A Homeless Shelter App in the Houston, that allows users to help the homeless by donation, not only in monetary terms, but also basic neccessity of life, such as personal care items and so on.
- React in Redux
- Rails API
This project uses Rails API for its backend and Redux for frontend
- Clone down the repo
- Go to the backend directory on the terminal: cd /shelter-helper/backend
- Run the server:
- In a different terminal, go to the frontend directory: cd /shelter-helper/frontend
- Run npm install && npm start. It will prompt if you want to use a port other than 3000; hit Y, or just Enter.
- User can signup and login as a guest or admin
- User can track shelters they have donated to
- User can click on location to view the info of a particular shelter
- User can donate to many shelter location
- Admin can add new shelter locations
- Admin can post shelter needs
A many to many relationship
User has many shelter locations
Shelter location belong to user
Shelter location has many needs
Needs belong to shelter location
User ----< Shelter Location >---- Need
- Google maps api to display locations on the map
- Make a mobile version of the app using React Native
- Search shelter by zipcode
- Cart/Checkout feature
- Selected needs will be linked to paypal account for transactions (paypal api)