- Improved the use of the
Variable, resolve issue #24Leaving the Region Value out of amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json #24 - Now the variable
is empty by default, so you need to take care to define it when are you are in OnPremise
- Fix collectd search failed #23 ubuntu: fix gpg signature download
- Refactored to support molecule 3.x
- Documentation improved
- Fixed ubuntu: fix gpg signature download #18 ubuntu: fix gpg signature download
- Fixed variable problem reporte in issue #14 cwa_use_credentials: false is not working for role based installation
- Debian Family now detect automatically the installation of collectd dependency
- Improved to support ansible playbooks with option
reporte in issue #8 playbook fails on --check
- Remove the need to install collectd package when you are not Retrieve Custom Metrics with collectd, reported in issue #7 --> collectd is not a required dependency
- The version 2.x.y is not compatible with version 1.x.y
- Since version 2.x.y this role no longer installs EPEL Repository by default, now you need to take care of this, I recommend my role christiangda.epel_repo instead
- Since version 2.x.y this role no longer creates AWS CLI profile (config and credentials), now you need to take care of this, I recommend my roles christiangda.awscli and christiangda.awscli_configure instead. See examples under (when cwa_agent_mode: "onPremise")
- Refactored to remove the oldest version of many Operating System on molecule test
- Refactored to remove the oldest version of Ansible on Ansible galaxy meta manifest, now support ansible >= 2.7