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coop.magnet.ttlcache - forked from

A Clojure library designed to improve upon core.cache's TTLCache for some use cases. Specifically, it allows cache expiry in less than O(N) time (improving performance when small numbers of entries are expiring), and it allows per-item TTLs rather than a fixed TTL for the whole cache, which is useful for applications like DNS caching or HTTP caching where protocol responses specify a TTL.

Based on data.priority-map and core.cache.


Clojars Project


(require '[coop.magnet.ttlcache :refer [per-item-ttl-cache-factory ttl-cache-factory]])

coop.magnet.ttlcache contains two public functions, both factory functions returning an instance of CacheProtocol:

  • ttl-cache-factory is designed as a drop-in replacement for the core.cache one, specifying a fixed TTL (in milliseconds) for the whole cache. See the core.cache docs for more.
  • per-item-ttl-cache-factory creates a PerItemTTLCache instance. It takes two arguments:
    • a map of values to seed the cache with,
    • and a function which is applied to the key and value of any added entries, and returns the TTL in milli-seconds for the entries. ttl-cache-factory is built in this factory, and just supplies (constantly n) as the function.

The best example is probably the tests:

user> (require '[coop.magnet.ttlcache :refer [per-item-ttl-cache-factory ttl-cache-factory]]
               '[clojure.test :refer [testing is]])
user> (def sleepy #(do (Thread/sleep %2) %))
user> (testing "TTL cache does not return a value that has expired."
        (let [cache-values {:a {:val 1 :ttl 900}
                            :b {:val 2 :ttl 500}}
              ttlcache (per-item-ttl-cache-factory cache-values :ttl-getter (fn [key value] (:ttl value)))]
          (is (= {:val 1 :ttl 900}
                 (-> ttlcache
                     (sleepy 700)
                     (. lookup :a))))
          (is (nil? (-> ttlcache
                        (sleepy 700)
                        (. lookup :b))))))

Big-O complexity

In versions prior to 0.6 (when this library was developed), the TTLCache in core.cache uses a pair of maps - one to hold the values and another to hold the TTLs. This means most operations were quite efficient, but expiring items from the cache requires iterating over the whole map, so happens in O(N) time.

This TTLCache uses data.priority-map to store the TTLs in a priority queue, with O(1) find-min and O(log N) delete-min.

Lookup, insertion and manual cache eviction basically equate to get/assoc/dissoc on a Clojure priority map, so take O(log n) time (marginally worse than O(log32 n) for core.cache, but nonetheless very scalable).

TTL-based expiry (done as part of adding to the cache in both implementations), however, only takes O(M log N) time, where M is the number of items evicted and N is the number of items in the cache. This means it performs better than the core.cache implementation at the time, when small numbers of items are being expired at once - in the best case, where no items expire, it is O(1) (just a heap peek).

Expiry of large numbers of items at once is less efficient than core.cache - obviously the scalability of O(M log N) gets closer to O(N) as M gets larger, but also because large numbers of operations on the pure-Clojure priority map perform worse than operations on an ordinary Java-based transient-able map.

Tests vs core.cache

$ lein test

lein test coop.magnet.core-cache-comparison-test
With    0 out of 5,000 cache items being expired, adding an item to my TTLCache is 230.9435502424312 times faster than the core.cache one
With   50 out of 5,000 cache items being expired, adding an item to my TTLCache is 4.757156584034744 times faster than the core.cache one
With  250 out of 5,000 cache items being expired, adding an item to my TTLCache is 0.752112969429968 times faster than the core.cache one
With 4950 out of 5,000 cache items being expired, adding an item to my TTLCache is 26.03863189088509 times SLOWER than the core.cache one

With a 5,000-entry cache, looking an item up in my TTLCache is  0.9778370698218088  times faster than the core.cache one

With a 5,000-entry cache, removing an item from my TTLCache is  2.2084563541938076  times faster than the core.cache one

core.cache's TTLCache: finding an item in a cache with 5,000 entries takes  1.1357957184637633 longer than one with 1,000 entries
My TTLCache: finding an item in a cache with 5,000 entries takes  1.0456086997086054 longer than one with 1,000 entries

core.cache TTLCache: removing an item from a cache with 5,000 entries takes  0.9503029199706673 longer than one with 1,000 entries
My TTLCache: removing an item from a cache with 5,000 entries takes  1.0909547240548432 longer than one with 1,000 entries

core.cache's TTLCache: adding an item to a cache with 5,000 entries takes  5.133550967673091 longer than one with 1,000 entries
My TTLCache: adding an item to a cache with 5,000 entries takes  1.2136739023112617 longer than one with 1,000 entries

Running the tests

lein test coop.magnet.ttlcache-test will run a quick set of unit tests to verify the function.

lein test coop.magnet.core-cache-comparison-test will run a more exhaustive set of tests based on Criterium to verify that the caches have the expected O(log n) complexity, and to characterise its performance strengths and weaknesses against the core.cache version.


Copyright © 2014 Robert Day Copyright © 2021 Magnet, S. Coop.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.