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This Maven plugin is a one-stop-shop for building and deploying Java applications for Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift. It brings your Java applications on to Kubernetes and OpenShift. It provides a tight integration into maven and benefits from the build configuration already provided. It focuses on three tasks:

  • Building Docker images
  • Creating OpenShift and Kubernetes resources
  • Deploy application on Kubernetes and OpenShift


To enable fabric8 maven plugin on your project just add this to the plugins sections of your pom.xml:


Now in order to use fabric8 maven plugin to build or deploy, make sure you have an OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster up and running. After making sure of that, you can simply run your app in the cluster :

      mvn fabric8:deploy

After you issue this command would start building resources and then deploy them to the running cluster. Below is a snippet of the build log on running spring-boot project in samples/spring-boot directory on MiniKube :

[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5-SNAPSHOT:build (default) @ fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot ---
[INFO] F8: Building Docker image in Kubernetes mode
[INFO] F8: Running generator spring-boot
[INFO] F8: spring-boot: Using Docker image fabric8/java-jboss-openjdk8-jdk:1.2 as base / builder
[INFO] Copying files to /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/docker/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/snapshot-171218-140833-0299/build/maven
[INFO] Building tar: /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/docker/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/snapshot-171218-140833-0299/tmp/docker-build.tar
[INFO] F8: [fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot:snapshot-171218-140833-0299] "spring-boot": Created docker-build.tar in 150 milliseconds
[INFO] F8: [fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot:snapshot-171218-140833-0299] "spring-boot": Built image sha256:d83ec
[INFO] F8: [fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot:snapshot-171218-140833-0299] "spring-boot": Tag with latest
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5-SNAPSHOT:helm (default) @ fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot ---
[WARNING] F8: Chart source directory /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/k8s-template does not exist so cannot make chart fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot. Probably you need run 'mvn fabric8:resource' before.
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot ---
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/pom.xml to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift.yml to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT-openshift.yml
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift.json to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT-openshift.json
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes.yml to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT-kubernetes.yml
[INFO] Installing /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes.json to /home/rohan/.m2/repository/io/fabric8/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot/3.5-SNAPSHOT/fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-3.5-SNAPSHOT-kubernetes.json
[INFO] <<< fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5-SNAPSHOT:deploy (default-cli) < install @ fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot <<<
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5-SNAPSHOT:deploy (default-cli) @ fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot ---
[INFO] F8: Using Kubernetes at in namespace default with manifest /home/rohan/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes.yml
[INFO] Using namespace: default
[INFO] Creating a Service from kubernetes.yml namespace default name fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot
[INFO] Created Service: target/fabric8/applyJson/default/service-fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-1.json
[INFO] Using namespace: default
[INFO] Creating a Deployment from kubernetes.yml namespace default name fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot
[INFO] Created Deployment: target/fabric8/applyJson/default/deployment-fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-1.json
[INFO] F8: HINT: Use the command `kubectl get pods -w` to watch your pods start up
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12.057 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-18T14:08:41+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 53M/488M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

After the build is finished, your application pod gets created:

~/work/repos/fabric8-maven-plugin/samples/spring-boot : $ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fabric8-maven-sample-spring-boot-6c865777d6-qxdmd   0/1       Running   0          5s

Want to get started fast? Check out the busy Java developers guide to developing microservices on Kubernetes and Docker.

The full documentation can be found in the User Manual [PDF]. It supports the following goals:

Goal Description
fabric8:resource Create Kubernetes and OpenShift resource descriptors
fabric8:build Build Docker images
fabric8:push Push Docker images to a registry
fabric8:deploy Deploy Kubernetes / OpenShift resource objects to a cluster
fabric8:watch Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts


  • Includes docker-maven-plugin for dealing with Docker images and hence inherits its flexible and powerful configuration.
  • Supports both Kubernetes and OpenShift descriptors
  • OpenShift Docker builds with a binary source (as an alternative to a direct image build agains a Docker daemon)
  • Various configuration styles:
    • Zero Configuration for a quick ramp-up where opinionated defaults will be pre-selected.
    • Inline Configuration within the plugin configuration in an XML syntax.
    • External Configuration templates of the real deployment descriptors which are enriched by the plugin.
    • Docker Compose Configuration provide Docker Compose file and bring up docker compose deployments on a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster.
  • Flexible customization:
    • Generators analyze the Maven build and generated automatic Docker image configurations for certain systems (spring-boot, plain java, karaf ...)
    • Enrichers extend the Kubernetes / OpenShift resource descriptors by extra information like SCM labels and can add default objects like Services.
    • Generators and Enrichers can be individually configured and combined into profiles

OpenShift and Kubernetes Compatibility

✔️ : Supported, all available features can be used

❌ : Not supported at all

🔵 : Supported, but not all features can be used

FMP OpenShift 3.11.0 OpenShift 3.10.0 OpenShift 3.9.0 OpenShift 3.7.0 OpenShift 3.6.0
FMP 4.0.0-M1 🔵 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 4.0.0-M2 🔵 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.42 🔵 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.41 🔵 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.40 🔵 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.39 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.38 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.37 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.35 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.34 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.33 ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.32 ✔️ ✔️
FMP Kubernetes 1.12.0 Kubernetes 1.11.0 Kubernetes 1.10.0 Kubernetes 1.9.0 Kubernetes 1.8.0 Kubernetes 1.7.0 Kubernetes 1.6.0 Kubernetes 1.5.1 Kubernetes 1.4.0
FMP 4.0.0-M1 🔵 🔵 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 4.0.0-M1 🔵 🔵 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.42 🔵 🔵 🔵 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.41 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.40 🔵 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.39 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.38 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.37 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.35 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.34 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.33 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FMP 3.5.32 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Documentation and Support

  • User Manual [PDF]
  • Examples are in the samples directory
  • Many fabric8 Quickstarts use this plugin and are good showcases, too.
  • You'll find us in the fabric8 community and on IRC freenode in channel #fabric8 and we are happy to answer any questions.
  • Contributions are highly appreciated and encouraged. Please send us Pull Requests.

fabric8-maven-plugin 3 vs. 2

This is a complete rewrite of the former fabric8-maven plugin. It does not share the same configuration syntax, but migration should be straight forward - please use the fabric8:migrate goal from 2.x of the plugin.