Every 2 weeks a different project member assumes the role of repository administrator. Signing up to be an administrator is voluntary. To volunteer to be an administrator, contact Andrea Hoffer (@bergerhoffer) or Miriam Portman (@mportman12). Each administrator rotation is marked on the Supplementary Style Guide shared calendar. Administrators receive a calendar notification when it is their turn.
As the administrator, you are the point of contact if any contributors experience issues with the repository. You also have the following responsibilities:
Driving resolution of open issues
Driving completion of pull requests
Maintaining the Style Guide site on GitHub
Review issues submitted to the supplementary style guide GitHub repository.
For open issues, include the link to the PR that resolve the issue.
Close issues that are resolved.
Ensure that contributors are submitting pull requests on prioritized open issues.
Also ensure that work on open pull requests is moving forward consistently.
Ensure that at least 3 project members review and approve every contribution before it is merged. You can be one of the 3.
If a contribution is not reviewed or approved for longer than 1 week, reach out to individual project members and ask them to review and approve the contribution.
Merge pull requests with contributions that are approved by 3 or more project members.
Ensure that the style guide site is available and displayed correctly.
Create pull requests to update the README.md, GUIDELINES.adoc and the CONTRIBUTING.md, if necessary.