dependencies: git, cmake, avrdude, avr-libc, gcc-avr
user@~$ sudo apt-get install cmake avrdude avr-libc gcc-avr git user@~$ git clone user@~$ cd cheali-charger user@~$ git submodule init user@~$ git submodule update user@~/cheali-charger$ ./bootstrap-avr user@~/cheali-charger$ make flashing [your charger] with USBasp: user@~/cheali-charger$ cd src/hardware/atmega32/targets/[your charger] user@~/cheali-charger/src/hardware/atmega32/targets/[your charger]$ ./
Now You should see a "cheali-charger welcome" screen.
dependencies: git, cmake, gcc-arm-none-eabi, openocd (at least version 0.9)
install gcc-arm-none-eabi
user@~$ sudo apt-get install git cmake openocd user@~$ git clone user@~$ cd cheali-charger user@~$ git submodule init user@~$ git submodule update user@~/cheali-charger$ ./bootstrap-arm user@~/cheali-charger$ make flashing [your charger] with st-link-V2 or stm32f4discovery: (openocd at least version 0.9 needed) user@~/cheali-charger$ cd src/hardware/nuvoton-M0517/targets/[your charger] user@~/cheali-charger/src/hardware/nuvoton-M0517/targets/[your charger]$ ./ or user@~/cheali-charger/src/hardware/nuvoton-M0517/targets/[your charger]$ ./
Now You should see a "cheali-charger welcome" screen.
Atmel Studio
- install Atmel Studio and cmake
- start a "Atmel Studio Command Prompt" and go to your cheali-charger directory.
- run:
s:\cheali-charger> cmake . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=avr-toolchain.cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" s:\cheali-charger> make
- hex file should be in s:\cheali-charger\src\atmega32\targets\[your charger]\cheali-charger*.hex
- install cygwin
- in cygwin install: cmake avrdude avr-libc gcc-avr git make
- in cygwin run:
~/cheali-charger$ ./bootstrap-avr ~/cheali-charger$ make
- hex file should be in ~/cheali-charger/src/atmega32/targets/[your charger]/cheali-charger*.hex
- install CooCox CoIDE
- install GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors
- open CoIDE, go to Project -> Open Project and select cheali-charger\CoIDE\cheali-charger.coproj
- go to Project -> Select Toolchain Path and select bin folder of [GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors](ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.9 2015q1\bin)
- go to Project -> Build
- hex file should be in cheali-charger\CoIDE\cheali-charger\Debug\bin
dependencies: git, cmake, avrdude, avr-libc, gcc-avr
install macports
user@~$ sudo port install cmake avrdude avr-libc gcc-avr git user@~$ git clone user@~$ cd cheali-charger user@~$ git submodule init user@~$ git submodule update user@~/cheali-charger$ ./bootstrap-avr user@~/cheali-charger$ make flashing [your charger] with USBasp: user@~/cheali-charger$ cd src/hardware/atmega32/targets/[your charger] user@~/cheali-charger/src/hardware/atmega32/targets/[your charger]$ ./
Now You should see a "cheali-charger welcome" screen.