NB! The following list is provided in the hope that it is useful, without any endorsement by OpenSC project. Conducting business with any of the listed companies is at your own risk! In alphabetical order:
- Aventra (Finland). Smart cards, smart card readers, accessories. Card Management Systems and software, card printers, consulting and personalisation services.
- CardContact (Germany). System architects with a focus on smart card and PKI systems. Developer of the SmartCardHsm.
- Crypto Stick is an USB key containing an OpenPGP Card which is compatible to both X.509 and OpenPGP. A patch for OpenSC is available which enables full support.
- GOOZE cryptographic web shop (France). Dozens of tutorials covering OpenSC. Buy OpenSC compatible hardware: smartcards, USB tokens, smartcard reader. New or refurbished. Low shipping rates. Reseller of the Feitian PKI and the ePass PKI token.
- Küberpunk LLC (Estonia) provides consulting services for open source cryptographic software that also cover OpenSC.
- See [[Frequently Asked Questions|Frequently-Asked-Questions#q-where-can-i-buy-smart-cards-]]