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Mini DataFrame

Mini-dataframe is a toy dataframe library I created for learning purposes. It is built in Rust and uses the Arrow Columnar Format as the backend. The architecture and API of the library is inspired by Polars. I reused a lot of algorithms from Polars.

Before starting my project, I wrote a blog to deep dive into the algorithms and techniques that Polars uses.

Techniques explored in my toy dataframe library:

  • Lazy execution
  • Parallel Hash Join
  • Parallel Hash Group By
  • Predicate pushdown


Abstraction 1 - ChunkedArray

I talk about ChunkedArray more deeply here.

ChunkedArray is the primitive array type in Polars. Each column in a DataFrame (a table) is basically a ChunkedArray. You can think of a ChunkedArray<T> to be semantically equivalent to Vec<Option<T>>.

Operations supported on ChunkedArray:

  • filter: (&self, mask: &BooleanChunked) → ChunkedArray<T>
    • given a mask boolean chunked of the same length, filter the chunked array, only keeping elements with a corresponding true in the mask
  • sort: (&self, descending: bool) → ChunkedArray<T>
    • sorts the ChunkedArray
  • max: (&self) → T
    • returns the max element in the ChunkedArray
  • equal: (&self, other: ChunkedArray<T>) → bool
    • returns true if two ChunkedArray have the same value
  • get_value: (&self, index: usize) → Option<AnyValue>
    • returns the element at index
  • to_vec: (&self) → Vec<T>
    • converts ChunkedArray to vec
  • to_vec_options: (&self) → Vec<Option<T>>
    • converts ChunkedArray to Vec<Option>

In this example, we create an integer chunked array and a mask chunked array and we filter it to get a filtered integer chunked array.

let chunked = ChunkedArray::new("hello", &vec![1, 5, 7]);
let mask = ChunkedArray::new("foo", &vec![false, true, false]);
let filtered = chunked.filter(&mask);

Here is how you can sort a ChunkedArray:

let arr = ChunkedArray::new("s", &vec![12, 1, 5, 8]);
let sorted = arr.sort(true);

Abstraction 2 - Series

Series is just a wrapper around ChunkedArray. It represents a column in a DataFrame.

Operations supported on ChunkedArray:

  • vec_hash: (&self, hasher: RandomState, buf: &mut Vec<u64>) → ()
    • given a buf with the same length as the Series, compute the hash for each element in the Series
  • vec_hash_combine: (&self,hasher: RandomState, buf: &mut Vec<u64>) → ()
    • given a buf with the same length as the Series, combine the existing hash with each element in the Series
  • equal_element: (&self, idx_self: usize, other_series: &Series, idx_other: usize) → bool
    • compares the element in the two Series with respective indices
  • take_indices: (&self, indices: &[usize]) -> Series
    • filters the Series by indices
  • filter: (&self, filter: &BooleanChunked) -> Series
    • filters the Series with a mask
  • agg_min: (&self, groups: &GroupsProxy) -> Series
    • given a GroupProxy, compute the min for each group in the form of a Series

To create a Series you perform:

Series::new("age", &vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

Abstraction 3 - DataFrame

I talk about DataFrame more deeply here.

A DataFrame is a two-dimensional data structure that holds tabular data. It is semantically equivalent to Vec<Vec<Option<T>>> where each inner Vec represents a column. Each inner Vec has the same length, representing the number of rows in the DataFrame.

Operations supported on DataFrame:

  • filter: (&self, mask: &BooleanChunked) → DataFrame
    • given a masked chunk, filter out rows in the DataFrame
  • join: (&self, by: Vec<Series>, df2: &DataFrame, df2_by: Vec<Series>, join_type: JoinType) → DataFrame
    • given the join keys of the two respective DataFrame, perform join on the dataframes
  • compute_group_proxy: (&self, by: Vec<Series>) → GroupProxy
    • given the group keys, compute the GroupProxy. This is a method used to support the LazyFrame

As an example, here is how you can perform an INNER join on two dataframes:

let df1 = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]),
    Series::from_vec("points", &vec![0, 10, 20]),

let df2 = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["foo", "baz"]),
    Series::from_vec("blocks", &vec![0, 2]),

let joined = df1.inner_join(vec!["name"], &df2, vec!["name"]);

Abstraction 4 - LazyFrame

I talk about LazyFrame more deeply here.

LazyFrame is an abstraction that defers the execution until the end which allows Polars to perform query optimizations (e.g. predicate pushdown)

As an example, here is how you perform a lazy groupby followed by an aggregation.

let df = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "c"]),
    Series::from_vec("points", &vec![1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0]),

let computed_df = df

Here is how you perform a lazy filter:

let expected_df = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["foo", "baz"]),
    Series::from_vec("points", &vec![0, 20]),
    Series::from_vec("blocks", &vec![0, 2]),
let res = expected_df

Here is how you perform a lazy join:

let df1 = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]),
    Series::from_vec("points", &vec![0, 10, 20]),

let df2 = DataFrame::new(vec![
    Series::from_vec("name", &vec!["foo", "baz"]),
    Series::from_vec("blocks", &vec![0, 2]),
let res = df1

To get the optimized query plan, you can perform:

let optimized_plan = out.get_optimized_plan();