This document identifies how changes to Alert data relate to Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Event generation.
The diagrams in this document portray the relationship between specific changes to alert data and how they relate to CAP Events. Data model relationships in these diagrams have been simplified and or removed in order to focus on how CAP events relate to Alert Events. For more detail on the data model used to capture these changes see the database documentation
How specifically CAP events will be raised has yet to be determined. This doc attempts to identify the what conditions would precipitate triggering of different CAP events. The logic / code required to raise/update/cancel different CAP events is not part of this system. Some ideas that have been discussed with respect to how CAP events would get raised include:
- a web hook to another external system that would be secured using an API key
- Create an event/message queue that a downstream system could monitor. The alert authoring system described in this document would send messages to an event queue, then a downstream "CAP" system could monitor the event queue and do what it needs to do to manage the actual "CAP"s.
This section starts with some simple examples, and builds on them progressively
When a net new alert is created. The following actions take place:
- New alert record is created
- New cap event is created
In the example below, a new Alert is created for the Nechako and Fraser Basins, and the alert level for both of the basins is set to "High Streamflow". Creation of this alert record results in a new CAP record being generated for both basins at a High Streamflow level
columns 3
new_alert("ALERT CREATED\nalert-id: 1\n---- Basins / Alert Levels ----\n - Fraser / High Streamflow \n- Nechako / High Streamflow")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT CREATED\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: ALERT\nbasins:'Fraser','Nechako' \nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
new_alert-- "create new cap event" --> cap_event_1
In this example a new basin 'Upper Fraser' is added to the alert. This results in that basin being added to the CAP Event. At this stage all the basins in the alert are set to 'High Streamflow' advisory level
columns 1
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Nechako/ High Streamflow\n- Upper Fraser / High Streamflow")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Fraser','Nechako', 'Upper Fraser' \nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
new_alert-- "Edit CAP Event" --> cap_event_1
In this example the alert level for the basin Upper Fraser is being upgraded to from high streamflow to flood watch. This results in a new CAP event to be created, with the status of the CAP to 'ALERT' and the alert level set to flood watch
columns 3
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Nechako/ High Streamflow\n- Upper Fraser / Flood Watch")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Fraser','Nechako'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT CREATED\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: ALERT\nbasin:'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
In this example the Nechako basin will be upgrade to a flood watch.
Because the alert maintains the relationship to its related CAP events it knows
in this scenario to move the the Nechako basin from the existing CAP_EVENT
for High Streamflow to the CAP_EVENT for Flood Watch
columns 3
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Nechako / Flood Watch\n- Upper Fraser / Flood Watch")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Fraser'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasin:'Upper Fraser', 'Nechako'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
In the Alert, the basin Nechako is being upgrade from Flood Watch to Flood Warning. A new CAP_EVENT will be generated for the alert level Flood Watch and the Nechako basin is added to that alert. Nechako is then removed from the Flood Warning CAP_EVENT
columns 3
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Upper Fraser / Flood Watch\n- Nechako / Flood Warning\n")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT - UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Fraser'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT UPDATED\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasin:'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
cap_event_3("CAP EVENT CREATED\ncap-event-id: 12\ncap-event-status: ALERT\nbasin: 'Nechako'\nalert_level:'Flood Warning'")
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
new_alert --> cap_event_3
- An Alert object can only ever have three different caps associated with it, one for each of the different alert levels
In the Alert, Nechako is being removed to indicate there is no longer risk of flooding for that basin. This generates a CAP_EVENT cancellation for that basin. The other two CAP_EVENTS remain unchanged. No changes are made to those records and no messages are generated.
Any time a basin / alert level gets removed from an ALERT a CAP Cancellation event will be generated for that basin.
columns 3
original_alert("ORIGINAL ALERT\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Nechako / Flood Watch\n- Upper Fraser / Flood Warning")
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Upper Fraser / Flood Warning")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT - NONE\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Fraser'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT - NONE\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasin:'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
cap_event_3("CAP EVENT - CANCELLED\ncap-event-id: 12\ncap-event-status: CANCEL\nbasin: 'Nechako'\nalert_level:'Flood Warning'")
original_alert --> new_alert
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
new_alert --> cap_event_3
- the cancelled CAP event will show the previous attributes associated with the CAP, prior to the cancel
The incomming alert for this example has Fraser and Middle Fraser set to High Streamflow alert level. The alert is then edited and Fraser is removed from the alert. This results in an update to High Streamflow alert associated with Middle Fraser, and a new Cancellation CAP Event to be generated for the basin Fraser
columns 3
original_alert("ORIGINAL ALERT\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Fraser / High Streamflow\n- Middle Fraser / High Streamflow")
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n- Middle Fraser / High Streamflow")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT - UPDATE\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Middle Fraser'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_3("CAP EVENT - CANCELLED\ncap-event-id: 12\ncap-event-status: CANCEL\nbasin: 'Fraser'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
original_alert --> new_alert
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_3
In this scenario, we leave off where the previous example started.
The incomming alert has the following basin / alert levels set
- Fraser / HSA
- Upper Fraser / Flood Watch
These are the CAP Events that were emitted from the last update:
- Fraser / High Streamflow (HSA) - No Change
- Upper Fraser / Flood Watch - No Change
- Nechako / Flood Warning - Cancel
In this scenario we will add three more basin / alert levels to the mix to illustrate how they will translate to cap events
- Middle Fraser - Added to alert as HSA
- South Thompson - Added to alert as HSA
- Upper Fraser - changes to Flood Warning
- Fraser - changes to Flood watch
from a cap event perspective this will
- add Middle Fraser and South Thompson to the existing CAP event for HSA
- Move Upper fraser moves from Flood Watch CAP event to the Flood Warning CAP event
- In the previous state the 'Flood Watch' was cancelled, meaning we will generate a new flood watch cap event, Notice the new CAP_EVENT_ID for flood warning
- Move Fraser from the HSA CAP event to the Flood Watch Cap Event.
columns 3
original_alert("ORIGINAL ALERT\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n-Fraser / High Streamflow\n-Upper Fraser / Flood Watch")
new_alert("ALERT EDITED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n - Fraser / Flood Watch\n - Upper Fraser / Flood Warning\n - Middle Fraser / High Streamflow\n - South Thompson / High Streamflow")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT - UPDATE\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasins:'Middle Fraser', 'South Thompson'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT - UPDATE\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: UPDATE\nbasin:'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Warning'")
cap_event_3("CAP EVENT - ALERT (unmodified)\ncap-event-id: 13\ncap-event-status: ALERT\nbasin: 'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
original_alert --> new_alert
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
new_alert --> cap_event_3
ALERT objects have a status set to either 'ACTIVE' or 'CANCELLED'. If the 'Alert'
is set to 'CANCELLED, then all the CAP Events that are associated with an Alert
will be have their cap-event-status
set to CANCEL
columns 3
original_alert("ORIGINAL ALERT\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n-Fraser / High Streamflow\n-Upper Fraser / Flood Watch")
new_alert("ALERT CANCELLED\nalert-id: 1\n----Basins / Alert Levels----\n - Fraser / Flood Watch\n - Upper Fraser / Flood Warning\n - Middle Fraser / High Streamflow\n - South Thompson / High Streamflow")
cap_event_1("CAP EVENT - CANCEL\ncap-event-id: 10\ncap-event-status: CANCEL\nbasins:'Middle Fraser', 'South Thompson'\nalert_level:'High Streamflow'")
cap_event_2("CAP EVENT - CANCEL\ncap-event-id: 11\ncap-event-status: CANCEL\nbasin:'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Warning'")
cap_event_3("CAP EVENT - CANCEL (unmodified)\ncap-event-id: 13\ncap-event-status: CANCEL\nbasin: 'Upper Fraser'\nalert_level:'Flood Watch'")
original_alert --> new_alert
new_alert --> cap_event_1
new_alert --> cap_event_2
new_alert --> cap_event_3
When an 'Alert' gets cancelled, the CAP attributes are all left unchanged, and
only the cap-event-status
attribute is updated to cancel
- An Alert can have multiple Basin / Alert level combinations associated with it
- An Alert can have multiple CAP Events associated with it
- A CAP Event can only have one alert level associated with it.
- Changing the alert level associated with a basin results in either
- The creation of new Cap event for that alert level
- If a cap event with the new alert level already exists, that event will be edited (updated) adding the new area to it, and removing it from other CAP events.
- CAP event cancellations will essentially close that cap event. If a CAP event is cancelled, and then later added back into an alert, a new CAP event will be created with a new CAP_EVENT_ID.
- Any time a basin / alert level is removed from an ALERT a CAP EVENT cancellation will be created for that CAP_EVENT.
Cap Event Attributes:
- Area
- Alert Level
- Cap Event Action type [ALERT, UPDATE, CANCEL, None]
- Cap Area / Basin