Releases: barion/barion-web-php
Added new 3DS related parameters
Payment start request extended with the RecurrenceType and ChallengePreference 3DS related properties.
Fixed shipping address model
Fixed the parameters of the shipping address model; delivery method and phone number is no longer required.
Also added detailed documentation for different payment scenarios under the docs folder.
Support for 3D Secure authentication parameters and Delayed Capture payment scenarios
The library now supports the Delayed Capture payment scenario, where the amount is first held on the payment card of the customer, and the authorization can be captured or cancelled in a previously set time window
Please refer to the documentation about Delayed Capture:
Also, it is now possible to supply additional data about the purchase, the payment card, and the payer upon starting a payment, in order to undergo a successful, frictionless 3D Secure authentication, if it is applicable for the given payment card.
Information about these payment parameters can be found here:
Greek locale support
Library now supports the "el-GR" Greek locale when starting payments.
CZK and czech language
Library supports the CZK currency and the czech locale.
PaymentStateResponseModel extended
v1.2.9 FIX:// PaymenStateResponse extended to parse all the available fields
Refunded transactions fix
v1.2.8 FIX: Refunded transactions parsed correctly
Added properties related to payments
- Payment state response includes funding information
- Added new payment statuses
Improved SSL certificate handling
- Fixed SSL certificate problems when connecting to the Test environment.
- Added an extra option to used bundled certificates.
First release
This is the first release of the Barion PHP library.