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Associate Professor |
Web Information Systems, TU Delft |
- Full paper accepted at EACL 2021: On the Calibration and Uncertainty of Neural Learning to Rank Models, led by Gustavo Penha.
- Two short papers and a demo paper accepted at ECIR 2021: Active Reading Strategies Employed in the SAL Context (led by Nirmal Roy), Weakly Supervised Label Smoothing (led by Gustavo Penha) and A Logging Framework for Interactive IR Experiments (led by David Maxwell).
- Two long papers accepted at CHIIR 2021: Searching to Learn with Instructional Scaffolding (led by Arthur Câmara) and Note the Highlight: Incorporating Active Reading Tools for Search As Learning (led by Nirmal Roy).
- Full paper accepted at RecSys 2020 asking the question What does BERT know about books, movies and music? (work led by Gustavo Penha).
- I gave a keynote at Baltic DB&IS 2020 to convince the audience to make BERT their new IR baseline: slides!
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For a brief and compact overview, take a look at my 1-page CV.
I have been working as staff member (first as Assistant Professor and since 2018 as Associate Professor) at the Web Information Systems group, Delft University of Technology since 2013. Between 2011 and 2012 I was a Postdoc in the same group. I received my PhD in 2010 from the University of Twente, where I worked in the Human Media Interaction group. The Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg in Germany was my home during my undergraduate years as a student in computer science. In the past, I have worked on a variety of topics in the fields of information retrieval & data science, including query performance prediction (the topic of my PhD thesis), social search, computational social science, learning to search and IR for specific user groups.
I have diverse research interests and am always happy to dive into a new area. Together with a number of PhD students I am currently focusing on how to incorporate search into the human learning process at scale, collaborative search, conversational search and neural approaches to IR. In 2016 and 2017 I received two prestigious personal grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with a total funding of more than 1 million euros; this translates into 4-5 PhD/postdoc positions in the developing "search as learning" research area. Take a look at the Dagstuhl Seminar I co-organized on the topic to get an idea of what it is about. TU Delft is a very active provider of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the edX platform, which provides a rich experimental playground (many users with actual learning and search needs) for my Lambda-Lab team. In the past few years, in addition to IR, I have also been active in the area of learning analytics (data science applied to large-scale educational data traces).
In 2018, I gave an invited keynote at the French IR conference CORIA 2018 on the topic of search as learning:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>We do our best in my lab to keep our one-slide-per-paper presentation updated (to make this manageable we keep the presentation focused on the past 2-3 years):
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>TU Delft - EWI/ST/WIS
PO Box 5031
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
Office: Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6, East Wing 04.100
Email: c.hauff[at] or claudia.hauff[at]
- David Maxwell (postdoc, since 03/2020)
- Manuel Valle Torre (Delft Data Science research engineer, ongoing)
- Felipe Moraes (since 2017)
- Arthur Barbosa Câmara (PhD student, since 11/2018)
- Gustavo Penha (PhD student, since 11/2018)
- Nirmal Roy (PhD student, since 09/2019)
- Sara Salimzadeh (Phd student, since 11/2019)
- Peide Zhu (PhD student, since 11/2019)
- PhD student Dan Davis graduated in 2019 on the topic of Large-Scale Learning Analytics: Modeling Learner Behavior & Improving Learning Outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses
- PhD student Guanliang Chen graduated in 2019 on the topic of MOOC Analytics: Learner Modeling and Content Generation
- PhD student Yue Zhao graduated in 2019 on the topic of Learning Analytics Technology to Understand Learner Behavioral Engagement in MOOCs
- Research engineer Mónica Marrero (2017-18)
- PhD student Ke Tao graduated in 2014 on the topic of Social Web Data Analytics: Relevance, Redundancy, Diversity
- Postdoc Dimitrios Bountouridis worked on fairness in the news recommender domain (2018-19)
- ELAT: EdX Logfile Analysis Tool that is browser-based, and a fully local processing tool. No server needed, no programming knowledge needed, no setup costs. Lead developer is Manuel Valle Torre.
- SearchX is a scalable collaborative search system, developed to research large-scale search and sensemaking experiments. Lead developer is Felipe Moraes.
- APONE is an academic environment for online experiments, that we have used in our research and teaching. Lead developer is Mónica Marrero.
- SIREN is a simulation framework for understanding the effects of recommender systems in online news environments. Lead developer is Dimitrios Bountouridis.
- NWO Aspasia grant (100,000€) as a top-up of my NWO VIDI (50K for my research, 50K for diversity measures in the faculty), September 2018.
- NWA Startimpulsprogramma VWData (325,000€) awarded together with 2 co-PIS. A two-year Postdoc position will be funded within a work package that considers fairness in news recommenders.
- NWO VIDI grant (800,000€) for my proposal SearchX: Integrating search and sensemaking into large-scale open online learning, May 2017 (personal grant, 15% acceptance rate)
- NWO TOP grant (226,000€) to conduct "innovative or high-risk scientific research that addresses questions of high quality and urgency;" specifically I will push the boundaries of large-scale collaborative search, November 2016 (personal grant, 23% acceptance rate)
- Grant (33,000€) from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning to conduct research on the benefits of eyetracking in massive open online learning, November 2016
- TU Delft Education Research tender (2,500€, 1 co-PI) to bring real-time teaching and learning analytics into the classroom, July 2016
- TU Delft Study Success tender (3,000€, 1 co-PI) to further improve teaching in the Bachelor, September 2015
- TU Delft Blended Education tender (10,000€, 1 co-PI) to improve teaching in the Bachelor, September 2014
- Invited talk at the Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems Workshop (co-hosted at ECIR 2021)
- Elected ELLIS Fellow in the ELLIS Unit Delft (12/2020)
- CHIIR 2022 demo co-chair
- Guest editor of an ACM TOIS special issue on Conversational Search (summer of 2020)
- Invited keynote at the 1st International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search co-located with CIKM 2020
- Short paper co-chair at SIGIR 2021
- Workshop co-chair at WSDM 2021
- Invited keynote at Baltic DB&IS 2020 (slides)
- Lecturer at the SIKS course Advances in Information Retrieval (October 2019)
- Invited talk (slides) at the ICAI AIRLab meetup in Utrecht (September 2019)
- ACM SIGIR Executive Committee member (2019-2022)
- Search track co-chair at WebConf 2020
- Co-organizer of the SIGIR 2019 Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019)
- Invited participant at the Conversational Search Dagstuhl Seminar (November 2019)
- Lecturer (slides) at ESSIR (July 2019)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Delft Deep Learning Colloqium (June 2019)
- Invited participant at the CIFAR workshop AI-Powered Information Ecosystems and Democracy (June 2019)
- Invited talk at the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup (April 2019)
- Computational Science Advisory Board member of the Lorentz Center (since 2019)
- Program Co-Chair for CIKM 2020
- Invited speaker at the Israeli Learning Analytics Symposium (slides) held at the Weizmann Institute
- Tutorial chair at ICTIR 2019
- Workshop co-chair at SIGIR 2019
- Delft AI meetup co-organizer (active since November 2018)
- Tutorial co-chair at WSDM 2019
- Short paper co-chair at ECIR 2019
- Invited keynote at CORIA, the French chapter of IR conferences (May 2018) (slides)
- Invited participant at the Third Strategic Workshop in Information Retrieval (SWIRL III) in Lorne (February 2018)
- Invited talk at the General Mathematics Colloqium Leiden (December 2017)
- Invited talk at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (December 2017)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Search Engines Amsterdam meetup (November 2017)
- Invited panel member at the ICTIR 2017 workshop Search-Oriented Conversational AI and the SIGIR 2017 workshop on Neural Information Retrieval
- Invited speaker at a special panel on on grant acquisition at the ICTng Retreat
- Editorial Board member of Springer's Information Retrieval Journal
- Tutorial Chair at the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (2018)
- Invited talk at the Education in exponential times workshop in Madrid (July 2017)
- Program co-chair of ECIR 2017
- Member of the advisory board of the European project AFEL (May 2017)
- Organizer of the Delft Data Science Seminar on Online Education (March 2017)
- Editorial Board member of the Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval journal
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2016
- Program Chair of the 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval; mentor at ECIR's doctoral consortium
- Organizer of the 15th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop (November 2016)
- Invited talk (slides) at the Data Science Northeast Netherlands meetup (October 2016)
- Guest editor of the special issue Search as Learning in Springer's Information Retrieval Journal
- Co-organizer of a Dagstuhl seminar on Search as Learning (February 2017)
- Member of the 2016-2018 Steering Committee ICT with Industry workshop (website of the 2017 edition)
- Co-organizer of the Search as Learning workshop at SIGIR 2016
- Demo co-chair of the 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval
- Invited talk at the #SupportTheCause symposium on Twitter-based election forecasting (January 2016)
- Coordinator (one of two) of the Data Science & Technology track within TU Delft's Computer Science MSc program since 11/2015
- Invited talk at Sanoma on Searching and Learning (October 2015)
- Invited talk at ILPS, University of Amsterdam on Searching and Learning (September 2015)
- Co-organizer of the TAIA 2015 workshop, co-located with SIGIR 2015
- Co-organizer of the Delft Data Science Seminar on Online Education (March 2015)
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2015
- Co-organizer of the TAIA 2014 workshop, co-located with SIGIR 2014
- Proceedings chair at WSDM 2014
- Member of the 2014 NWO selection committee Doctoral Grant for Teachers
- Participated in the 2014 edition of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum
- Successful completion of the University Teaching Qualification (also known as BKO or Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs) in August 2014
- Invited lecture in the PhD course Data Science, offered by the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems
- Co-organizer of the Placing Task benchmark @ MediaEval 2013
- Invited lecture in the PhD course Technology-enhanced Learning, offered by the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems
- Part of the local organization team of SIGIR 2007
- Lecture link