This project includes ansible scripts for locking down and provisioning a node.js server, and deploying something you can npm start
to that server. That server can be bare metal, or a Virtual Private Server (VPS). These scripts make it so you never have to shell into your server by hand.
If you already have an ssh key pair, cat ~/.ssh/
or ~/.ssh/
depending on how long ago you did this for the first time.
If you don't have a key pair yet, then generate one:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
Hit enter three times to save the key pair in the default location and not use a passphrase.
Next let's install ansible
Install homebrew and then:
brew update && brew install ansible
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible && sudo apt update && sudo apt install ansible
Follow the Ansible Windows Installation Instructions
If you don't have one yet, try a droplet on digital ocean. Something with 1gb of memory should be enough to start you off. Point a domain at that droplet, and replace
with that domain in the following instructions. An IP address will work as well.
cd /path/to/myproject && git submodule add && git submodule init
These ansible playbooks uses the variables in an inventory to know what server to deploy to, what domain to use, what version of node to install, and if you have a root ssh password, what password to use.
First copy the example inventory file:
cp deploy/inventory.example.yml inventory.yml
Then change the values in that file to match your project:
# Our production server.
# Copy this whole block if you'd like to add a staging server
# The IP address of your server.
# Add a second one if you'd like to deploy twice.
# You can add as many as you want.
hosts: an.ip.add.ress
# Used for your app's domain name
# Used for your certbot email, note you'll be agreeing to the ToS.
email: [email protected]
# Pick your node version
nodejs_version: 20
# If you have an SSH key on your server for the root user, you don't need this.
ansible_ssh_pass: "secret"
# List of files and folders to copy to the server on deploy.
# Change this to be the files your node app needs to run.
# Example set up for a indie stack app.
- src: ../prisma/migrations
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/prisma/
- src: ../prisma/schema.prisma
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/prisma/schema.prisma
- src: ../build/
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/build
- src: ../public/
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/public
- src: ../.env
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
- src: ../.npmrc
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
- src: ../package.json
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
- src: ../package-lock.json
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
- src: ../
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
- src: ../
dest: /home/{{ domain }}/
Now you're ready to use ansible in your project.