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LawrenceLau2020 edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 19 revisions


PIMS requires the ability to send email notifications to agencies to inform them of properties that are approved for the Enhanced Referral Program (ERP).

To support email notifications PIMS will be required to maintain a list of notification templates in the database (the table is NotificationTemplates) that can be populated with data through variable insertion. Additionally notifications will need to be sent based on workflow triggers and allow for adhoc triggers.

Right now when someone submits a new Disposal project, a "New Disposal Project Submitted" notification template (id = 1) will get triggered to be sent to whomever created the project.

When a new project gets approved for ERP, then notifications will be sent to all "parent" agencies (all the ministries in the BC government which have their notifications set to receive emails in PIMS) as well as the "owning" agency that created the project.

Challenges / Issues

There are a number of challenges depending on requirements that will stil need to be solved;

  • Once notifications are sent to CHES this current implementation does not verify or update the status, which essentially leaves all notifications as pending within PIMS, regardless of CHES status.
  • Post-dated notifications are sent to CHES that may need to be cancelled if an agency is not interested in received further notifications on a specific property.


Notification templates will be created to support dynamic content. These templates will be associated with project status transitions. This will allow the Simple Workflow Engine to determine whether a notification should be generated and sent when specific conditions are met (from status, to status event). When a notification trigger occurs a check against existing responses will be reviewed to determine whether there is an expressed interest on receive additional notifications. If the agency has responded to with a no desire for additional notifications, no notification will be generated. Otherwise a notification will be generated and added to the queue.

Generated notifications can include a callback (URL link) to capture a response. This callback can be the API endpoint to record the recipients response.

To support delayed notifications, the project status trigger will also include a Delay parameter that provides the following options;

Delay Description
None Immediately send this notification
EndOfDay Send notification on the current day at midnight
EndOfMonth Send notification on the current end of month at midnight
Days Send notification x days from the current date, using the DelayDays value
SetDay Prompt the user to select a date that the notification will be sent on


API Notication Response

The API will have an endpoint /api/notifications/{key}/{response} that will provide a way for recipients to click a link in their notification to inform PIMS of interest or the lack thereof. The API will validate the Key and record the response for the appropriate agency and project.

RISK - It is possible a bad agent could spam this endpoint and flood the API with fake responses, but it would still be limited to only valid Key values.

Notification Templates

A notification template provides a way to reuse an notification subject and body for multiple emails.

The following templates will need to be provided;

  • Inform Agencies of new properties in the ERP.
  • Inform interested agencies of workflow events (30, 60, 90 days) while in ERP.


To support template the following variable contexts will be supported;

  • {{ Property.* }} - any property field that will be included (i.e. Property.Name, Property.Address.Address1, Property.Agency.AddressTo)
  • {{ Project.* }} - any project field that will be included (i.e. Project.Name, Project.ProjectNumber)
  • {{ NotificationKey }} - the unique key to identify the notification

The NotificationTemplate entity will need to include the following properties;

Name Type Required Constraint Description
Id int PRIMARY IDENTITY Unique identity within PIMS
Name nvarchar(100) yes A unique name to identify the template
Description nvarchar(500) A description of the template and its purpose
Encoding nvarchar(50) yes [base64, binary, hex, utf-8] Notification encoding
BodyType nvarchar(50) yes [html, text] Notification message body type
Priority int yes [normal, low, high] Notification default priority
Subject nvarchar(200) yes Notification subject line (supports variables)
Body nvarchar(max) yes Notification message template (supports variables)
IsDisabled bit yes Whether the template is disabled
Tag nvarchar(50) A Tag passed to CHES to filter notifications
Audience int yes [Default, Agencies, ParentAgencies, OwningAgency] The audience for this notification. Default requires the To property to have email addresses
To nvarchar(500) A semi-colon separated lists of email addresses that this notification will be sent to
Cc nvarchar(500) A semi-colon separated lists of email addresses that this notification will be carbon-copied to
Bcc nvarchar(500) A semi-colon separated lists of email addresses that this notification will be blind carbon-copied to

API Endpoints

URL HTTP Query Body Description
/api/notifications/templates GET Returns all the notification templates
/api/notifications/templates/{id} GET Return the notification template for the specified 'id'
/api/notifications/templates POST Template Add a new notification template
/api/notifications/templates/{id} PUT Template Update the notification template
/api/notifications/templates/{id} DELETE Template Delete the notification template
/api/notifications/templates/{id} POST to {object} Send a test notification for the specified template


The Agency entity will need to include the following properties;

Name Type Required Constraint Description
Email nvarchar(250) Email address (semi-colon delimiter) that will receive notification emails from PIMS
SendEmail bit yes Whether notification emails should be sent to the agency
AddressTo nvarchar(100) The person/entity to address the notifaction to

Project Status Notifications

To automate the sending of emails and associating them to a workflow project status, each NotificationTemplate will be linked to a ProjectStatus.

Notifications will be triggered when the FromStatus and/or ToStatus conditions are met during the workflow project lifecycle.

Name Type Required Constraint Description
Id int PRIMARY IDENTITY Unique identity within PIMS
TemplateId int yes FOREIGN Link to the template that this trigger will use when generating an notification
FromStatusId int FOREIGN Link to the project status that will trigger this notification
ToStatusId int FOREIGN Link to the project status that will trigger this notification
Priority int yes [normal, low, high] The priority of the notification that will be sent
Delay int yes [none, endOfDay, endOfMonth, days, setDate] Controls when a notification will be sent
DelayDays int yes Number of days to delay sending notification

Project Agency Response

When a notification is sent a unique key will be generated that will allow responses to the notification to be tracked and acted upon. These responses will be stored and used to determine future notification decisions.

Name Type Required Constraint Description
ProjectId int PRIMARY FORIEGN Link to the project that this notification is related to
AgencyId int PRIMARY FORIEGN Link to the agency that this notification was sent to
MessageId int? FORIEGN Link to the notification that was sent
Response int yes [ignore, watch] A way for agencies to indicate interest or the lack thereof in the notification subject

Notification Queue

A notification queue will be maintained to capture all generated notifications and their current status. Additionally this will provide a future ability to resend or cancel notifications.

Name Type Required Constraint Description
Id int PRIMARY IDENTITY Unique identifier within PIMS
Key uniqueidentifier yes Unique key to identify the messages when agencies respond
Status int yes [accepted, cancelled, completed, failed, pending] The currently known status of the notification within CHES
Priority int yes [normal, low, high] The email priority
Encoding nvarchar(50) yes [base64, binary, hex, utf-8] The email encoding
SendOn datetime2 yes Desired UTC time for sending the message. 0 = Queue to send immediately
To nvarchar(100) yes Email address sent to
Subject nvarchar(200) yes Email subject line
BodyType nvarchar(50) yes [html, text] Email body type
Body nvarchar(max) yes Email message
Bcc nvarchar(100) yes Email blind carbon copy
Cc nvarchar(100) yes Email carbon copy
Tag nvarchar(50) Notification tag to identify related notifications
ProjectId int? FORIEGN Link to the project that this notification is related to
ToAgencyId int? FORIEGN Link to the agency that this notification was sent to
TemplateId int? FOREIGN Link to the template that generated this notification
ChesMessageId uniqueidentifier? PRIMARY Message identifier within CHES
ChesTransactionId uniqueidentifier? PRIMARY Transaction identifier within CHES

API Endpoints

URL HTTP Query Body Description
/api/notifications/queue/{id} GET Return the notification for the specified 'id'
/api/notifications/queue/{id} PUT Update the notification status from CHES

Entity Relational Diagram


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