diff --git a/metascoop/main.go b/metascoop/main.go
index 58cd64e..937d5e8 100644
--- a/metascoop/main.go
+++ b/metascoop/main.go
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ func main() {
var (
- haveError bool
- apkInfoMap = make(map[string]apps.Application)
- toRemovePaths []string
- changedRepos = make(map[string]map[string]*github.RepositoryRelease)
- mu sync.Mutex
- wg sync.WaitGroup
+ haveError bool
+ apkInfoMap = make(map[string]apps.Application)
+ toRemovePaths []string
+ repoAppReleasesMap = make(map[string]map[*apps.Application][]*github.RepositoryRelease)
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ wg sync.WaitGroup
- hasNewCommits := false
+ isCommittingNewReleases := false
for _, repo := range reposList {
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ func main() {
log.Printf("Received %d releases", len(releases))
var appWg sync.WaitGroup
- repoChanged := false
for _, app := range repo.Applications {
go func(app apps.Application) {
@@ -104,9 +103,11 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("::group::App %s\n", app.Name)
- foundArtifact := false
- for _, release := range releases {
+ for i, release := range releases {
+ if i >= 10 {
+ log.Printf("10 latest releases have been processed for app %s, skipping the rest.", app.Name)
+ break
+ }
fmt.Printf("::group::Release %s\n", release.GetTagName())
if release.GetDraft() {
@@ -143,11 +144,10 @@ func main() {
appTargetPath := filepath.Join(*repoDir, appName)
- // If the app file already exists for this version, we stop processing this app and move to the next
+ // If the app file already exists for this version, we skip processing this release and move to the next
if _, err := os.Stat(appTargetPath); !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
log.Printf("Already have APK for version %q at %q\n", release.GetTagName(), appTargetPath)
- foundArtifact = true
- break
+ continue
log.Printf("Downloading APK %q from release %q to %q", apk.GetName(), release.GetTagName(), appTargetPath)
@@ -176,17 +176,16 @@ func main() {
log.Printf("Successfully downloaded app for version %q", release.GetTagName())
fmt.Printf("::endgroup:App %s\n", app.Name)
- hasNewCommits = true
- repoChanged = true
- if changedRepos[repo.GitURL] == nil {
- changedRepos[repo.GitURL] = make(map[string]*github.RepositoryRelease)
+ isCommittingNewReleases = true
+ if repoAppReleasesMap[repo.GitURL] == nil {
+ repoAppReleasesMap[repo.GitURL] = make(map[*apps.Application][]*github.RepositoryRelease)
- changedRepos[repo.GitURL][app.Filename] = release
+ repoAppReleasesMap[repo.GitURL][&app] = append(repoAppReleasesMap[repo.GitURL][&app], release)
- break
- if foundArtifact || haveError {
- // Stop after the first [release] of this [app] is downloaded to prevent back-filling legacy releases.
+ if haveError {
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ func main() {
- if repoChanged {
+ if isCommittingNewReleases {
log.Printf("Changes detected for repo: %s", repo.GitURL)
@@ -205,47 +204,56 @@ func main() {
var commitMsg strings.Builder
- if hasNewCommits {
+ if isCommittingNewReleases {
log.Printf("New commits detected in at least one repo. Creating commit message with application update details.")
- // Create the first line with repo names
- repoNames := make([]string, 0, len(changedRepos))
- for repoURL := range changedRepos {
+ // Create the commit title with modified repo names. E.g., "Update apps from repo1, repo2".
+ repoNames := make([]string, 0, len(repoAppReleasesMap))
+ for repoURL := range repoAppReleasesMap {
repoName := strings.TrimPrefix(repoURL, "https://github.com/")
repoNames = append(repoNames, repoName)
- commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Updated apps from %s\n\n", strings.Join(repoNames, ", ")))
+ commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Updated apps from %s", strings.Join(repoNames, ", ")))
- commitMsg.WriteString("## Repository updates:\n")
- // Add details for each repo
- for repoURL, apps := range changedRepos {
+ // Add newlines before starting commit body
+ commitMsg.WriteString("\n\n")
+ // Add header for updated repositories
+ commitMsg.WriteString("## Updated repositories\n")
+ for repoURL, appReleasesMap := range repoAppReleasesMap {
+ // Add a h2 header for each unique repo with changes. E.g., "## [bitwarden/android](https://github.com/bitawrden/android)".
repoFullName := strings.TrimPrefix(repoURL, "https://github.com/")
+ commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("## [%s](%s)\n", repoFullName, repoURL))
- commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s
\n\n", repoFullName))
+ // Add h3 header for apps section.
+ commitMsg.WriteString("### Apps\n")
- // Group apps by release
- releaseApps := make(map[*github.RepositoryRelease][]string)
- for appFilename, release := range apps {
- releaseApps[release] = append(releaseApps[release], appFilename)
- }
+ // Add details section for each app. E.g., "## Bitwarden" or "## Bitwarden Beta".
+ for application, appReleases := range appReleasesMap {
+ commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s
\n", application.Name))
- for release, appList := range releaseApps {
- releaseName := release.GetName()
- if releaseName == "" {
- releaseName = release.GetTagName()
- }
- releaseTagURL := release.GetHTMLURL()
- commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("### [%s](%s)\n\n", releaseName, releaseTagURL))
+ // Add links to each release of the app. E.g., "- [v2024.11.0](https://github.com/bitwarden/android/releases/v2024.11.0)".
+ for i, appRelease := range appReleases {
+ releaseName := appRelease.GetName()
+ if releaseName == "" {
+ releaseName = appRelease.GetTagName()
+ }
+ releaseTagUrl := appRelease.GetHTMLURL()
+ commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - [%s](%s)", releaseName, releaseTagUrl))
- for _, appFilename := range appList {
- commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- %s\n", appFilename))
+ // Append "latest" if this is the newest release
+ if i == 0 {
+ commitMsg.WriteString(" **latest**")
+ }
+ commitMsg.WriteString("\n")
- commitMsg.WriteString("\n")
+ // Close details tag.
+ commitMsg.WriteString(" \n\n")
- commitMsg.WriteString(" \n\n")
} else {
- log.Printf("No new commits detected.")
+ log.Printf("No new releases detected.")
if haveError {
@@ -499,45 +507,45 @@ func main() {
log.Fatalf("error generating %q: %s\n", readmePath, err.Error())
- cpath, haveSignificantChanges := apps.HasSignificantChanges(initialFdroidIndex, fdroidIndex)
- if haveSignificantChanges {
+ cpath, hasSignificantChanges := apps.HasSignificantChanges(initialFdroidIndex, fdroidIndex)
+ if hasSignificantChanges {
log.Printf("The index %q had a significant change at JSON path %q", fdroidIndexFilePath, cpath)
- // If there were no new commits, we add a commit title indicating index has changes.
- if !hasNewCommits {
+ // If there were no new releases, we add a commit title indicating the index has changes.
+ if !isCommittingNewReleases {
commitMsg.WriteString("Automatic index update\n\n")
- commitMsg.WriteString("Index updated to reflect recent changes to the F-Droid repository.\n")
} else {
log.Printf("The index files didn't change significantly")
+ }
- changedFiles, err := git.GetChangedFileNames(*repoDir)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("getting changed files: %s\n::endgroup::\n", err.Error())
- }
+ changedFiles, err := git.GetChangedFileNames(*repoDir)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("getting changed files: %s\n::endgroup::\n", err.Error())
+ }
- // If only the index files changed, we ignore the commit
- var modifiedFiles []string
- for _, fname := range changedFiles {
- if !strings.Contains(fname, "index") {
- haveSignificantChanges = true
- modifiedFiles = append(modifiedFiles, fname)
- log.Printf("File %q is a significant change", fname)
- }
+ // If only the index files changed, we ignore the commit
+ var modifiedFiles []string
+ for _, fname := range changedFiles {
+ if !strings.Contains(fname, "index") {
+ hasSignificantChanges = true
+ modifiedFiles = append(modifiedFiles, fname)
+ log.Printf("File %q is a significant change", fname)
+ }
- // If there were modified files, we add them to the commit message
- if len(modifiedFiles) > 0 {
- // If there were no new commits, we add a commit title indicating only metadata changes occurred.
- if !hasNewCommits {
- commitMsg.WriteString("Automatic metadata updates\n\n")
- }
+ // If there were modified files, we add them to the commit message
+ if len(modifiedFiles) > 0 {
+ // If there were new releases, we add a header to separate metadata changes.
+ if isCommittingNewReleases {
commitMsg.WriteString("## Metadata updates:\n\n")
- for _, fname := range modifiedFiles {
- commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s\n", fname))
- }
+ commitMsg.WriteString("We performed updates to repository metadata files.\n")
+ commitMsg.WriteString("\nSee what changed
+ for _, fname := range modifiedFiles {
+ commitMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s\n", fname))
+ }
+ commitMsg.WriteString(" \n")
if haveError {
@@ -546,13 +554,13 @@ func main() {
fmt.Println("::endgroup::Assessing changes")
- // If we don't have any good changes, we report it with exit code 2
- if !haveSignificantChanges {
+ // If we don't have any significant changes, we report it with exit code 2.
+ if !hasSignificantChanges {
- // If we have relevant changes, we write the commit message and exit with code 0.
+ // Otherwise, we write the commit message and exit with code 0.
// Create a temporary commit message file.
tempFile, err := os.Create(*commitMsgFile)
if err != nil {