This guide is a simple instruction set for releasing a new version of firetree
- We use git tags for releasing
through Travis.
- Make sure your local master is up to date with latest commits.
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
- Checkout a new release branch. Replace Xs with the version number you are releasing.
git checkout -b release/vX.X.X
- Update package.json to new version number
- Cleanse project (clears out package-lock.json and installed node_modules)
npm run cleanse
- Setup project
npm run setup
Version numbers are now updated
run lint to ensure files have bene linted. If lint is not passing, abort release and fix lint issues.
npm run lint
- Run test to ensure tests are passing. If tests are not, abort release and fix tests.
npm run test
- Update docs with new version numbers
npm run docs:generate
- generate the change log
git log --pretty="- %s" --no-merges origin/release/vX.X.X..release/vX.X.X >>
- Commit files changes with new version numbers. Replace Xs with new version number.
git add -A
git commit -m"Release vX.X.X"
git push origin release/vX.X.X
- Open PR on github for new release
- Pase changes for version from changelog into PR
- Get PR review from core contributor
- After reviewed and after Travis has passed build, merge PR.
- Checkout master from git and pull version changes
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
- Tag a new release in git
git tag vX.X.X
- Push tags
git push --tags
- Travis will release the new version from tag.
- Relax and enjoy the new version!