This is a repository for various PowerShell scripts that I have written or modified over the years. These I have found to be useful for specific jobs or functions that were repetative in nature. Rather than go looking for the command to run each time, I felt that it was more apprpriate to script it a.k.a. the lazy sys admin approach. Anyway, if you find something here that is useful or you have suggestions, please feel free to create your own clone and send me any changes. The bueaty of doing things on the Internet like this is that it can be collaborative and it can bring really smart and passionate people together to make technology do the things we need it to do.
This is very much a work in progress. Git does not like hanging branches and changes to the "Master" only propogate after a merge. At the same time, merging in a branch closes it out. As I learn more about Git and GitHub, I will find a solution for organizing code that makes sense and is maintainable in the long run.