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Bee edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 13 revisions

🤸 Usage

$ rustscan -h

Fast Port Scanner built in Rust. WARNING Do not use this program against sensitive infrastructure since the specified
server may not be able to handle this many socket connections at once. - Discord - GitHub

    rustscan [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [addresses]... [-- <command>...]

        --accessible    Accessible mode. Turns off features which negatively affect screen readers
    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -n, --no-config     Whether to ignore the configuration file or not
        --no-nmap       Turns off Nmap
    -q, --quiet         Quiet mode. Only output the ports. No Nmap. Useful for grep or outputting to a file
    -V, --version       Prints version information

    -b, --batch-size <batch-size>    The batch size for port scanning, it increases or slows the speed of scanning.
                                     Depends on the open file limit of your OS.  If you do 65535 it will do every port
                                     at the same time. Although, your OS may not support this [default: 4500]
    -p, --ports <ports>...           A list of comma separed ports to be scanned. Example: 80,443,8080
    -r, --range <range>              A range of ports with format start-end. Example: 1-1000
        --scan-order <scan-order>    The order of scanning to be performed. The "serial" option will scan ports in
                                     ascending order while the "random" option will scan ports randomly [default:
                                     serial]  [possible values: Serial, Random]
    -t, --timeout <timeout>          The timeout in milliseconds before a port is assumed to be closed [default: 1500]
    -u, --ulimit <ulimit>            Automatically ups the ULIMIT with the value you provided

    <addresses>...    A list of comma separated CIDRs, IPs, or hosts to be scanned
    <command>...      The Nmap arguments to run. To use the argument -A, end RustScan's args with '-- -A'. Example:
                      'rustscan -T 1500 -- -A -sC'. This command adds -Pn -vvv -p $PORTS automatically to
                      nmap. For things like --script '(safe and vuln)' enclose it in quotations marks \"'(safe and

The format is rustscan -b 500 -T 1500 to scan with 500 batch size with a timeout of 1500ms. The timeout is how long RustScan waits for a response until it assumes the port is closed.

The batch size determines how fast RustScan is. Set it to 65k, and it will scan all 65k ports at the same time. This means at at 65k batch size, RustScan will take TIMEOUT long to scan all ports. Essentially, if timeout is 1000ms, RustScan can scan in 1 second.

Your operating system may not support this, but it is worth it to play around and see where your open file limit is. Shortly I will be releasing a dockerised version with a much larger open file limit, so this will be possible.


This program, by default, scans 5000 ports at a time (5000 per second).

This may cause damage to a server, or may make it incredibly obvious you are scanning the server.

There are 2 ways to deal with this;

  1. Decrease batch size rustscan -b 10 will run 10 port scans for 1 second, and then another 10 for 1 second and so on.
  2. Increase timeout rustscan -T 5000 will mean RustScan waits 5 seconds until it scans the next ports.

You can also use both of these at the same time, to make it as slow or as fast as you want. A fun favourite is 65535 batch size with 1 second timeout. Theoretically, this scans all 65535 ports in 1 second.

Please do not use this tool against sensitive servers. It is designed mainly for Capture the Flag events, not real world servers with sensitive data.