- Fix fonts
- Sections
- Monitoring (Chatbot)
- Monitoring (IVR)
- Accuracy (IVR)
- Load Testing (IVR)
- Load Testing (Chat)
- Change header links to point to training sections for accuracy, monitoring and load
- Change new paragraph spacing
- Add more details on how load testing works to the load testing training page
- Architecture
- Results
- Benefits
- Add "Starting Training" button to each option detail?
- Advanced topics
- Github
- Integration with reporting systems
- Add logo
- Fix arrow behavior on main page
- Bring in bst docs
- Add favicons
- Add facebook and youtube links
- Add API section
- Add some type of flare to main page
- cleanup footer
- Add little excerpts
- Add continuous testing docs
- Add header for each page - with links to other pages in the section
- Better colors - on fonts for text on main page
- Add landing pages for each section?
- Bring in bst tutorials
- Make whole navblock clickable
- Add icons for each section
- Make menus on topnav dropdown
- how to do redirects from current site