title: The LILACSAT OOT Module brief: GNU Radio OOT Module for telemetry decoding of LilacSat-1, LilacSat-2 and BY70-1 satellites. tags: # Tags are arbitrary, but look at CGRAN what other authors are using
- sdr
- lilacsat
- LilacSat-1
- LilacSat-2
- BY70-1
- BY70-2 author:
- WEI Mingchuan, BG2BHC [email protected] copyright_owner:
- WEI Mingchuan, BG2BHC [email protected] license: GPLv3 gr_supported_version:
- v3.7
- v3.8 repo: https://github.com/bg2bhc/gr-lilacsat website: lilacsat.hit.edu.cn #icon: <icon_url> # Put a URL to a square image here that will be used as an icon on CGRAN
GNU Radio OOT Module for telemetry decoding of LilacSat-1, LilacSat-2, BY70-1 and BY70-2 satellites. This project is supported by Harbin Institute of Technology.
Visit http://lilacsat.hit.edu.cn/for more information.