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Max Rothman edited this page Jun 26, 2016 · 9 revisions

Referenced schemas

    num: int
    die: int
    mod: int
    #e.g. 5d8 + 6 is num:5, die:8, mod:6
ability: "(str | dex | con | int | wis | cha)"

Below are WIP JSON schemas for spells and monsters (in YAML format because I'm lazy)


level: int
school: school
ritual: bool
    verbal: bool
    somatic: bool
        required: bool
        value: ({num:int, unit:str} | null)
        description: str
    type: (self | touch | num | unlimited)
    (if type: num) {num:int, unit:str}
    shape: (null |
        range: {num:int, unit:str}
        shape: shapestr
    ) #(valid when type in (self, num, unlimited))
    num: int
    unit: str
    ordinality: int #sorting val.  #name?
    (if unit: reaction)
    condition: str #e.g. when an ally within x feet is hit by an attack...
    text: str
        int: { damage: {avg: int, roll: roll}, description: (str | null) }
        #e.g. 3: {describes at 3rd lvl}
    type: (num | special | concentration | instantaneous)
    (if num | concentration)
    #for concentration, means up to
    num: int
    unit: str
    ordinality: int #(see above)
text: str
summary?: str
    base: {avg: int, roll: roll}
    recurring: {avg: int, roll: roll}
    special: [{avg: int, roll: roll, description: (str | null)}, ...]
save: {ability: ability, description: str}


  • Damage and type should probably be included? That seems like a highly useful thing to use in estimating efficacy and searching for spells that have a certain effect. ("eg. I need a spell that does fire damage" or "spells that do more than 20 average damage in one hit")
    • max: That's tricky because the damage is in the spell body, might be modified by the text in the body, and might be modified by higher_levels. Here are a few possible options:
      • add an extra "damage" field to the input, the writer decides what goes in there
      • have a more complex damage schema that includes different damage options
      • use a custom docutils role to mark up rolls, then search through the body for "damage rolls"
    • ean: I took a quick pass at one that covers the vast majority of cases I've been able to find. Most spells include at most a base damage, an ongoing damage, and a different damage for a special case. If we made the latter infinite we could make it easy to expand no matter how many exceptions a spell includes. At higher levels could use the same structure as base damage but in that section. Mocked it up in the schema. Thoughts?
  • Save and type would make sense to me to include. Could maybe just have a single property of "type" that takes an array of strings.
    • max: Yeah, I was thinking that too. Again, it could be a separate input field or we could use a custom role to mark up a save DC and search the body for it.


  • Things not indicated: maybe markup text with roles?
    • damage
    • save (inc. repeat interval)
    • what changes at higher levels
    • shape of AoO at range (e.g. fireball) or restrictions (e.g. chain lightning)


size: size
type: type
    #multiple alignments might be possible
    morality: {good:bool, neutral:bool, evil:bool}
    order: {lawful:bool, neutral:bool, chaotic:bool}
    text: str #e.g. “any evil”
    num: int
    source: [str] #e.g. natural armor, shield
    num: int
    roll: roll
    base: int
    # only base should be expected. All others are optional, always in feet.
    fly: int
    str: {val:int, mod:int}
    dex: ...
    str: {proficient:bool, mod:int}
    dex: ...
    - {name:str, mod:int}
damage_resistances: [str]
damage_immunities: [str]
condition_immunities: [str] #or links?
    #all optional except passive perception
    passive_perception: int
    truesight: int
languages: ??? could be [str] or something like "Common plus up to five other languages"
    num: int
    xp: int
    - name: str
      limit: ({num:int, period:str} | null)
      text: str
    source: "(innate | class | ???)"
    (if source: "class")
    class: str
    level: int
        cantrip: [str] #or link?
        1: {slots:int, spells: [str]}
        2: ...
        9: ...
    - actions: [str, str, ...]
    # These actions should correspond to `names` from `actions`     
      summary: str
    - {name:str, text:str}
    - name: str
      text: str
      cost: int #how many actions. 1 should not display
    - name: str
      text: str


  • Should spellcasting include a property for the source (innate, 4th level Wizard, etc.), casting attribute, and Spell save DC?
    • max: 👍 definitely
  • I think "type" on HP would be easier to parse if it was "dice" or "die"?
    • max: how about "roll"? I feel like "type" is a little too generic - maybe "roll" for the whole property, and "die" for the size of dice to roll? I tweaked the schema with what I was thinking.
  • Added an expanded "speed" property. Would be cool if it included fly, swim, etc as properties of speed so you could search for creatures with a specific movement type in typical use-cases.
    • 👍 is there a set number of different types of movement? If so, I think it'd be better to always have all the keys there and if the monster doesn't have that movement type, set it to null. So far, the presence of optional keys is indicated by other non-optional keys in every other place, and I'd like to keep it that way to make it easier to write API clients.


  • should all api outputs have a links section? e.g.

    ref: url
    rel: str #title of target page, e.g. “Charmed"
    text: str #text in this page, e.g. “charmed"
    location: path #e.g. "actions[0].text"
    firstchar: int
    lastchar: int
  • not indicated:

    • attack types, damage, reach, etc. Need types? Multiattack is challenging
    • traits that are actions vs traits that are passive vs other traits
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