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502 lines (406 loc) · 35.5 KB

File metadata and controls

502 lines (406 loc) · 35.5 KB


This is a Maven plugin for invoking Bnd. This plugin contains the following goals:

jar goal

The jar goal binds to the package phase and generates resources such as:

  • Declarative Services metadata under OSGI-INF
  • Metatype Service files under OSGI-INF/metatype
  • things added using the -includeresource instruction
  • etc...

All of the above resources will be generated into the final artifact.

When using this goal the bnd-maven-plugin must be configured with <extensions>true</extensions> in order to coordinate with the maven-(jar|war)-plugin.

The jar goal is not executed by default, therefore at least one explicit execution needs to be configured (by default bound to phase package)


Note: This goal replaces matching executions of the maven-(jar|war)-plugin (more on matching executions).

Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameter Description
bndfile File path to a bnd file containing bnd instructions for this project. The file path can be either absolute or relative to the project directory. Defaults to bnd.bnd.
bnd Bnd instructions for this project specified directly in the pom file. This is generally be done using a <![CDATA[ ]]> section. If the projects has a bndfile configuration property or a file in the default location bnd.bnd, then this configuration element is ignored.
classifier A string added to the artifact indicating a supplemental artifact produced by the project. If no value is provided it indicates the main artifact produced by the project. Defaults to no value.
classesDir The directory where the maven-compiler-plugin places its output. Defaults to ${}.
includeClassesDir Include the entire contents of classesDir in the bundle. Defaults to true.
outputDir The directory where this goal will store the generated artifact. Defaults to ${}.
webappDirectory The directory where the webapp is built when packaging is war. Defaults to ${}/${}.
packagingTypes The list of maven packaging types for which the plugin will execute. Defaults to jar,war. Override with property bnd.packagingTypes.
skip Skip the project. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skip.
skipIfEmpty Skip processing if includeClassesDir is true and classesDir is empty. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skipIfEmpty.
outputTimestamp Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX or as an int representing seconds since the epoch. Defaults to ${}.

No additional packaging plugins are necessary when using the jar goal.

Matching executions

The bnd-maven-plugin does not blindly remove all maven-(jar|war)-plugin found in the project, only those whose executions match by goal, packaging and classifier. Therefore, it is possible to have both plugins operating within the same project provided they do not overlap. (And remember that no classifier means the main artifact.)

bnd-process goal

The bnd-process goal binds to the process-classes phase and generates resources such as:

  • Declarative Services metadata under OSGI-INF
  • Metatype Service files under OSGI-INF/metatype
  • things added using the -includeresource instruction
  • etc...

All of the above resources will be generated into the project build output directory, e.g. target/classes, to be subsequently picked up and included in the JAR file by the default maven-jar-plugin.

The bnd-process is not executed by default, therefore at least one explicit execution needs to be configured (by default bound to phase process-classes)


Deleting existing MANIFEST.MF of previous builds: Note that process-classes uses content in the classesDir as input which could also contain a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file (e.g. from a previous build). In some cases this could lead to surprising results when process-classes is executed multiple times. You can set the deleteExistingManifest configuration to true to delete an existing MANIFEST.MF at manifestPath prior to execution to avoid that it is used as input to the bnd process.


Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameter Description
bndfile File path to a bnd file containing bnd instructions for this project. The file path can be either absolute or relative to the project directory. Defaults to bnd.bnd.
bnd Bnd instructions for this project specified directly in the pom file. This is generally be done using a <![CDATA[ ]]> section. If the projects has a bndfile configuration property or a file in the default location bnd.bnd, then this configuration element is ignored.
manifestPath Specify the path to store the generated manifest file. Defaults to ${}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
deleteExistingManifest Whether to delete an existing file at manifestPath before execution. Defaults to false.
classesDir The directory where the maven-compiler-plugin places its output. Defaults to ${}.
includeClassesDir Include the entire contents of classesDir in the bundle. Defaults to true.
outputDir The directory where this goal will store its output. Defaults to ${}.
webappDirectory The directory where the webapp is built when packaging is war. Defaults to ${}/${}.
packagingTypes The list of maven packaging types for which the plugin will execute. Defaults to jar,war. Override with property bnd.packagingTypes.
skip Skip the project. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skip.
skipIfEmpty Skip processing if includeClassesDir is true and the classesDir is empty. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skipIfEmpty.
outputTimestamp Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX or as an int representing seconds since the epoch. Defaults to ${}.


When using the bnd-process goal it is important to take the following into consideration. The maven-(jar|war)-plugin will NOT currently use the data from the generated MANIFEST.MF file when using its default configuration.It is therefore necessary to configure the maven-(jar|war)-plugin as follows:


Aspects Common to all goals

Bnd instructions may be declared in a bnd file or in this plugin's configuration in the pom. The default bnd file is named bnd.bnd in the base directory of the project. This can be configured to specify an alternate path which can be absolute or relative to the base directory of the project. In the following example, the project.bnd file in the bnd folder of the project will be used.


It is also supported to specify the Bnd instructions embedded in the pom file. This is not the preferred option but can be useful in many scenarios. Bnd instructions in the pom are not used if the project has a bnd file.

            -sources: true

Note: Deep indentation of the <bnd> content to match the xml indentation functions perfectly well.

The contents of classesDir is made available as input to the plugin (i.e. placed in the bnd builder's classpath).

Optionally, the plugin adds the entire content of classesDir to the bundle content (but no other packages from the build path). This behavior is enabled by default. (See includeClassesDir configuration parameter).

For further usage information, see the integration test projects under the included src/it directory.

Default Bundle Headers

The plugin will by default set some OSGi bundle headers derived from pom elements (if not overwritten with explicit bnd instructions).

OSGi Header Derived from POM Element
Bundle-SymbolicName artifactId
Bundle-Name name
Bundle-Version version
Bundle-Description description
Bundle-License licenses
Bundle-SCM scm
Bundle-Developers developers (child element id must be set on each developer)
Bundle-DocURL url

POM Properties

The Bnd instructions can reference properties defined for the Maven project and Maven settings using the project. and settings. stems, respectively. Other properties defined in the POM can also be referenced.

	<implementation.vendor>Acme Inc.</implementation.vendor>
      Implementation-Title: ${}
      Implementation-Version: ${project.version}
      Implementation-Vendor: ${implementation.vendor}

Reproducible Builds

If the configuration parameter outputTimestamp is set, indicating reproducible output, this plugin will automatically use the following Bnd instructions, if not otherwise configured.

To support reproducible output, the following Bnd instructions need to be configured:

-noextraheaders: true
-snapshot: SNAPSHOT

The -noextraheaders: true instruction will prevent Bnd from adding extra manifest headers whose values depend upon the build environment. The -snapshot: SNAPSHOT instruction will prevent Bnd from replacing the version qualifier SNAPSHOT in the Bundle-Version manifest header with the build time stamp. The latter instruction only makes a difference for snapshot builds since release builds do not have the version qualifier SNAPSHOT.

Bnd Instruction Inheritance

This plugin supports a hybrid configuration model where Bnd instructions can come from a bnd file or configuration in the project pom. Inheritance of configuration from parent projects is also supported for this hybrid configuration model. At each project level in the project hierarchy, the configuration can come from a bnd file in the project or from the configuration in the pom with the former taking precedence. This plugin merges the configurations from the parent project with the configuration from the current project. If a parent project does not define a configuration for this plugin, then the configuration, if any, from the pluginManagement section for this plugin is used as the configuration from the parent project. This configuration contribution from the pluginManagement section for this plugin is evaluated in the context of the current project.

Usage Scenarios

The plugin has 6 distinct usage scenarios broken into two groups.

Group 1: Scenarios based on the jar goal

Given executions using the jar goal we have the following 3 cases:

  1. The common case where very little configuration is required; inputs and outputs are based on defaults. Bnd performs its analysis and enhances the jar with OSGi metadata obtained through introspection of classes, resources, dependencies, and OSGi bundle annotations:

  2. The filtering case, is a more advanced usage emulating the behavior found in the Bnd Workspace model where instructions are used to include (i.e. filter) contents in the jar.

                -includepackage: foo.*
  3. The third case is when the project packaging is war and so a WAR is produced:

                Web-ContextPath: /${}

    Note: When the project has packaging mode war the instruction -wab: is automatically enabled and the Bundle-ClassPath is properly treated such that any dependency libraries are added following the heuristics defined for the inclusion of dependencies of the maven-war-plugin. However, if the -wablib: instruction is used, then this behavior is disabled and left to that instruction.

Group 2: Scenarios based on the bnd-process goal

Given executions using the bnd-process goal we have the following 3 cases:

  1. The common case is that very little configuration is required; inputs and outputs are based on defaults. Bnd performs its analysis and enhances the jar with OSGi metadata obtained through introspection of classes, resources, dependencies, and OSGi bundle annotations:

  2. The second case, let's call it the filtering case, is a more advanced usage emulating the behavior found in the Bnd Workspace model where instructions are used to include (i.e. filter) contents in the jar.

    Note that controlling the actual contents of the jar is handled through configuration of the maven-jar-plugin:

                -includepackage: foo.*
  3. The third case is when the project packaging is war, for instance when the plugin is paired with the maven-war-plugin instead of the maven-jar-plugin. The output of the plugin re-directed to the default assembly directory of the maven-war-plugin, which is ${}/${}:

                Web-ContextPath: /${}

    Note: When the project has packaging mode war the instruction -wab: is automatically enabled and the Bundle-ClassPath is properly treated such that any dependency libraries are added following the heuristics defined for the inclusion of dependencies of the maven-war-plugin. However, if the -wablib: instruction is used, then this behavior is disabled and left to that instruction.

test-jar goal

The test-jar goal binds to the package phase and behaves in the identical fashion as the jar goal except that the intention is to generate an artifact from test code.

When using this goal the bnd-maven-plugin must be configured with <extensions>true</extensions> in order to coordinate with the maven-(jar|war)-plugin.

The test-jar goal is not executed by default, therefore at least one explicit execution needs to be configured (by default bound to phase package)


Note: This goal replaces matching executions of the maven-(jar|war)-plugin (more on matching executions).

Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameter Description
bndfile File path to a bnd file containing bnd instructions for this project. The file path can be either absolute or relative to the project directory. Defaults to bnd.bnd.
bnd Bnd instructions for this project specified directly in the pom file. This is generally be done using a <![CDATA[ ]]> section. If the projects has a bndfile configuration property or a file in the default location bnd.bnd, then this configuration element is ignored.
classifier A string added to the artifact indicating a supplemental artifact produced by the project. Defaults to tests.
classesDir The directory where the maven-compiler-plugin places its output. Defaults to ${}.
includeClassesDir Include the entire contents of classesDir in the bundle. Defaults to true.
artifactFragment If true, make the tests artifact a fragment using ${project.artifactId} as the Fragment-Host header and setting the Bundle-SymbolicName of the tests artifact to ${project.artifactId}-tests. Defaults to false.
testCases Specify the filter that will determine which classes to identify as test cases. Defaults to junit5. See Test Cases.
skip Skip the goal. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd-tests.skip or maven.test.skip.
skipIfEmpty Skip processing if includeClassesDir is true and the classesDir is empty. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skipIfEmpty.
outputDir The directory where this goal will store the generated artifact. Defaults to ${}.
packagingTypes The list of maven packaging types for which the plugin will execute. Defaults to jar,war. Override with property bnd.packagingTypes.
outputTimestamp Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX or as an int representing seconds since the epoch. Defaults to ${}.

Some details are predefined for simplicity:

  • ${} is used as the source directory
  • ${} is used as the resources directory

No additional packaging plugins are necessary when using the test-jar goal.

bnd-process-tests goal

The bnd-process-tests goal binds to the process-test-classes phase and behaves in the identical fashion as the bnd-process goal except that the intention is to generate a bundle from test code output to target/test-classes.

The bnd-process-tests is not executed by default, therefore at least one explicit execution needs to be configured (by default bound to phase process-test-classes)


Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameter Description
bndfile File path to a bnd file containing bnd instructions for this project. The file path can be either absolute or relative to the project directory. Defaults to bnd.bnd.
bnd Bnd instructions for this project specified directly in the pom file. This is generally be done using a <![CDATA[ ]]> section. If the projects has a bndfile configuration property or a file in the default location bnd.bnd, then this configuration element is ignored.
classesDir The directory where the maven-compiler-plugin places its output. Defaults to ${}.
includeClassesDir Include the entire contents of classesDir in the bundle. Defaults to true.
artifactFragment If true, make the tests artifact a fragment using ${project.artifactId} as the Fragment-Host header and setting the Bundle-SymbolicName of the tests artifact to ${project.artifactId}-tests. Defaults to false.
testCases Specify the filter that will determine which classes to identify as test cases. Defaults to junit5. See Test Cases.
skip Skip the goal. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd-tests.skip or maven.test.skip.
skipIfEmpty Skip processing if includeClassesDir is true and the classesDir is empty. Defaults to false. Override with property bnd.skipIfEmpty.
manifestPath Specify the path to store the generated manifest file. Defaults to ${}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
deleteExistingManifest Whether to delete an existing file at manifestPath before execution. Defaults to false.
outputDir The directory where this goal will store its output. Defaults to ${}.
packagingTypes The list of maven packaging types for which the plugin will execute. Defaults to jar,war. Override with property bnd.packagingTypes.
outputTimestamp Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX or as an int representing seconds since the epoch. Defaults to ${}.

Some details are predefined for simplicity:

  • ${} is used as the source directory
  • ${} is used as the resources directory

IMPORTANT NOTE about Maven JAR Plugin

When using the bnd-process-tests goal it is important to take the following into consideration. The maven-jar-plugin provides the goal test-jar for building a jar from a project's test classes. It is bound to the package phase but has no default execution, so one must be configured. Like the jar goal it will NOT currently use the data from the generated MANIFEST.MF file when using its default configuration, so it is necessary to configure it as follows:


Aspects Common to both test goals

Test Cases

Bnd's integration testing uses the manifest header Test-Cases to identify classes within a bundle that are test cases. This eliminates the need for runtime class scanning. The bnd-maven-plugin simplifies this configuration by creating several predefined specifications of test cases that use bnd's classes macro:

  • junit3 - represents the filter ${classes;EXTENDS;junit.framework.TestCase;CONCRETE}.
  • junit4 - represents the filter ${classes;HIERARCHY_ANNOTATED;org.junit.Test;CONCRETE}.
  • junit5 - represents the filter ${classes;HIERARCHY_INDIRECTLY_ANNOTATED;org.junit.platform.commons.annotation.Testable;CONCRETE}.
  • all - represents all the JUnit filters: junit3, junit4, and junit5.
  • testng - represents the filter ${classes;HIERARCHY_ANNOTATED;org.testng.annotations.Test;CONCRETE}. Note: A JUnit Platform engine for TestNG, or other means to run TestNG tests, must be in the test execution runtime.
  • useTestCasesHeader - indicates that the Test-Cases header in the bnd configuration should be used instead. The build will fail if this value is set and there is no Test-Cases header in the bnd configuration.