- subsidiary of Bundesdruckerei
- current cards issued “SLE66CX322P (or SLE66CX642P), CardOS V4.3B Re_Cert” (D-Trust support)
- registration number at bundesnetzagentur: T-Systems.02182.TE.11.2006
- subsidiary of Deutsche Post AG
- current cards issued: Infineon SLE66CX680PE, Starcos 3.2
- registration number at bundesnetzagentur: BSI.02114.TE.12.2008
- ATR: 3b:9f:96:81:b1:fe:45:1f:07:00:64:05:1e:b2:00:31:b0:73:96:21:db:05:90:00:5c
- subsidiary of Sparkassenverband
- subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG
- current cards: TCOS 3.0
- issuance of certificates and cards only for notaries and related professions