This code and these algorithms were developed in collaboration with:
- Edward W. Boyer [email protected]
- Peter Chai [email protected]
- Henwei Huang [email protected]
- Canchen Li [email protected]
- Giovanni Traverso [email protected]
The heart rate and SpO2 algorithm implemented here is based on
Also see:
pip uninstall opencv-python
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install mxnet-mkl insightface numpy scipy transitions transitions-gui
pip install yoctopuce # for the thermal reference
On Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt install -y ros-melodic-desktop-full ros-melodic-driver-base libunwind-dev libudev-dev
Make sure you run the system once with internet access, so that the insightface model gets downloaded and cached.
Or, run:
python -c "import insightface; insightface.model_zoo.get_model('retinaface_r50_v1')"
Thermal IR camera options:
- FLIR A325sc over ethernet
- Requires eBUS SDK
- Optris PI400 over USB
- Requires libirimager
Thermal reference options:
- Yoctopuce PT-100
- Requires yoctopuce Python module (python -m pip install yoctopuce)
Monochrome camera options:
- FLIR Chameleon monochrome
- Requires Spinnaker SDK
roslaunch drspot vitals.launch
roscd drspot
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --perspective-file ./resources/live_drspot.perspective
roslaunch drspot vitals.launch launch_drivers:=false
roscd drspot
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --perspective-file ./resources/live_drspot.perspective
This is also relevant for playback, as some of the datasets do not have thermal reference data.
Add the following argument to the roslaunch drspot vitals.launch
call: use_thermal_reference:=false
So, for nominal live usage:
roslaunch drspot vitals.launch use_thermal_reference:=false
And for nominal playback usage:
roslaunch drspot vitals.launch launch_drivers:=false use_thermal_reference:=false
For Optris:
export DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS=optris
export DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS=flir_camera
Then restart any running ROS nodes. On the SpotCORE, run sudo systemctl restart roslaunch.service
This is useful if you want to replay all topics from a bag, but also use e.g. the respiratory_rate node to plot the frequency-domain analysis.
roscd drspot
ROS_NAMESPACE=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS} ./nodes/skin_temperature \
/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/ir_tracking_status:=ir_tracking_status \
Make sure the ir_face_tracker
node is not running, and that the desired thermal camera publishers are running.
rostopic pub -r 10 /ir_tracking_status std_msgs/Bool "data: true" &
rosrun image_view2 image_view2 \
image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette \
/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette/screenrectangle:=skin_temp_roi \
__name:=skin_temp_roi &
roscd drspot && ./nodes/skin_temperature \
temperature_image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/temperature_image \
thermal_image_raw:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_raw &
rostopic echo /skin_temperature_frame_msmt
Select a ROI in the live feed.
export ROI_NAME=some_other_roi
rostopic pub -r 10 ir_tracking_status std_msgs/Bool "data: true" &
rosrun image_view2 image_view2 \
image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette \
/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette/screenrectangle:=temp_roi \
__name:=${ROI_NAME} &
roscd drspot && ./nodes/skin_temperature \
__name:=${ROI_NAME}_temperature \
skin_temp_roi:=temp_roi \
temperature_image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/temperature_image \
thermal_image_raw:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_raw &
rostopic echo ${ROI_NAME}_temperature_frame_msmt