As an user I want to be able to see a list of my deliveries, including receivers photo and item description. I also want to be able to see the delivery location on the map and full description when I click on the delivery item.
Get list of deliveries (use mock API for Mobile)
- Method
- Endpoint
- Parameters
: Starting index
- Response example:
HTTP code 200
[ { "description": "Deliver documents to Andrio", "imageUrl": "", "location": { "lat": 22.336093, "lng": 114.155288, "address": "Cheung Sha Wan" } }, { "description": "Deliver parcel to Leviero", "imageUrl": "", "location": { "lat": 22.319181, "lng": 114.170008, "address": "Mong Kok" } }, ... ]
- Retrieve list of deliveries from the API
- Display list of deliveries.
- Show details when user select an item in the list.
- Add marker on the map based on the provided lat/lng.
Production ready solution that you are proud of.
- Source code must be stored in a git repository (you can send us github or bitbucket link, dropbox/google drive public folder, etc. NOTE: email servers will reject .zip files with source code)
- For public repos:
- Avoid words
- Do not copy-paste any part of this file (task, API documentation, etc.)
- This is needed to prevent other candidates from finding your solution
- Avoid words
- App should cache deliveries (Cached deliveries should be available offline)
- Candidates are free to use any libraries
- Storyboard or XIB is not allowed (Create UI with code only)
- Use the latest version of Swift
- Project must compile in Android Studio and Gradle
- Support multi pane layout in tablet landscape (For simplicity use XML based fragments)
For reference only, you can be creative with design and UI/UX features.
Questions? We love to answer: [email protected]