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Lab Report 5

Batuhan Cetin edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 17 revisions

Project Development Weekly Progress Report 5

Team Name: Group 3 - Prediction Poll
Date: 07.11.2023

Progress Summary

Last two weeks, our preparations were focused on reaching the initial project milestone. We reached our first milestone for the semester and along the way, we completed the welcome, login, signup pages for the frontend and mobile apps, authentication, authorization, and database initializations for the backend. A preliminary version of the home page was also put in place. Lastly, we presented the core structure of our application and the progress made up to that moment. Looking ahead to the next week, we plan to refine our existing user and poll functionalities to improve user experience and engagement.

What was planned for the week? How did it go?

Description Issue Assignee Due PR Estimated Duration Actual Duration
Implement a welcome page #146 FE/Beyza 27.10.2023 #220 1hr 2.5 hr
Implement a login and sign-up page #148 FE/Beyza 27.10.2023 #220 2hr 1.5 hr
Implement home page (demo) #133 FE/Berk 29.10.2023 #229 2hr 1 hr
Implement user profile page #149 FE/Serra 29.10.2023 #162 2hr 3 hr
Implement poll request page #161 FE/Ali 29.10.2023 #247 2hr 2 hr
Complete Milestone 1 Report #188 Team 03.11.2023 Report 2hr 2 hr
Prepare for Milestone 1 Presentation #190 BE/Batuhan Çetin, FE/Berk, MT/Berke 31.10.2023 --- 2hr 1.5 hr
Dockerize the demo app #206 BE/Batuhan İlhan 31.10.2023 #249 1hr 1hr
Dockerize the database #208 BE/Batuhan İlhan 31.10.2023 --- 1hr 1hr
Deploy the demo app #207 BE/Batuhan İlhan 31.10.2023 --- 1hr 1hr
Deploy the database #209 BE/Batuhan İlhan 31.10.2023 --- 1hr 1hr
Implement forget password and reset password endpoint #204 BE/Batuhan Çetin 31.10.2023 #215, #257 1.5hr 2hr
Implement authorization #205 BE/Batuhan Çetin 31.10.2023 #216 2hr 2hr
Implement CRUD operations for poll entities #202 BE/Alp Tuna 31.10.2023 #221 2.5hr 2.5hr
Create database entities #199 BE/Alp Tuna 31.10.2023 #221 1.5hr 1.5hr
Write for Front-End #189 FE/Serra, FE/Ali 31.10.2023 ReadMe 2hr 0.5 hr
Create Home Page #191 MT/Berke 31.10.2023 #242 2hr 2hr
Create Main Sidebar Widget #198 MT/Berke 31.10.2023 #219 1hr 1hr
Create Poll Creation Page #194 MT/Faruk 31.10.2023 #213 2hr 2hr
Create Forget Password Page #192 MT/Baturhan 31.10.2023 #226 0.5hr 0.5hr
Create Forget Password User Verification Page #193 MT/Baturhan 31.10.2023 #268 0.5hr 0.5hr
Create New Password Page #196 MT/Baturhan 31.10.2023 #250 0.5hr 0.5hr
Create Verify Email Page #197 MT/Baturhan 31.10.2023 #251 0.5hr 0.5hr
Create Poll View Page #203 MT/Simar 31.10.2023 #231 1hr 1hr
Handle API Calls to backend #200 MT/Simar 31.10.2023 #230, #235 2hr 1.5hr
Build the android apk #201 MT/Simar 31.10.2023 #201 0.5hr 0.5hr

Completed tasks that were not planned for the week

Description Issue Assignee Due PR Duration
Dockerization and Deployment of the Frontend #270 FE/Beyza, FE/Serra, BE/Batuhan İlhan 31.10.2023 App 3hr

Planned vs. Actual

  • Home page implementation for the front end was initially assigned to the member Berk, in order to meet the deadline for the Milestone 1, our other member Serra was assigned for this task and Berk handled the login and register connections to the backend.

Your plans for the next week

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Implement Poll Component #276 FE/Serra 11.11.2023 2hr
Implement Poll View #277 FE/Beyza 14.11.2023 2.5hr
Implement Other's Profile View #278 FE/Serra, FE/Ali 14.11.2023 1hr
Implement Detailed Tag Page #279 FE/Ali 14.11.2023 2hr
Reviewing our work according to Milestone 1 feedback #280 Frontend Team 14.11.2023 1hr
Modify our code according to Prettier Format #281 FE/Berk 14.11.2023 2hr
Modify CSS and HTML files to prevent redundancy #282 Frontend Team 14.11.2023 1hr
Implement CI/CD #275 BE/Alp Tuna 07.11.2023 1hr
Complete create poll endpoint #293 BE/Alp Tuna 13.11.2023 2hr
Add many-to-many relations between users #284 BE/Batuhan İlhan 12.11.2023 2hr
Implement follow functionality #291 BE/Batuhan İlhan 14.11.2023 2hr
Add one-to-many relations between user and polls #287 BE/Batuhan Çetin 12.11.2023 2hr
Refactoring and fixing of poll entities #292 BE/Batuhan Çetin 14.11.2023 1.5hr



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