Guided project starter code for Node API 2 module.
In this project we will learn how to create a very simple Web API using Node.js
and Express
, and cover how to use Express Routers
to break up the application to make it more maintainable.
- clone this repository.
- CD into the folder where you cloned the repo.
- type
npm i
to download dependencies.
Please follow along as the instructor builds the API step by step:
Not using REST | Using REST |
POST http://localhost:9000/listAllAdopters |
GET http://localhost:9000/adopters |
POST http://localhost:9000/createAdopter |
POST http://localhost:9000/adopters |
POST http://localhost:9000/updateAdopter |
PUT http://localhost:9000/adopters/:id |
POST http://localhost:9000/deleteAdopter |
DELETE http://localhost:9000/adopters/:id |
POST http://localhost:9000/listAdopterDogs |
GET http://localhost:9000/adopters/:id/dogs |