This document describes how to run RapidKrill. It is assumed that you already have installed the library, see installation instructions if not.
RapidKrill can run on Mac OS, Linux and Windows. If you are running RapidKrill on a Raspberry Pi, see this additional information.
This mode is used for live echosounder data, e.g, on-board the ship, as follows:
Change to the rapidkrill
directory, e.g:
cd ~/src/rapidkrill
Run ipython in the terminal.
Import the RapidKrill listening module
from rapidkrill.listen import listen
Listen for new RAW files in the echosounder directory (this might be a local directory on the echosounder PC or a directory mounted over the network, see for futher information).
Provide the name of your platform, and the email address to send out reports.
listen(‘/path/to/echosounder/directory’, platform=‘MyShip’, recipient=‘[email protected]’)
You also can apply new calibration parameters, speed of sound, and absorption to correct the data that will be processed. E.g:
listen(‘/path/to/mounted/collector’, platform=‘MyShip’, recipient=‘[email protected]’,
calfile=‘path/to/calfile.toml’, soundspeed=1500, absorption=0.01)
This mode is used offline, e.g, for processing historic datasets, as follows:
Change to the rapidkrill
directory, e.g:
cd ~/src/rapidkrill
Run ipython in the terminal.
Import RapidKrill desktop module.
from rapidkrill.desktop import desktop
Run RapidKrill processing routine over all the RAW files in a directory.
Without further calibration information, the Rapidkrill processing routine uses the echosounder calibration parameters (TS gain and Sa correction) and sound speed and absoprtion coefficients within the raw file.
You also can apply new calibration parameters, speed of sound, and absorption to correct the data that will be processed using a calibration file. E.g:
calfile=‘path/to/calfile.toml’, soundspeed=1500, absorption=0.027)