diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index d9fb7886..e580d340 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+- Fixes for enhanced robustness:
+ - ``.kinetics.ode.get_odesys``
+ - ``.chemistry.as_per_substance_array``
+- Minor changes.
- Multiple fixes throughout
diff --git a/chempy/chemistry.py b/chempy/chemistry.py
index 30e1942a..43718e78 100644
--- a/chempy/chemistry.py
+++ b/chempy/chemistry.py
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ def as_per_substance_array(self, cont, dtype='float64', unit=None, raise_on_unk=
raise KeyError("Unkown substance key: %s" % k)
cont = [cont[k] for k in substance_keys]
- cont = np.asarray(cont, dtype=dtype)
+ cont = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(cont, dtype=dtype).squeeze())
if cont.shape[-1] != self.ns:
raise ValueError("Incorrect size")
return cont*(unit if unit is not None else 1)
diff --git a/chempy/kinetics/_rates.py b/chempy/kinetics/_rates.py
index ca79b559..b8b10be5 100644
--- a/chempy/kinetics/_rates.py
+++ b/chempy/kinetics/_rates.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class TPolyMassAction(TPoly, MassAction):
argument_names = ('temperature_offset', Ellipsis)
parameter_keys = TPoly.parameter_keys
- def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend):
+ def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend=math):
return self.eval_poly(variables, backend)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend):
class PiecewiseTPolyMassAction(TPiecewisePoly, MassAction):
parameter_keys = TPoly.parameter_keys
- def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend):
+ def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend=math):
return self.eval_poly(variables, backend)
@@ -39,19 +39,27 @@ def g_value(self, variables, backend):
return self.eval_poly(variables, backend)
+class RTPolyRadiolytic(RTPoly, Radiolytic):
+ nargs = None
+ parameter_keys = Radiolytic.parameter_keys + RTPoly.parameter_keys
+ def g_value(self, variables, backend):
+ return self.eval_poly(variables, backend)
class RTPolyMassAction(RTPoly, MassAction):
""" Arguments: temperature_offset, c0, c1, ... """
parameter_keys = RTPoly.parameter_keys
nargs = None
- def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend):
+ def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend=math):
return self.eval_poly(variables, backend)
class _Log10XPolyMassAction(MassAction):
skip_poly = 1 # kunit
- def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend):
+ def rate_coeff(self, variables, backend=math):
k_unit = self.arg(variables, 0)
return 10**self.eval_poly(variables, backend)*k_unit
diff --git a/chempy/kinetics/ode.py b/chempy/kinetics/ode.py
index d1a8d218..894c222f 100644
--- a/chempy/kinetics/ode.py
+++ b/chempy/kinetics/ode.py
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ def get_odesys(rsys, include_params=True, substitutions=None,
if ratex.unique_keys is not None:
if unit_registry is None:
def pre_processor(x, y, p):
return (
@@ -184,9 +183,9 @@ def post_processor(x, y, p):
p_units = [get_derived_unit(unit_registry, k) for k in param_keys]
new_r_exprs = []
for ratex in r_exprs:
- _pu, _new_rates = ratex.dedimensionalisation(unit_registry)
+ _pu, _new_rate = ratex._recursive_as_RateExpr().dedimensionalisation(unit_registry)
- new_r_exprs.append(_new_rates)
+ new_r_exprs.append(_new_rate)
r_exprs = new_r_exprs
time_unit = get_derived_unit(unit_registry, 'time')
diff --git a/chempy/kinetics/rates.py b/chempy/kinetics/rates.py
index bd8d56f3..21e6bcda 100644
--- a/chempy/kinetics/rates.py
+++ b/chempy/kinetics/rates.py
@@ -31,6 +31,22 @@ def rxn(self, value):
if isinstance(arg, RateExpr):
arg.rxn = value
+ def _recursive_as_RateExpr(self):
+ new_args = []
+ for arg in self.args:
+ if isinstance(arg, Expr):
+ new_args.append(arg)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(arg, '_as_RateExpr'):
+ new_args.append(arg._as_RateExpr(self.rxn))
+ else:
+ new_args.append(arg)
+ if self.kw is None:
+ kw = {}
+ else:
+ kw = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.kw}
+ return self.__class__(new_args, self.unique_keys, **kw)
def subclass_from_callback(cls, cb, cls_attrs=None):
@@ -91,7 +107,7 @@ class _Radiolytic(RadiolyticBase):
parameter_keys = (doserate_name, 'density')
print_name = 'Radiolytic' if doserate_name == 'doserate' else ('Radiolytic{'+doserate_name+'}')
- def g_value(self, variables, backend): # for subclasses
+ def g_value(self, variables, backend=math): # for subclasses
return self.arg(variables, 0, backend=backend)
def __call__(self, variables, backend=math):
@@ -168,6 +184,22 @@ def as_mass_action(self, variables, backend=math):
class ArrheniusMassAction(MassAction):
+ """ Rate expression for a Arrhenius-type of rate
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from math import exp
+ >>> from chempy import Reaction
+ >>> from chempy.units import allclose, default_units as u
+ >>> A = 1e11 / u.second
+ >>> Ea_over_R = 42e3/8.3145 * u.K**-1
+ >>> ratex = ArrheniusMassAction([A, Ea_over_R])
+ >>> rxn = Reaction({'R'}, {'P'}, ratex)
+ >>> dRdt = rxn.rate({'R': 3*u.M, 'temperature': 298.15*u.K})['R']
+ >>> allclose(dRdt, -3*1e11*exp(-42e3/8.3145/298.15)*u.M/u.s)
+ True
+ """
argument_names = ('A', 'Ea_over_R')
parameter_keys = ('temperature',)
diff --git a/chempy/tests/test_chemistry.py b/chempy/tests/test_chemistry.py
index cb7d5366..95ef28c5 100644
--- a/chempy/tests/test_chemistry.py
+++ b/chempy/tests/test_chemistry.py
@@ -187,8 +187,7 @@ def test_ReactionSystem__as_per_substance_array_dict():
m = default_units.metre
M = default_units.molar
rs = ReactionSystem([], [Substance('H2O')])
- c = rs.as_per_substance_array({'H2O': 1*M},
- unit=M)
+ c = rs.as_per_substance_array({'H2O': 1*M}, unit=M)
assert c.dimensionality == M.dimensionality
assert abs(c[0]/(1000*mol/m**3) - 1) < 1e-16
diff --git a/chempy/tests/test_units.py b/chempy/tests/test_units.py
index 41bb4699..74efd242 100644
--- a/chempy/tests/test_units.py
+++ b/chempy/tests/test_units.py
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
from ..util.testing import requires
from ..units import (
- allclose, get_derived_unit, is_unitless, linspace,
+ allclose, get_derived_unit, is_unitless, linspace, logspace_from_lin,
SI_base_registry, unitless_in_registry, format_string, get_physical_quantity,
- to_unitless, magnitude, default_unit_in_registry, Backend,
+ to_unitless, magnitude, default_unit_in_registry, Backend, latex_of_unit,
unit_of, unit_registry_to_human_readable, units_library,
unit_registry_from_human_readable, _sum, UncertainQuantity,
default_units as u
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ def test_to_unitless():
assert abs(to_unitless(3/(u.second*u.molar),
u.metre**3/u.mole/u.second) - 3e-3) < 1e-12
assert abs(to_unitless(2*u.dm3, u.cm3) - 2000) < 1e-12
+ assert abs(to_unitless(2*u.m3, u.dm3) - 2000) < 1e-12
assert (float(to_unitless(UncertainQuantity(2, u.dm3, .3), u.cm3)) - 2000) < 1e-12
g1 = UncertainQuantity(4.46, u.per100eV, 0)
@@ -137,6 +138,13 @@ def test_linspace():
assert abs(to_unitless(ls[0], u.hour) - 2/3600.) < 1e-15
+def test_logspace_from_lin():
+ ls = logspace_from_lin(2*u.second, 3*u.second)
+ assert abs(to_unitless(ls[0], u.hour) - 2/3600.) < 1e-15
+ assert abs(to_unitless(ls[-1], u.hour) - 3/3600.) < 1e-15
def test_get_derived_unit():
registry = SI_base_registry.copy()
@@ -323,3 +331,8 @@ def test_joule_html():
joule_htm = 'kg⋅m2/s2'
joule = u.J.dimensionality.simplified
assert joule.html == joule_htm
+def test_latex_of_unit():
+ assert latex_of_unit(u.gram/u.metre**2) == r'\mathrm{\frac{g}{m^{2}}}'
diff --git a/chempy/units.py b/chempy/units.py
index d47888e3..1dde2d2a 100644
--- a/chempy/units.py
+++ b/chempy/units.py
@@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
- ``chempy.units.default_constants``
- ``chempy.units.SI_base_registry``
+together with some functions.
Currently `quantities `_ is used as
the underlying package to handle units. If it is possible you should try to
-only use the `chempy.units` module (in case ``ChemPy`` changes this backend).
+only use the `chempy.units` module (in case ``ChemPy`` changes this backend),
+and avoid relying on any attributes of the Quantity instances (and rather use
+functions in `chempy.units`).
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
+from operator import mul
from ._util import NameSpace
-# Currently we use quantities for units. This may change, therefore use this
-# file for all units. A requirement is first-class numpy support.
units_library = 'quantities' # info used for selective testing.
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
default_units = NameSpace(pq)
default_units.decimetre = pq.UnitQuantity(
'decimetre', default_units.m / 10.0, u_symbol='dm')
+ default_units.m3 = default_units.metre**3
default_units.dm3 = default_units.decimetre**3
default_units.cm3 = default_units.centimetre**3
if not hasattr(default_units, 'molar'):
@@ -147,6 +150,18 @@ def unit_registry_to_human_readable(unit_registry):
return new_registry
+def latex_of_unit(quant):
+ """ Returns LaTeX reperesentation of the unit of a quantity
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> print(latex_of_unit(1/default_units.kelvin))
+ \\mathrm{\\frac{1}{K}}
+ """
+ return quant.dimensionality.latex.strip('$')
def unit_registry_from_human_readable(unit_registry):
""" Deserialization of unit_registry. """
if unit_registry is None:
@@ -308,7 +323,15 @@ def allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-8, atol=None):
def linspace(start, stop, num=50):
- """ Analogous to ``numpy.linspace``. """
+ """ Analogous to ``numpy.linspace``.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> abs(linspace(2, 8, num=3)[1] - 5) < 1e-15
+ True
+ """
# work around for quantities v0.10.1 and NumPy
import numpy as np
unit = unit_of(start)
@@ -317,6 +340,22 @@ def linspace(start, stop, num=50):
return np.linspace(start_, stop_, num)*unit
+def logspace_from_lin(start, stop, num=50):
+ """ Logarithmically spaced data points
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> abs(logspace_from_lin(2, 8, num=3)[1] - 4) < 1e-15
+ True
+ """
+ import numpy as np
+ unit = unit_of(start)
+ start_ = np.log2(to_unitless(start, unit))
+ stop_ = np.log2(to_unitless(stop, unit))
+ return np.exp2(np.linspace(start_, stop_, num))*unit
def _sum(iterable):
result = next(iterable)
diff --git a/chempy/util/_expr.py b/chempy/util/_expr.py
index d8bebebf..647df07b 100644
--- a/chempy/util/_expr.py
+++ b/chempy/util/_expr.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from operator import add, mul, truediv, sub
+from .pyutil import defaultkeydict
class Expr(object):
@@ -55,8 +56,8 @@ class Expr(object):
>>> cv = {s.name: EinsteinSolid([einT(s), s.mass]) for s in (Al, Be)}
>>> print('%.4f' % cv['Al']({'temperature': 273.15, 'molar_gas_constant': 8.3145})) # J/(g*K)
- >>> import sympy
- >>> print(cv['Be']({'temperature': sympy.Symbol('T'), 'molar_gas_constant': sympy.Symbol('R')}, backend=sympy))
+ >>> import sympy; from sympy import Symbol as Symb
+ >>> print(cv['Be']({'temperature': Symb('T'), 'molar_gas_constant': Symb('R')}, backend=sympy))
@@ -104,6 +105,44 @@ def __init__(self, args, unique_keys=None, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
raise ValueError("Unexpected keyword arguments %s" % kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_callback(cls, callback, **kwargs):
+ """ Factory of subclasses
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ callback : callable
+ signature: *args, backend=None
+ argument_names : tuple of str, optional
+ parameter_keys : tuple of str, optional,
+ kw : dict, optional
+ nargs : int, optional
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from operator import add; from functools import reduce
+ >>> def poly(args, x, backend=None):
+ ... x0 = args[0]
+ ... return reduce(add, [c*(x-x0)**i for i, c in enumerate(args[1:])])
+ ...
+ >>> Poly = Expr.from_callback(poly, parameter_keys=('x',), argument_names=('x0', Ellipsis))
+ >>> p = Poly([1, 3, 2, 5])
+ >>> p({'x': 7}) == 3 + 2*(7-1) + 5*(7-1)**2
+ True
+ >>> q = Poly([1, 3, 2, 5], unique_keys=('x0_q',))
+ >>> q({'x': 7, 'x0_q': 0}) == 3 + 2*7 + 5*7**2
+ True
+ """
+ class Wrapper(cls):
+ def __call__(self, variables, backend=math):
+ args = self.all_args(variables, backend=backend)
+ params = self.all_params(variables, backend=backend)
+ return callback(args, *params, backend=backend)
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(Wrapper, k, v)
+ return Wrapper
def __call__(self, variables, backend=None):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass and implement __call__")
@@ -134,20 +173,20 @@ def __repr__(self):
def string(self, arg_fmt=str, **kwargs):
return self._str(arg_fmt, **kwargs)
- def arg(self, variables, index, backend=None):
+ def arg(self, variables, index, backend=None, evaluate=True):
if isinstance(index, str):
index = self.argument_names.index(index)
if self.unique_keys is None or len(self.unique_keys) <= index:
res = self.args[index]
res = variables.get(self.unique_keys[index], self.args[index])
- if isinstance(res, Expr):
+ if isinstance(res, Expr) and evaluate:
return res(variables, backend=backend)
return res
- def all_args(self, variables, backend=None):
- return [self.arg(variables, i, backend) for i in range(len(self.args))]
+ def all_args(self, variables, backend=None, evaluate=True):
+ return [self.arg(variables, i, backend, evaluate) for i in range(len(self.args))]
def all_params(self, variables, backend=None):
return [v(variables, backend=backend) if isinstance(v, Expr) else v for v
@@ -189,9 +228,9 @@ def dedimensionalisation(self, unit_registry, variables={}, backend=math):
from ..units import default_unit_in_registry, to_unitless
units = [None if isinstance(arg, Expr) else default_unit_in_registry(arg, unit_registry) for arg
- in self.all_args(variables, backend=backend)]
+ in self.all_args(variables, backend=backend, evaluate=False)]
new_units, unitless_args = [], []
- for arg, unit in zip(self.all_args(variables, backend=backend), units):
+ for arg, unit in zip(self.all_args(variables, backend=backend, evaluate=False), units):
if isinstance(arg, Expr):
if unit is not None:
raise ValueError()
@@ -206,12 +245,14 @@ def dedimensionalisation(self, unit_registry, variables={}, backend=math):
kw = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.kw}
return new_units, self.__class__(unitless_args, self.unique_keys, **kw)
- def _sympy_format(self, method, variables, backend):
+ def _sympy_format(self, method, variables, backend, default):
variables = variables or {}
if backend is None:
import sympy as backend
- variables = {k: v if isinstance(v, Expr) else backend.Symbol(v) for k, v in variables.items()}
- expr = self(variables, backend=backend)
+ variables = defaultkeydict(
+ None if default is None else (lambda k: backend.Symbol(default(k))),
+ {k: v if isinstance(v, Expr) else backend.Symbol(v) for k, v in variables.items()})
+ expr = self(variables, backend=backend).simplify()
if method == 'latex':
return backend.latex(expr)
elif method == 'unicode':
@@ -222,12 +263,14 @@ def _sympy_format(self, method, variables, backend):
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method: %s" % method)
- def latex(self, variables=None, backend=None):
+ def latex(self, variables=None, backend=None, default=None):
variables : dict
backend : module
+ default : callable
+ Format string based on missing key, signature: str -> str.
@@ -243,45 +286,7 @@ def latex(self, variables=None, backend=None):
Requires SymPy
- return self._sympy_format('latex', variables, backend)
- @classmethod
- def from_callback(cls, callback, **kwargs):
- """ Factory of subclasses
- Parameters
- ----------
- callback : callable
- signature: *args, backend=None
- argument_names : tuple of str, optional
- parameter_keys : tuple of str, optional,
- kw : dict, optional
- nargs : int, optional
- Examples
- --------
- >>> from operator import add; from functools import reduce
- >>> def poly(args, x, backend=None):
- ... x0 = args[0]
- ... return reduce(add, [c*(x-x0)**i for i, c in enumerate(args[1:])])
- ...
- >>> Poly = Expr.from_callback(poly, parameter_keys=('x',), argument_names=('x0', Ellipsis))
- >>> p = Poly([1, 3, 2, 5])
- >>> p({'x': 7}) == 3 + 2*(7-1) + 5*(7-1)**2
- True
- >>> q = Poly([1, 3, 2, 5], unique_keys=('x0_q',))
- >>> q({'x': 7, 'x0_q': 0}) == 3 + 2*7 + 5*7**2
- True
- """
- class Wrapper(cls):
- def __call__(self, variables, backend=math):
- args = self.all_args(variables, backend=backend)
- params = self.all_params(variables, backend=backend)
- return callback(args, *params, backend=backend)
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(Wrapper, k, v)
- return Wrapper
+ return self._sympy_format('latex', variables, backend=backend, default=default)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
diff --git a/chempy/util/bkh.py b/chempy/util/bkh.py
index 4365f496..767c9296 100644
--- a/chempy/util/bkh.py
+++ b/chempy/util/bkh.py
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
from itertools import chain
from chempy.kinetics.ode import get_odesys
-from chempy.units import to_unitless, linspace
+from chempy.units import to_unitless, linspace, logspace_from_lin
def integration_with_sliders(
rsys, tend, c0, parameters, fig_kwargs=None, unit_registry=None, output_conc_unit=None,
output_time_unit=None, slider_kwargs=None, x_axis_type="linear", y_axis_type="linear",
- integrate_kwargs=None):
+ integrate_kwargs=None, substitutions=None):
import numpy as np
from bokeh.plotting import Figure
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def integration_with_sliders(
if slider_kwargs is None:
slider_kwargs = {}
odesys, state_keys, rarg_keys, p_units = get_odesys(
- rsys, unit_registry=unit_registry,
+ rsys, unit_registry=unit_registry, substitutions=substitutions,
if output_conc_unit is None:
@@ -33,7 +33,13 @@ def integration_with_sliders(
output_conc_unit = 1
param_keys = list(chain(state_keys, rarg_keys))
- tout = linspace(tend*0, tend)
+ if x_axis_type == 'linear':
+ tout = linspace(tend*0, tend)
+ elif x_axis_type == 'log':
+ tout = logspace_from_lin(tend*1e-9, tend)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unknown x_axis_type: %s" % x_axis_type)
tout, Cout, info = odesys.integrate(tout, c0, parameters, **(integrate_kwargs or {}))
sources = [ColumnDataSource(data={
'tout': to_unitless(tout, output_time_unit),
@@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ def _dict_to_unitless(d, u):
slider_kwargs.get(k, dict(start=v/10, end=v*10, step=v/10)),
for k, v, u in zip(param_keys, p_ul, p_units)])
- all_widgets = list(chain(c0_widgets.values(), param_widgets.values()))
+ all_widgets = list(chain(param_widgets.values(), c0_widgets.values()))
def update_data(attrname, old, new):
_c0 = defaultdict(lambda: 0*output_conc_unit)
diff --git a/chempy/util/pyutil.py b/chempy/util/pyutil.py
index 5d65ab10..7adf6052 100644
--- a/chempy/util/pyutil.py
+++ b/chempy/util/pyutil.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-from collections import namedtuple, Mapping
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, Mapping
from functools import wraps
import os
import warnings
@@ -27,6 +27,29 @@ def wrapper(*args):
return decorator
+class defaultkeydict(defaultdict):
+ """ defaultdict where default_factory should have the signature key -> value
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> d = defaultkeydict(lambda k: '[%s]' % k, {'a': '[a]', 'b': '[B]'})
+ >>> d['a']
+ '[a]'
+ >>> d['b']
+ '[B]'
+ >>> d['c']
+ '[c]'
+ """
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ if self.default_factory is None:
+ raise KeyError("Missing key: %s" % key)
+ else:
+ self[key] = self.default_factory(key)
+ return self[key]
def defaultnamedtuple(typename, field_names, defaults=()):
""" Generates a new subclass of tuple with default values.
diff --git a/chempy/util/tests/test_expr.py b/chempy/util/tests/test_expr.py
index 1aeec8e6..5f320b6e 100644
--- a/chempy/util/tests/test_expr.py
+++ b/chempy/util/tests/test_expr.py
@@ -270,18 +270,25 @@ def test_Expr__latex():
p = Poly([1, 2, 3, 4])
import sympy
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
- ref = sympy.latex(2 + 3*(t-1) + 4*(t-1)**2)
+ ref = sympy.latex((2 + 3*(t-1) + 4*(t-1)**2).simplify())
assert p.latex({'x': 't'}) == ref
TE = Poly([3, 7, 5])
cv_Al = _get_cv()['Al']
T, E, R, m = sympy.symbols('T E R m')
_TE = 7 + 5*(E-3)
- ref = sympy.latex((3*R*(_TE/(2*T))**2 * sympy.sinh(_TE/(2*T))**-2)/m)
+ ref = sympy.latex(((3*R*(_TE/(2*T))**2 * sympy.sinh(_TE/(2*T))**-2)/m).simplify())
cv_Al.unique_keys = ('TE_Al', 'm_Al')
res = cv_Al.latex({'TE_Al': TE, 'temperature': 'T', 'x': 'E', 'molar_gas_constant': 'R', 'm_Al': 'm'})
assert res == ref
+ X = sympy.symbols('X')
+ _TE2 = 7 + 5*(X-3)
+ ref2 = sympy.latex(((3*R*(_TE2/(2*T))**2 * sympy.sinh(_TE2/(2*T))**-2)/m).simplify())
+ res2 = cv_Al.latex({'TE_Al': TE, 'temperature': 'T', 'molar_gas_constant': 'R', 'm_Al': 'm'},
+ default=lambda k: k.upper())
+ assert res2 == ref2
def test_Expr__single_arg():
class Pressure(Expr):
diff --git a/chempy/util/tests/test_pyutil.py b/chempy/util/tests/test_pyutil.py
index ebfae87f..2dfe8a21 100644
--- a/chempy/util/tests/test_pyutil.py
+++ b/chempy/util/tests/test_pyutil.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-from ..pyutil import defaultnamedtuple
+from ..pyutil import defaultkeydict, defaultnamedtuple
def test_defaultnamedtuple():
@@ -37,3 +37,8 @@ def __new__(cls, x2, y2=_default_y):
p3 = MySubclass(9)
assert p3.x == 3
assert p3.y == 10**.5
+def test_defaultkeydict():
+ d = defaultkeydict(lambda k: k*2)
+ assert d['as'] == 'asas'
diff --git a/examples/bokeh_interactive_arrhenius_units.py b/examples/bokeh_interactive_arrhenius_units.py
index ebe865c8..94d8e002 100644
--- a/examples/bokeh_interactive_arrhenius_units.py
+++ b/examples/bokeh_interactive_arrhenius_units.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Af, Ab, Ea, Er = 1e16/u.molar/u.s, 1.5e15/u.s, 72e3*u.J/u.mol, -12e3*u.J/u.mol
get_rsys(Af, Ab, Ea, Er), tend=3*u.s,
- c0=defaultdict(float, {'Fe+3': 3e-3*u.molar, 'SCN-': 1.5e-3*u.molar}),
+ c0=defaultdict(lambda: 0*u.molar, {'Fe+3': 3e-3*u.molar, 'SCN-': 1.5e-3*u.molar}),
parameters={'temperature': 298.15*u.K},
slider_kwargs={'temperature': dict(start=273.15*u.K, end=313.15*u.K, step=.05*u.K)},