Hi All,
Call for Trainings is open. We are seeking Trainings on some of the below topics:
- DevSecops
- Advance Web Hacking, topics like SSRF, XXE, Deserialization issues
- Docker/kubernetes security
- Exploit writing
- Threat hunting
- RFID Hacking
- Machine learning
- Cryptography
- Reverse engineering
- Hardware hacking
Please do feel free to send CFT if you have other topics in mind.
You can reach us at: [email protected] or check out our website at: http://www.owaspseasides.com for any questions.
{% embed url="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18RqwA-XLk7qWPaCsW0VTKz53Mvk4V76o9N48q4uds2k/edit?ts=5dbe6397" %}