All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- for new features
- for changes in existing functionality
- for soon-to-be removed features
- for now removed features
- for any bug fixes
- in case of vulnerabilities
1.2.1 - 2020-02-11
- Instructions on building File Catalog as a docker container
- Instructions on deploying a File Catalog container to WIPAC Kubernetes
- Test for MongoDB unindexed queries
- MongoDB hashed index for logical_name field
- Many improvements to the Metadata Import script
1.2.0 - 2020-02-03
- Use MONGODB_AUTH_SOURCE_DB to specify the DB with authentication details
- Additional changes not specified; use the git log, Luke
1.1.1 - 2019-08-13
- All configuration is now loaded from environment variables
- Configuration parameter names changed to be more descriptive
- Configuration via command-line and config files is no longer possible
1.1.0 - 2018-08-07
- Configuration for flake8 linting tool in setup.cfg
- MongoDB index on 'locations'; a unique multikey index
- Unit tests to ensure uniqueness constraint is enforced properly
- MongoDB index on 'logical_name'; the index is now unique
- logical_name is now required to be unique for POST /api/files
- logical_name is now required to be unique for PUT /api/files/{uuid}
- logical_name is now required to be unique for PATCH /api/files/{uuid}
- locations are now required to be unique for POST /api/files
- locations are now required to be unique for PUT /api/files/{uuid}
- locations are now required to be unique for PATCH /api/files/{uuid}
- Issue #33: New file restrictions
1.0.0 - 2018-08-03
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- TODO: Add these changes to the ChangeLog
- Issue #26: 'location.archive' overwriting search query