diff --git a/source/CHANGELOG.md b/source/CHANGELOG.md
index 9409c65d..0446ed6d 100644
--- a/source/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/source/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Version 2.3.2
* Analysis function GoodnessOfFit: more warnings in the log if not all data is usable
+* Show version numbers in the update check messages
Version 2.3.1
diff --git a/source/Controllers/WaveController.vb b/source/Controllers/WaveController.vb
index 7d3a3791..b3c1c97c 100644
--- a/source/Controllers/WaveController.vb
+++ b/source/Controllers/WaveController.vb
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ Friend Class WaveController
End Sub
+ '''
+ ''' Returns the current version of Wave
+ '''
+ ''' only considers major, minor and build numbers, omitting the auto-generated revision number
+ ''' the current version number
+ Private ReadOnly Property CurrentVersion As Version
+ Get
+ Dim v As Version = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName().Version()
+ Return New Version($"{v.Major}.{v.Minor}.{v.Build}")
+ End Get
+ End Property
Private selectionMade As Boolean 'Flag zeigt an, ob bereits ein Auswahlbereich ausgewählt wurde
@@ -205,9 +217,9 @@ Friend Class WaveController
Private Async Sub View_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
'Check for update
- Dim updateAvailable As Boolean
- updateAvailable = Await _model.CheckForUpdate()
- If updateAvailable Then
+ Dim latestVersion As Version = Await GetLatestVersion()
+ If CurrentVersion < latestVersion Then
+ 'show update available notification
View.ToolStripButton_UpdateNotification.Visible = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
@@ -1169,22 +1181,47 @@ Friend Class WaveController
Private Async Sub CheckForUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
- Dim updateAvailable As Boolean = Await _model.CheckForUpdate()
- If updateAvailable Then
+ 'get latest version from server
+ Dim latestVersion As Version = Await GetLatestVersion()
+ 'compare versions
+ If CurrentVersion < latestVersion Then
+ 'Update is available
View.ToolStripButton_UpdateNotification.Visible = True
- Dim resp As MsgBoxResult = MsgBox($"A new version is available!{eol}Click OK to go to downloads.bluemodel.org to get it.", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel)
+ Dim resp As MsgBoxResult = MsgBox($"A new version {latestVersion} is available!{eol}Click OK to go to downloads.bluemodel.org to download it.", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel Or MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
If resp = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then
End If
+ 'No update available
View.ToolStripButton_UpdateNotification.Visible = False
- MsgBox("You are already up to date!", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
+ MsgBox($"Currently used version {CurrentVersion} is up to date!", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error while checking for update:" & eol & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
End Sub
+ '''
+ ''' Checks for a newer version on the server
+ '''
+ ''' True if a newer version is available
+ Private Async Function GetLatestVersion() As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Version)
+ 'retrieve latest version number from server
+ Dim client As New Net.Http.HttpClient()
+ Dim s As String = Await client.GetStringAsync(urlUpdateCheck)
+ Dim latestVersion As New Version(s)
+#If Not DEBUG Then
+ 'TODO: Logging is not thread-safe and causes an exception in debug mode!
+ Log.AddLogEntry(Log.levels.debug, "CheckUpdate: Latest version on server: " & latestVersion.ToString())
+#End If
+ Return latestVersion
+ End Function
''' About Click
diff --git a/source/Wave.vb b/source/Wave.vb
index 32491553..8dc869a8 100644
--- a/source/Wave.vb
+++ b/source/Wave.vb
@@ -765,35 +765,6 @@ Public Class Wave
End Sub
- '''
- ''' Checks for a newer version on the server
- '''
- ''' True if a newer version is available
- Friend Async Function CheckForUpdate() As Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Boolean)
- 'get current version (only consider major, minor and build numbers, omitting the auto-generated revision number)
- Dim v As Version = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName().Version()
- Dim currentVersion As New Version($"{v.Major}.{v.Minor}.{v.Build}")
- 'retrieve latest version number from server
- Dim client As New Net.Http.HttpClient()
- Dim s As String = Await client.GetStringAsync(urlUpdateCheck)
- Dim latestVersion As New Version(s)
-#If Not DEBUG Then
- 'TODO: Logging is not thread-safe and causes an exception in debug mode!
- Log.AddLogEntry(Log.levels.debug, "CheckUpdate: Latest version on server: " & latestVersion.ToString())
-#End If
- 'compare versions
- If currentVersion < latestVersion Then
- Return True
- Else
- Return False
- End If
- End Function
Friend Sub HighlightTimestampsHandler(timestamps As List(Of DateTime))
RaiseEvent HighlightTimestamps(timestamps)
End Sub