vector for each panel
+for i = 1:length(surface)
+ surface[i] = set_normal(surface[i], ncp)
+# create vector containing all surfaces
+surfaces = [surface]
+# perform steady state analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+# retrieve near-field forces
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# perform far-field analysis
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.24820 | 0.24808 | 1.2e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.00250 | 0.00248 | 1.6e-05 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.00247 | 0.00247 | 2.3e-06 |
$C_M$ | -0.02258 | -0.02250 | -7.8e-05 |
properties = get_surface_properties(system)
+write_vtk("wing-with-dihedral", surfaces, properties; symmetric)
Steady State Analysis of a Wing and Tail
This example shows how to calculate aerodynamic coefficients and stability derivatives for multiple lifting surfaces.
using VortexLattice
+# wing
+xle = [0.0, 0.2]
+yle = [0.0, 5.0]
+zle = [0.0, 1.0]
+chord = [1.0, 0.6]
+theta = [2.0*pi/180, 2.0*pi/180]
+phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ns = 12
+nc = 6
+spacing_s = Uniform()
+spacing_c = Uniform()
+mirror = false
+# horizontal stabilizer
+xle_h = [0.0, 0.14]
+yle_h = [0.0, 1.25]
+zle_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+chord_h = [0.7, 0.42]
+theta_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+phi_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc_h = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) #camberline function for each section
+ns_h = 6
+nc_h = 3
+spacing_s_h = Uniform()
+spacing_c_h = Uniform()
+mirror_h = false
+# vertical stabilizer
+xle_v = [0.0, 0.14]
+yle_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+zle_v = [0.0, 1.0]
+chord_v = [0.7, 0.42]
+theta_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+phi_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc_v = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) #camberline function for each section
+ns_v = 5
+nc_v = 3
+spacing_s_v = Uniform()
+spacing_c_v = Uniform()
+mirror_v = false
+Sref = 9.0
+cref = 0.9
+bref = 10.0
+rref = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+alpha = 5.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+symmetric = [true, true, false]
+# generate surface panels for wing
+wgrid, wing = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc = fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+# generate surface panels for horizontal tail
+hgrid, htail = wing_to_surface_panels(xle_h, yle_h, zle_h, chord_h, theta_h, phi_h, ns_h, nc_h;
+ mirror=mirror_h, fc=fc_h, spacing_s=spacing_s_h, spacing_c=spacing_c_h)
+translate!(hgrid, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+translate!(htail, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+# generate surface panels for vertical tail
+vgrid, vtail = wing_to_surface_panels(xle_v, yle_v, zle_v, chord_v, theta_v, phi_v, ns_v, nc_v;
+ mirror=mirror_v, fc=fc_v, spacing_s=spacing_s_v, spacing_c=spacing_c_v)
+translate!(vgrid, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+translate!(vtail, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+grids = [wgrid, hgrid, vgrid]
+surfaces = [wing, htail, vtail]
+surface_id = [1, 2, 3]
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric, surface_id=surface_id)
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
The results predicted by VortexLattice are close to those predicted by AVL (with the finite core model disabled in AVL), with the difference primarily explained by the manner in which the normal vector is defined in VortexLattice and AVL, respectively.
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.60113 | 0.60478 | -3.7e-03 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.01052 | 0.01060 | -8.4e-05 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.01026 | 0.01043 | -1.7e-04 |
$C_M$ | -0.02691 | -0.02700 | 9.1e-05 |
If we set the normal vectors in VortexLattice equal to those used in AVL, the results are closer, though not necessarily more accurate.
using LinearAlgebra
+# function to construct a normal vector the way AVL does
+# - `ds` is a line representing the leading edge
+# - `theta` is the incidence angle, taken as a rotation (+ by RH rule) about
+# the surface's spanwise axis projected onto the Y-Z plane.
+function avl_normal_vector(ds, theta)
+ st, ct = sincos(theta)
+ # bound vortex vector
+ bhat = ds/norm(ds)
+ # chordwise strip normal vector
+ shat = [0, -ds[3], ds[2]]/sqrt(ds[2]^2+ds[3]^2)
+ # camberline vector
+ chat = [ct, -st*shat[2], -st*shat[3]]
+ # normal vector perpindicular to camberline and bound vortex for entire chordwise strip
+ ncp = cross(chat, ds)
+ return ncp / norm(ncp) # normal vector used by AVL
+# new normal vector for the wing
+ncp = avl_normal_vector([xle[2]-xle[1], yle[2]-yle[1], zle[2]-zle[1]], 2.0*pi/180)
+# overwrite normal vector for each wing panel
+for i = 1:length(wing)
+ wing[i] = set_normal(wing[i], ncp)
+surfaces[1] = wing
+# perform steady state analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+# retrieve near-field forces
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# perform far-field analysis
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.60424 | 0.60478 | -5.4e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.01062 | 0.01060 | 1.8e-05 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.01036 | 0.01043 | -7.0e-05 |
$C_M$ | -0.02575 | -0.02700 | 1.3e-03 |
To achieve a theoretically identical setup as AVL we can place all our panels in the X-Y plane and then set the normal vector manually to match the actual lifting geometry. In our case this involves removing the small amount of twist on the wing when creating the wing surface panels.
using VortexLattice
+# wing
+xle = [0.0, 0.2]
+yle = [0.0, 5.0]
+zle = [0.0, 1.0]
+chord = [1.0, 0.6]
+theta = [0.0, 0.0]
+phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ns = 12
+nc = 6
+spacing_s = Uniform()
+spacing_c = Uniform()
+mirror = false
+# horizontal stabilizer
+xle_h = [0.0, 0.14]
+yle_h = [0.0, 1.25]
+zle_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+chord_h = [0.7, 0.42]
+theta_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+phi_h = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc_h = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ns_h = 6
+nc_h = 3
+spacing_s_h = Uniform()
+spacing_c_h = Uniform()
+mirror_h = false
+# vertical stabilizer
+xle_v = [0.0, 0.14]
+yle_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+zle_v = [0.0, 1.0]
+chord_v = [0.7, 0.42]
+theta_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+phi_v = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc_v = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ns_v = 5
+nc_v = 3
+spacing_s_v = Uniform()
+spacing_c_v = Uniform()
+mirror_v = false
+Sref = 9.0
+cref = 0.9
+bref = 10.0
+rref = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+alpha = 5.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+symmetric = [true, true, false]
+# generate surface panels for wing
+wgrid, wing = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+# generate surface panels for horizontal tail
+hgrid, htail = wing_to_surface_panels(xle_h, yle_h, zle_h, chord_h, theta_h, phi_h, ns_h, nc_h;
+ mirror=mirror_h, fc=fc_h, spacing_s=spacing_s_h, spacing_c=spacing_c_h)
+translate!(hgrid, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+translate!(htail, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+# generate surface panels for vertical tail
+vgrid, vtail = wing_to_surface_panels(xle_v, yle_v, zle_v, chord_v, theta_v, phi_v, ns_v, nc_v;
+ mirror=mirror_v, fc=fc_v, spacing_s=spacing_s_v, spacing_c=spacing_c_v)
+translate!(vgrid, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+translate!(vtail, [4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
+# now set normal vectors manually
+ncp = avl_normal_vector([xle[2]-xle[1], yle[2]-yle[1], zle[2]-zle[1]], 2.0*pi/180)
+# overwrite normal vector for each wing panel
+for i = 1:length(wing)
+ wing[i] = set_normal(wing[i], ncp)
+grids = [wgrid, hgrid, vgrid]
+surfaces = [wing, htail, vtail]
+surface_id = [1, 2, 3]
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric, surface_id=surface_id)
+CF, CM = body_forces(system; frame=Stability())
+CDiff = far_field_drag(system)
+CD, CY, CL = CF
+Cl, Cm, Cn = CM
The resulting aerodynamic coefficients now match very closely with AVL.
Coefficient | VortexLattice | AVL | Difference |
$C_L$ | 0.60466 | 0.60478 | -1.2e-04 |
$C_{Di}$ (nearfield) | 0.01060 | 0.01060 | -7.2e-07 |
$C_{Di}$ (farfield) | 0.01037 | 0.01043 | -6.2e-05 |
$C_M$ | -0.02702 | -0.02700 | -1.7e-05 |
By comparing these results with previous results we can see exactly how much restricting surface panels in the X-Y plane changes the results from the vortex lattice method.
properties = get_surface_properties(system)
+write_vtk("wing-tail", surfaces, properties; symmetric)
Sudden Acceleration of a Rectangular Wing into a Constant-Speed Forward Flight
This example shows how to predict the transient forces and moments on a rectangular wing when suddenly accelerated into forward flight at a five degree angle.
# Katz and Plotkin: Figures 13.34 and 13.35
+# AR = [4, 8, 12, 20, ∞]
+# Vinf*Δt/c = 1/16
+# α = 5°
+using VortexLattice
+AR = [4, 8, 12, 20, 1e3] # last aspect ratio is essentially infinite
+system = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+surface_history = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+property_history = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+wake_history = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+CF = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(AR))
+CM = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(AR))
+# non-dimensional time (t*Vinf/c)
+t = range(0.0, 10.0, step=1/16)
+# chord length
+c = 1
+# time step
+dt = [t[i+1]-t[i] for i = 1:length(t)-1]
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ # span length
+ b = AR[i]*c
+ # planform area
+ S = b*c
+ # geometry
+ xle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ yle = [-b/2, b/2]
+ zle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ chord = [c, c]
+ theta = [0.0, 0.0]
+ phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+ fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ ns = 13
+ nc = 4
+ spacing_s = Uniform()
+ spacing_c = Uniform()
+ mirror = false
+ symmetric = false
+ # reference parameters
+ cref = c
+ bref = b
+ Sref = S
+ rref = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ Vinf = 1.0
+ ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+ # freestream parameters
+ alpha = 5.0*pi/180
+ beta = 0.0
+ Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+ fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+ # create vortex rings
+ grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+ # create vector containing surfaces
+ surfaces = [surface]
+ # run analysis
+ system[i], surface_history[i], property_history[i], wake_history[i] =
+ unsteady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs, dt; symmetric, wake_finite_core = false)
+ # extract forces at each time step
+ CF[i], CM[i] = body_forces_history(system[i], surface_history[i],
+ property_history[i]; frame=Wind())
We can visualize the solution using the write_vtk
write_vtk("acceleration-AR4", surface_history[1], property_history[1],
+ wake_history[1], dt; symmetric=false)
The transient lift and drag coefficients are similar to those shown in Figures 13.34 and 13.35 of Low-Speed Aerodynamics by Katz and Plotkin.
using Plots
+# lift coefficient plot
+ xlim = (0.0, 10.0),
+ xticks = 0.0:1.0:10.0,
+ xlabel = "\$ \\frac{U_\\infty t}{c} \$",
+ ylim = (0.0, 0.55),
+ yticks = 0.0:0.1:0.5,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{L} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ overwrite_figure=false
+ )
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ CL = [CF[i][j][3] for j = 1:length(CF[i])]
+ plot!(t[2:end], CL, label="AR = $(AR[i])")
# drag coefficient plot
+ xlim = (0.0, 10.0),
+ xticks = 0.0:1.0:10.0,
+ xlabel = "\$ \\frac{U_\\infty t}{c} \$",
+ ylim = (0.0, 0.030),
+ yticks = 0.0:0.005:0.03,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{D} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ overwrite_figure=false
+ )
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ CD = [CF[i][j][1] for j = 1:length(CF[i])]
+ plot!(t[2:end], CD, label="AR = $(AR[i])")
We modeled the problem in the body-fixed reference frame (which for this problem is more straightforward), but we could have also modeled the problem in the global reference frame.
# Katz and Plotkin: Figures 13.34 and 13.35
+# AR = [4, 8, 12, 20, ∞]
+# Vinf*Δt/c = 1/16
+# α = 5°
+using VortexLattice
+AR = [4, 8, 12, 20, 1e3] # last aspect ratio is essentially infinite
+system_t = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+surface_history_t = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+property_history_t = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+wake_history_t = Vector{Any}(undef, length(AR))
+CF_t = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(AR))
+CM_t = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(AR))
+# non-dimensional time (t*Vinf/c)
+t = range(0.0, 10.0, step=1/16)
+# chord length
+c = 1
+# time step
+dt = [t[i+1]-t[i] for i = 1:length(t)-1]
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ # span length
+ b = AR[i]*c
+ # planform area
+ S = b*c
+ # geometry
+ xle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ yle = [-b/2, b/2]
+ zle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ chord = [c, c]
+ theta = [0.0, 0.0]
+ phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+ fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ ns = 13
+ nc = 4
+ spacing_s = Uniform()
+ spacing_c = Uniform()
+ mirror = false
+ symmetric = false
+ # reference parameters
+ cref = c
+ bref = b
+ Sref = S
+ rref = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ Vinf = 1.0 # reference velocity is 1.0
+ ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+ # freestream parameters
+ Vinf = 0.0 # freestream velocity is 0.0
+ alpha = 5.0*pi/180
+ beta = 0.0
+ Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+ fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+ # create vortex rings
+ grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+ # create vector containing surfaces at each time step
+ surfaces = [[VortexLattice.translate(surface,
+ -t[it]*[cos(alpha), 0, sin(alpha)])] for it = 1:length(t)]
+ # run analysis
+ system_t[i], surface_history_t[i], property_history_t[i], wake_history_t[i] =
+ unsteady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs, dt; symmetric, wake_finite_core = false)
+ # extract forces at each time step
+ CF_t[i], CM_t[i] = body_forces_history(system_t[i], surface_history_t[i],
+ property_history_t[i]; frame=Wind())
As can be seen, the transient lift and drag coefficients for the two setups are identical.
using Plots
+# lift coefficient plot
+ xlim = (0.0, 10.0),
+ xticks = 0.0:1.0:10.0,
+ xlabel = "\$ \\frac{U_\\infty t}{c} \$",
+ ylim = (0.0, 0.55),
+ yticks = 0.0:0.1:0.5,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{L} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ overwrite_figure=false
+ )
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ CL = [CF_t[i][j][3] for j = 1:length(CF_t[i])]
+ plot!(t[2:end], CL, label="AR = $(AR[i])")
# drag coefficient plot
+ xlim = (0.0, 10.0),
+ xticks = 0.0:1.0:10.0,
+ xlabel = "\$ \\frac{U_\\infty t}{c} \$",
+ ylim = (0.0, 0.030),
+ yticks = 0.0:0.005:0.03,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{D} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ overwrite_figure=false
+ )
+for i = 1:length(AR)
+ CD = [CF_t[i][j][1] for j = 1:length(CF_t[i])]
+ plot!(t[2:end], CD, label="AR = $(AR[i])")
Visualizing the solution shows the movement of the body in the global reference frame.
write_vtk("acceleration-AR4-moving", surface_history_t[1], property_history_t[1],
+ wake_history_t[1], dt; symmetric=false)
For infinite aspect ratios, the problem degenerates into the analysis of the sudden acceleration of a 2D flat plate, for which we have an analytical solution through the work of Herbert Wagner.
# See Katz and Plotkin: Figure 13.37
+# AR = ∞
+# Vinf*Δt/c = 1/16
+# α = 5°
+# essentially infinite aspect ratio
+AR = 1e3
+# chord length
+c = 1
+# span length
+b = AR*c
+# planform area
+S = b*c
+# geometry
+xle = [0.0, 0.0]
+yle = [-b/2, b/2]
+zle = [0.0, 0.0]
+chord = [c, c]
+theta = [0.0, 0.0]*pi/180
+phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ns = 1
+nc = 4
+spacing_s = Uniform()
+spacing_c = Uniform()
+mirror = false
+symmetric = false
+# reference parameters
+cref = c
+bref = b
+Sref = S
+rref = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+# freestream parameters
+alpha = 5.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+# non-dimensional time (t*Vinf/c)
+t = range(0.0, 7.0, step=1/8)
+# time step
+dt = [(t[i+1]-t[i]) for i = 1:length(t)-1]
+# create vortex rings
+grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+# create vector containing all surfaces
+surfaces = [surface]
+# run steady analysis
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric)
+# extract steady forces
+CFs, CMs = body_forces(system; frame=Wind())
+# run transient analysis
+system, surface_history, property_history, wake_history = unsteady_analysis(
+ surfaces, ref, fs, dt; symmetric=symmetric)
+# extract transient forces
+CF, CM = body_forces_history(system, surface_history, property_history; frame=Wind())
The results from VortexLattice compare very well with the analytical solution provided by Wagner. As discussed in Low Speed Aerodynamics by Katz and Plotkin, the difference between the curves can be attributed to the finite acceleration rate during the first time step, which increases the lift sharply during the acceleration and then increases it moderately later.
# lift coefficient plot
+ xlim = (0.0, 7.0),
+ xticks = 0.0:1.0:7.0,
+ xlabel = "\$ \\frac{U_\\infty t}{c} \$",
+ ylim = (0.0, 1.0),
+ yticks = 0.0:0.1:1.0,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{L} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ overwrite_figure=false
+ )
+# Computational Results
+CL = getindex.(CF, 3)
+CLs = getindex(CFs, 3)
+plot!(t[2:end], CL./CLs, label="VortexLattice")
+# Wagner's Function (using approximation of R. T. Jones)
+Φ(t) = 1 - 0.165*exp(-0.045*t) - 0.335*exp(-0.3*t)
+plot!(t, Φ.(2*t), label = "Wagner's Function")
Heaving Oscillations of a Rectangular Wing
This example shows how to predict the transient forces and moments for a heaving rectangular wing.
# Katz and Plotkin: Figures 13.38a
+# AR = 4
+# k = ω*c/(2*Vinf) = [0.5, 0.3, 0.1]
+# c = [1.0, 0.6, 0.2]
+# α = -5°
+using VortexLattice
+# forward velocity
+Vinf = 1
+# angle of attack
+alpha = -5*pi/180
+# aspect ratio
+AR = 4
+# chord lengths
+c = [1.0, 0.6, 0.2]
+# reduced frequency
+k = [0.5, 0.3, 0.1]
+t = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, length(k))
+CF = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(k))
+CM = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(k))
+for i = 1:length(k)
+ # span length
+ b = AR*c[i]
+ # geometry
+ xle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ yle = [0.0, b/2]
+ zle = [0.0, 0.0]
+ chord = [c[i], c[i]]
+ theta = [0.0, 0.0]
+ phi = [0.0, 0.0]
+ fc = fill((xc) -> 0, 2) # camberline function for each section
+ ns = 13
+ nc = 4
+ spacing_s = Uniform()
+ spacing_c = Uniform()
+ mirror = false
+ symmetric = true
+ # reference parameters
+ cref = c[i]
+ bref = b
+ Sref = b*c[i]
+ rref = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+ # angular frequency
+ ω = 2*Vinf*k[i]/c[i]
+ # time
+ t[i] = range(0.0, 9*pi/ω, length = 100)
+ dt = t[i][2:end] - t[i][1:end-1]
+ dt = Vinf*dt
+ # heaving amplitude
+ h = 0.1*c[i]
+ # use forward and vertical velocity at beginning of each time step
+ Xdot = Vinf*cos(alpha)
+ Zdot = Vinf*sin(alpha) .- h*cos.(ω*t[i][1:end-1])
+ # freestream parameters for each time step
+ fs = trajectory_to_freestream(dt; Xdot, Zdot)
+ # surface panels
+ grid, surface = wing_to_surface_panels(xle, yle, zle, chord, theta, phi, ns, nc;
+ mirror=mirror, fc=fc, spacing_s=spacing_s, spacing_c=spacing_c)
+ # create vector containing all surfaces
+ surfaces = [surface]
+ # run analysis
+ system, surface_history, property_history, wake_history = unsteady_analysis(
+ surfaces, ref, fs, dt; symmetric=symmetric, nwake = 50)
+ # extract forces at each time step (uses instantaneous velocity as reference)
+ CF[i], CM[i] = body_forces_history(system, surface_history, property_history; frame=Wind())
Plotting the results reveals that the results are similar to the results in Figure 13.34 of Low-Speed Aerodynamic by Katz and Plotkin, which verifies the unsteady vortex lattice method implementation in VortexLattice.
using Plots
+# lift coefficient plot
+ xlim = (6*pi, 8*pi),
+ xticks = ([6*pi, 13*pi/2, 7*pi, 15*pi/2, 8*pi], ["\$ 0 \$",
+ "\$ \\frac{\\pi}{2} \$", "\$ \\pi \$", "\$ \\frac{3\\pi}{2} \$",
+ "\$ 2\\pi \$"]),
+ xlabel = "\$ ω \\cdot t \$",
+ ylim = (-1.0, 0.1),
+ yticks = -1.0:0.2:0.0,
+ yflip = true,
+ ylabel = "\$ C_{L} \$",
+ grid = false,
+ )
+for i = 1:length(k)
+ # extract ω
+ ω = 2*Vinf*k[i]/c[i]
+ # extract ω*t (use time at the beginning of the time step)
+ ωt = ω*t[i][1:end-1]
+ # extract CL
+ CL = [CF[i][it][3] for it = 1:length(t[i])-1]
+ plot!(ωt, CL, label="\$ k = \\frac{\\omega c}{2 U_\\infty} = $(k[i]) \$")
Visualizing the k=0.5
case in ParaView yields the following animation.
OpenVSP Geometry Import
This example shows how to import a wing geometry created using OpenVSP into VortexLattice for analysis. We'll make use of the default swept wing inside OpenVSP with a few minor changes.
Start up OpenVSP and create the default wing. Change the airfoil to NACA 2412 sections so that our wing has a camber to it. VortexLattice will make use of the cambersurface computed by OpenVSP when simulating it. The number of spanwise panels was increased to 20 per semispan in this example.
Once the geometry has been created, write out a DegenGeom file by selecting DegenGeom
in the Analysis
tab in OpenVSP. We only require a DegenGeom file in the csv format. The example DegenGeom file named samplewing.csv
provided in docs/src
was created in this manner.
The DegenGeom file can be imported into VortexLattice by using the functions read_degengeom
and import_vsp
. The read_degengeom
function reads the DegenGeom file into an array of components suitable for use inside Julia. The import_vsp
function imports required components from the array as specified by the user.
In the following example code, a steady state analysis is performed on the sample wing imported from OpenVSP and results are visualized in Paraview.
using VortexLattice
+Sref = 45.0
+cref = 2.5
+bref = 18.0
+rref = [0.625, 0.0, 0.0]
+Vinf = 1.0
+ref = Reference(Sref, cref, bref, rref, Vinf)
+alpha = 1.0*pi/180
+beta = 0.0
+Omega = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
+fs = Freestream(Vinf, alpha, beta, Omega)
+# Import components inside Degengeom file into Julia
+comp = read_degengeom("samplewing.csv")
+# Use the first (and only) imported component to create the lifting surface
+grid, surface = import_vsp(comp[1]; mirror=true)
+symmetric = false
+surfaces = [surface]
+system = steady_analysis(surfaces, ref, fs; symmetric=symmetric)
+properties = get_surface_properties(system)
+write_vtk("samplewing", surfaces, properties; symmetric)