tiny-cnn is a header only, dependency free deep learning library written in C++. It is designed to be used in the real applications, including IoT devices and embedded systems.
- How-to
- Train network with your dataset
- Integrate with your application
- Changing from v0.0.1
- examples
I'm willing to update this list if your software use tiny-cnn. Please contact me at Email(see my github profile).
- zhangqianhui/CnnForAndroid - A Vehicle Recognition Project using Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) in Android platform
- edgarriba/opencv_contrib (in progress) - A new opencv's dnn module which use tiny-cnn as its backend
Include tiny_cnn.h:
#include "tiny_cnn/tiny_cnn.h"
using namespace tiny_cnn;
using namespace tiny_cnn::layers;
using namespace tiny_cnn::activation;
Declare the model as network
. There are 2 types of network: network<sequential>
and network<graph>
. The sequential model is easier to construct.
network<sequential> net;
Stack layers:
net << conv<tan_h>(32, 32, 5, 1, 6, padding::same) // in:32x32x1, 5x5conv, 6fmaps
<< max_pool<tan_h>(32, 32, 6, 2) // in:32x32x6, 2x2pooling
<< conv<tan_h>(16, 16, 5, 6, 16, padding::same) // in:16x16x6, 5x5conv, 16fmaps
<< max_pool<tan_h>(16, 16, 16, 2) // in:16x16x16, 2x2pooling
<< fc<tan_h>(8*8*16, 100) // in:8x8x16, out:100
<< fc<softmax>(100, 10); // in:100 out:10
Some layer takes an activation as a template parameter : max_pool<relu>
means "apply a relu activation after the pooling". if the layer has no successive activation, use max_pool<identity>
Declare the optimizer:
adagrad opt;
In addition to gradient descent, you can use modern optimizers such as adagrad, adadelta, adam.
Now you can start the training:
int epochs = 50;
int batch = 20;
net.fit<cross_entropy>(opt, x_data, y_data, batch, epochs);
If you don't have the target vector but have the class-id, you can alternatively use train
net.train<cross_entropy>(opt, x_data, y_label, batch, epochs);
Validate the training result:
auto test_result = net.test(x_data, y_label);
auto loss = net.get_loss<cross_entropy>(x_data, y_data);
Generate prediction on the new data:
auto y_vector = net.predict(x_data);
auto y_label = net.predict_max_label(x_data);
Save the trained parameter:
ofstream ofs("data", std::ios::binary);
ofs << net;
For a more in-depth about tiny-cnn, check out MNIST classification where you can see the end-to-end example. You will find tiny-cnn's API in How-to.