this plugin replaces debug-statements with environment related if-statements which can be garbage-collected by minifiers
debug: {
// log something for development
will be converted to
if(process.env.DEBUG === 'true') {
// log something for development
so, when the transpiled code is run, the code block will only be executed when run the environment variable DEBUG
is set.
when used with webpack you can use the webpack.DefinePlugin
to pass the DEBUG
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
'DEBUG': `"${process.env.DEBUG}"`
debug: {
// log something for development
and webpack is run with
DEBUG=true webpack
this yields the following output:
if(true) {
// log something for development
which then can be collected by minifiers
when webpack is run with
then this yields the following output
if(false) {
// log something for development
where as then the whole block will be thrown to trash by minifiers
sometimes you want to give scopes to your debug statements so you can do the following:
debug_myblock: {
// some debug
then you can enable these with the following
DEBUG=myblock webpack
this generates the following JS
if(process.env.DEBUG === 'true' || process.env.DEBUG === 'myblock') {
NOTE: all scopes are enabled when used with DEBUG=true