- Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications/ and create a new application.
- Pick a name for the application
- Give it an icon
- Go to the bot option and enable it as a bot
Still in the discord application page
- Go to OAuth2 tab
- Copy ClientID
- Put it into this url
Go to that URL and follow the steps to add your bot to the server of your choosing. If you get a grant or token related error ensure in the Bot tab that "Requires Oauth2 code grant" is set to off.
Congratulations, your bot is set up!
You need to set the following environment variables:
- TOKEN: The bot token found the Discord application for the bot in the bot tab
- GUILD_ID: this is the server ID, see this discord article to see how to get it.
- bot_name: The display name of the bot, if you don't have this correct the bot can respond to it's own messages creating an infinite loop
To get a channel ID in your discord settings enable developer mode in advanced settings. Then right click the channel you wish to bridge to and select Copy ID
. Paste that ID into the first element of the tuple and replace the second element with the room you wish to bridge to.
The easiest way to test the bridge is working is to look for the startup message in discord. Get the channel id and set it as a db settings through the web ui:
- go under the web ui
- fill the channel id under
- when starting the server with
mix phx.server
, you should get a message from the bot in that channel.
If one of the bridge channels is called "moderation-reports" then it will not bridge the normal way and instead be used for bridging user reports. If one of the bridge channels is called "moderation-actions" then it will not bridge the normal way and instead be used for bridging moderator actions (including warnings).
If you are working on the bot in development then you'll need to create a 2nd bot account as above and link it to the relevant place for testing.