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This code and these algorithms were developed in collaboration with:

The heart rate and SpO2 algorithm implemented here is based on

Also see:


pip uninstall opencv-python
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install mxnet-mkl insightface numpy scipy transitions transitions-gui
pip install yoctopuce # for the thermal reference

On Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install -y ros-melodic-desktop-full ros-melodic-driver-base libunwind-dev libudev-dev

Make sure you run the system once with internet access, so that the insightface model gets downloaded and cached.

Or, run:

python -c "import insightface;  insightface.model_zoo.get_model('retinaface_r50_v1')"

Supported Hardware

Thermal IR camera options:

  1. FLIR A325sc over ethernet
    1. Requires eBUS SDK
  2. Optris PI400 over USB
    1. Requires libirimager

Thermal reference options:

  1. Yoctopuce PT-100
    1. Requires yoctopuce Python module (python -m pip install yoctopuce)

Monochrome camera options:

  1. FLIR Chameleon monochrome
    1. Requires Spinnaker SDK


Nominal live usage

roslaunch drspot vitals.launch
roscd drspot
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --perspective-file ./resources/live_drspot.perspective

Nominal playback usage

roslaunch drspot vitals.launch launch_drivers:=false
roscd drspot
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --perspective-file ./resources/live_drspot.perspective

Disable use of the thermal reference

This is also relevant for playback, as some of the datasets do not have thermal reference data.

Add the following argument to the roslaunch drspot vitals.launch call: use_thermal_reference:=false.

So, for nominal live usage:

roslaunch drspot vitals.launch use_thermal_reference:=false

And for nominal playback usage:

roslaunch drspot vitals.launch launch_drivers:=false use_thermal_reference:=false

Manually set the IR camera data source and namespace

For Optris:

export DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS=optris


export DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS=flir_camera

Then restart any running ROS nodes. On the SpotCORE, run sudo systemctl restart roslaunch.service.

Namespace the vitals measurement nodes to discard their measurements

This is useful if you want to replay all topics from a bag, but also use e.g. the respiratory_rate node to plot the frequency-domain analysis.

roscd drspot
ROS_NAMESPACE=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS} ./nodes/skin_temperature \
                                    /${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/ir_tracking_status:=ir_tracking_status \

Manually specify ROI for temperature measurements

Skin temperature

Make sure the ir_face_tracker node is not running, and that the desired thermal camera publishers are running.

rostopic pub -r 10 /ir_tracking_status std_msgs/Bool "data: true" &
rosrun image_view2 image_view2 \
       image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette \
       /${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette/screenrectangle:=skin_temp_roi \
       __name:=skin_temp_roi &
roscd drspot && ./nodes/skin_temperature \
      temperature_image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/temperature_image \
      thermal_image_raw:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_raw &
rostopic echo /skin_temperature_frame_msmt

Select a ROI in the live feed.

Add another ROI with some other name, in another terminal.

export ROI_NAME=some_other_roi
rostopic pub -r 10 ir_tracking_status std_msgs/Bool "data: true" &
rosrun image_view2 image_view2 \
       image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette \
       /${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_palette/screenrectangle:=temp_roi \
       __name:=${ROI_NAME} &
roscd drspot && ./nodes/skin_temperature \
      __name:=${ROI_NAME}_temperature \
      skin_temp_roi:=temp_roi \
      temperature_image:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/temperature_image \
      thermal_image_raw:=/${DRSPOT_THERMAL_NS}/thermal_image_raw &
rostopic echo ${ROI_NAME}_temperature_frame_msmt

Relevant rostopics

