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The bundle provides a few simple Twig filters and functions that help to highlight current active menu items of simple HTML menu in Twig templates by adding specific CSS classes.

How to Install

Install the bundle with Composer:

composer require bw/active-menu-item-bundle

Then, to use filters and functions in Twig, register this bundle in bundles.php:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // other bundles...
    BW\ActiveMenuItemBundle\BWActiveMenuItemBundle::class => ['all' => true],

But if you use Symfony Flex - it was already done automatically for you :)

How to Use

To check whether the menu item route is active, simply use is_active Twig filter:

{{ 'route_name'|is_active }}

Or use is_active_uri Twig filter for check if menu item's request URI is active:

{{ path('route_name')|is_active_uri }}

If the route or the request URI is matched, filters return current active string that you will need to use in class attribute of the menu item tag. Then, all you need to do is add your custom CSS rules for those classes in your stylesheets.

How to Use with Multi-level Nested Menu

To check an array of possible routes use is_active() Twig function where pass an array of routes (all submenu item route names of the current item) as the first argument and the current item route name as the second one.

For example, there is a simple HTML menu with nested submenu:

    <li class="{{ is_active([
    ], 'all_categories_route_name') }}">
        <a href="{{ path('all_categories_route_name') }}">All categories</a>
            <li class="{{ 'subcategory1_route_name'|is_active }}">
                <a href="{{ path('subcategory1_route_name') }}">Subcategory 1</a>
            <li class="{{ 'subcategory2_route_name'|is_active }}">
                <a href="{{ path('subcategory2_route_name') }}">Subcategory 2</a>

If the current route is subcategory1_route_name, it will have current active class and its parent item - all_categories_route_name route - will have only active class.

And same for request URIs with is_active_uri() Twig function, but instead of passing an array of routes, pass an array of URIs.


This bundle has a demo page with an example of simple multi-level HTML menu. Create the next file to see the demo in dev Symfony mode:

# config/routes/dev/bw_active_menu_item.yaml

    resource: "@BWActiveMenuItemBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /bw/demo/active-menu-item

Then, run Symfony's built-in web server with symfony serve and go to: https://localhost:8000/bw/demo/active-menu-item/index.

Under the Hood

There are only a few simple Twig filters and functions, that's it!

Simple, isn't it? :)