Maybe values are created using factory methods provided by Maybe. Methods with arguments for reference are available (Maybe.Some<T>(T)
For the none case parameterless methods can be used (Maybe.None<T>()
For nullable value types analogous methods postfixed with 'Struct' are provided.
// Creation of a maybe for a declared reference type which could be instantiated or not.
var foo = new Foo();
var maybeFoo = Maybe.Some(foo);
// Creation of a maybe for a reference type which is null.
var maybeFoo2 = Maybe.None<Foo>();
// Creation of a maybe for a declared nullable value type which could be instantiated or not.
int? number = 5;
var maybeNumber = Maybe.SomeStruct<int>(number);
// Creation of a maybe for a nullable value type which is null.
var maybeNumber2 = Maybe.NoneStruct<int>();
Instead of direct access to a reference type variable, Maybe<T>.Do(Action<T>)
is used to declare an action which is called in case the referenced value is instantiated. The NoneCase.DoIfNone(Action)
method of its return value can be used to declare an action which is called if the referenced value is not instantiated.
// Do action is only called if foo is instantiated, DoIfNone is called otherwise.
.Do(x => x.Bar())
.DoIfNone(() => Console.WriteLine("No value set"));
Maybe is useful for optional properties. The default implementation of maybe represents the null case, therefore optional properties of type Maybe<T>
are representing the null case too and must not be initialized.
/// Data class with mandatory property Foo and optional property MaybeBar. Default of MaybeBar is Maybe.None<Bar>.
public class Data()
public Data(Foo foo)
Foo = foo;
public Foo { get; }
public Maybe<Bar> MaybeBar { get; set; }
If a default value is needed, for example when specifying a file extension, the value can be encapsulated by a Maybe
as well:
public class Data()
public Data(Foo foo, Maybe<string> maybeFileExtension)
Foo = foo;
// If a file extension is specified the value from the Maybe is used
// If no value is provided by the Maybe the FileExtension is set to ".txt"
FileExtension = maybeFileExtension.ValueOrDefault(".txt");
public Foo { get; }
public string FileExtension { get; }
Maybe can be declared as optional method arguments using the default keyword.
/// maybeBar is an optional parameter. Maybe.None<Bar>() is the default value.
public void Foo(Maybe<Bar> maybeBar = default)
maybeBar.Do(x => x.Bar());
It's also possible to retrieve the value (or a default value) from the Maybe
in a method:
private readonly defaultBar = new Bar();
/// maybeBar is an optional parameter. Maybe.None<Bar>() is the default value.
/// By using ValueOrDefault a default instance of the Bar class can be used.
public void Foo(Maybe<Bar> maybeBar = default)
var bar = maybeBar.ValueOrDefault(this.defaultBar);
Maybe provides a projection method (Maybe<T>.Some<TResult>(Func<T, TResult>)
) with an argument of type Func<T, TResult>.
The usage is similar to the null propagation operator.
/// Class foo contains optional property Bar.
public class Foo()
public Bar { get; set; } = null;
Usage of the maybe projection functionality:
Maybe.Some(foo).Some(x => x.Bar).Do(x => ...);
Maybe.Some(foo) is the factory method call for the creation of the maybe of type Foo. The second call Some(x => x.Bar) is the projection method projecting the Foo maybe to a maybe of its property type Bar. Therefore projections of cascades of properties can be done without the need of null checks or null propagation.
A Maybe
can be asserted to have a value by calling ValueOrException
/// maybeBar may or may not have a value.
public void Foo(Maybe<Bar> maybeBar)
// If maybeBar doesn't have a value an exception is thrown.
var bar = maybeBar.ValueOrException(nameof(maybeBar));