A small collection of scripts to setup an rpi.
- Removes games and other non dev stuff (see apt/remove.txt)
- Installs pyqt5 and others (see apt/install.txt)
- the "default" user is
- the default password is is a
Kick up a terminal and tap in
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/bindusys/bindu-pi.git
Enter the bindu-sys dir and run the script "initial-setup.sh" which install some python headers and fabric
cd bindu-sys
To complete tap in fab all
which executes a series of commands
to remove/add/upgrade and could take a while. Will complete with a reboot.
fab all
Optionally, install "conky", which will create an overlay with the machine's ip address etc (useful when no keyboard and require remote access)
fab install_conky
For more "fab commands" run fab -l
SSH in from remote machine with
ssh pi@<ip>
> pass = raspberry
To set passwordless login
ssh-copy-id pi@<ip>
then below should work with no pass
ssh pi@<ip>
There are two scripts in tools/ directory.
start a normal screen sessionvnc-touch-start.sh
start an tip-touchcreen sized screen session
Have Fun! :-)